Why exactly do blacks have such low IQ?
Why exactly do blacks have such low IQ?
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boring typical bellcurve fanboy
sure there are genetic differences but not at all great enough to cause that much of a difference
accept that differences are cultural and stop being a cuck
>sure there are genetic differences but not at all great enough to cause that much of a difference
Hmm, who to trust, user or the father of DNA
black iq is taller than wh*te iq
>say something implying races aren't equal, supported by genetic evidence
>since that moment every company that previously 'respected' you, cuts ties with you
this is fucking hilarious. Death to all jews.
not sure if i trust this graph, don't think the average black guy has an iq under 80 for some reason
OP is at the low end of the white curve
OP is a white nigger
you must have not gone to public school
i went to public school in a majority black hs actually
So what's the problem? I went to a supposedly high test scoring high school and the blacks treated it like daycare, one non ap class I took we literally didn't learn anything because the class was majority black. I'm pretty sure these were the cream of the crap so to speak.
They have never needed high IQ. Eat, sleep, fuck has been sufficient for thousands of years.
do you think they were at the level of intelligence as an actual retard though?
Sure. It doesn't take much intelligence to be normal, we probably interact with more sub 90 iqs than we realize. Dogs are all dumber than retards but can be very composed.
>that massive overlap
whites are much worse than asians and jews.
asians and jews would be close to whites, it's blacks who stand out really.
>would be close to whites
Sure, have your cake and eat it too, nigger.
can you read numbers dumb nigger? you really think asians and jews have 140+ average iqs?
what did watson mean by this
Is there a graph showing black Americans IQ compared to white Americans? Because surely average will be lower if you group African niggas with American niggas and say they're the same control group
I'm half nig nog. I had an IQ test done right before I signed up for the military when I was 18 got a score of 128 give or take a couple points can't quite remember, however i still feel like a retard. IQ tests are pretty stupid though. And I wouldn't base a person's wit off of a test that's done in like 20-30 minutes. Inb4 shut up mud baby.
this is american whites and blacks, labor survey or something
Hmm, then if this graph real, which I can't assume to be true, the gap is way greater than I thought. And I'm a little racist
Sorry, it's from american children in the 60s