How do I get wageslave job at mcdonalds? What do they find most important?

How do I get wageslave job at mcdonalds? What do they find most important?

t: 25+ that never had job before

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Why would you want to become a wageslave?

dude aim a little higher than McDonald's for fuck sake

If you don't have previous work experience and you're 25, you aren't going to get hired. So just make some shit up on your resume

You got this. Try not to work at one with a lot of niggers.

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>25+ with no job
Then you missed the fucking boat, nobodys gonna touch you with a 50 foot pole

Can you stop sameniggering this shitty thread?

>muah new career
>fucking McDs

What if you have no experience and no education?

>make some shit up on your resume
How easy is this? Am I overthinking it?

No even a high school diploma or GED? You should be able to get a better job than fast food even if that's all you have

>doesn't use an extension that counts unique IPS in a thread
9 posts 9 ips so far, dick

lmao, I wasted so much time getting this screenshot that I was like 4 posts late and I didn't even attach it

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>No even a high school diploma or GED?
Nope. I'm in pretty shape but that's about it.

Do you have any college experience or anything? You can also volunteer doing something you really like. You could also say you were self employed. Bend the truth, but don't lie.

Damn dude did they just have you in a barn and never tell the county about you?
Whats your home life like

get your fucking GED then dude, that's like the bare minimum for any non-food service job to consider you.

McDicks GMs can pull in 6 figures m8. The competition is retards, college/high school kids who don't want to be there, and entitled pricks who feel above the position they're in so they put in minimal effort. So if you work hard and aren't retarded, it's definitely possible to make a career out of it.

I'm about as poor as you can get here. Also drugs, mental illness, etc.

I forgot about this. Yeah, maybe I should try that for a while. Any recommendations? I heard food banks were nice.

>25+ that never had job before
you're not gonna get it
first you're too old
secondly you've never worked before which is a massive red flag to anyone who sees your resume or application since they assume you're unemployable

I absolutely love the smell of my own cock.
God I wish I were a girl.
I wish I could service a smelly, meaty cock every day.

Being broke is a disease, honestly just apply places and get some record that you've tried, then apply for neetbux because its probably your only shot

>drugs, mental illness, etc.
you're a neetbux candidate then