Based Crowposter, if you read this, thank you

I realize now that I will never get better. I've been nothing but a hypocrite and a pseudo-intellectual.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is this it? Are you gonna rope yourself?

I read it. I promise you. I did nothing but offer a mirror for you to see yourself. You did the rest. Now your next question might be.. What next?

That is entirely your choice_ I only hope you make one that is good for all of us.

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Yes. I know there's no way for me to prove it and it's understandable if you don't believe me considering my past actions, but within a day or two it should get pretty clear.
My hope for you is that you don't stay here. Just get away. My decisions should not influence anyone.

I know this may be futile, but I urge you to see a therapist instead.

>should not

"Should". That is 'hope'.

I hope good things too, inevitably I will probably always come back, if only to shine a light upon weary travellers and point them in the direction they want to go, once they have made their decisions. I am a reflection of will and intent.

You're right, it's futile. I'm purging my computer now. Just deleted all those annoying eye-chan edits.

Thank you again. I now see my will and intent as clearly as ever.

Godspeed, Eye-chan.

Thank you,user. Although eye-chan is no more.

Well, that's how I'm gonna remember ya anyway.

Makes sense, I suppose. I'm getting a bit drunk right now. Feels weird, I don't remember the last time I did this.

Good luck, Eye-chan. I hope you find the peace your looking for and that you don't suffer too much during you last moments.

I'm sincerely hoping that you've thought about this carefully. This is probably the most significant decision you'll ever take in your entire life. Please just keep in mind that suicide isn't something that should be done impulsively, it requires a lot of preparation as there's so many things that could go wrong. It's not rare for someone to end up paralyzed or in a vegetative state after getting "rescued" from hanging themselves. Imagine being stuck in your body for decades without being able to move a muscle.

Thank you, user. I do hope I don't suffer too much, but I don't know, I try not to think about that aspect or maybe I don't care too much anymore.

I have thought about this a lot. Almost my whole life, really. So I think I am prepared. I'll be going deep into the forest, it's unlikely that I'll be found soon.

I think the recent death of my grandfather has made this decision a bit easier. He never accomplished anything, he was an alcoholic who relied on handouts from his sisters for his whole life. In his home he didn't even have electricity as he said he didn't need it. He was dead for almost a week until his body was found. Today he was cremated and that's pretty much it. All these lives are so insignificant. No matter how long you live, it doesn't matter. I see no reason to prolong my suffering.

what is picture a that of

Don't do it OP! you have so much potential, it's your illness and these fools on here that make it seem like you can never be anything better or be a good person, but you can be, I know this is easy for me to say since I'm not in your head, but I still believe that you can still do great things.

That's a picture of where I'll be going in a few hours.
Thanks, friend. But it's not other people, it's me. I'm the one who's wrong in the head. Just a few days ago I saw how easy death is. I don't think there's any need to wait anymore

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user, that's why you need to get help, if you don't get help then you will continue to suffer, you don't have to take this path of suffering either. Death isn't easy, especially not for your granddad, who clearly must have suffered.

But it's over so quickly. It's crazy to think about it. He suffered for almost 70 years. Now he's been dead for almost a week. Just like that. It's so simple. Blows my mind.

How do you know user? Was his doom not in the making for many years and it only took him this long before mercy was finally granted upon him?

Please user, I beg you, get help, this isn't the right way, this is all the product of the mental illness in your head.

Well you can see from the posts above how pathetic his life was. His doom was indeed in the making for years, but those are the same years you're supposed to use to live out your life. If you're just going to suffer year after year, then why bother? I've suffered for 20 years now. I think that's long enough. Not every life is worth saving. Some people just need to be let go. I just ask you one thing, after I'm gone, don't waste the little time you have here on people like me. If you actually enjoy your life, then try living it to the fullest.

No one ever chose to be born, so I can't blame you for wanting to leave, especially if you're suffering. But I still advise that you take a break from r9k and think about it on your own before doing it. I know you're planning on doing it in a few hours, and you seem to think there's no need to wait, but I advise you not to be in such a hurry.

Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like some user said something that caused you to make up your mind. I'd take a break from this place for a few days if I were you, you'll feel more confident after doing so, making your chances of success higher.

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Who is the Crowposter? I don't get it.

I don't think this place is such a big part of why I'm doing it. Although I've learned a lot during my time here. I've made my mind ages ago, but just kept living in the moment, never planning ahead. For once I have a plan and I want to execute it.
He's a friend of mine. I'm sure you'll see him around here quite often.

What he did was allow the causes of his suffering to continue, you can still get help user, please, reach out for it, you're just 20, you still have your entire life ahead of you, it isn't over by a long shot, you do have value, and you do have people who care about you, though your illness makes it seem like you don't, please get help.

A person who tells you to kill yourself is no "friend" user, they're literally trying to have you KILLED, how could they ever be in your favor, if they only thing they want from you is death?

It's true what he says, we cannot waste our lives on others. If he is choosing to end his life, he is doing it for himself. I hear the wind blowing outside, I wonder if that was you?

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My mother is the one who passed the illness to me. She's supposedly pretty tough and hardworking, but I can see that she too is suffering. It never does gets better. I'd rather not live to pass it on to the next generation.
Oh no, he's not like that. He never told me to kill myself, but he's been pretty supportive of my actions on here. He's a good guy. Chat with him sometimes. He'll need a friend once I'm gone.

It's true that it is never fully cured, but the thing is that you can get it treated and get rid of most of the pain,

If he was supporting the delusions in your mind, then he was directly encouraging these thoughts and enabling them, which would mean he would indirectly be supporting your death.

I don't even really want to be treated. The way I am now is the way I've always been. If I were to be treated, I'd become someone else. I see no point in living like that either. It's just not enjoyable. In a way, I'm stuck in a limbo.

No, he's really not a bad guy. He's suffering too.

You wouldn't lose yourself, you would better yourself, I for one would take a better me over a me that's depressed and suffering, you wouldn't be stuck in limbo, you would become a more productive member of society if all goes well.

Be definitely is bad for you if he does such things user, no "good" person would ever encourage things like this.

I don't know. I feel too drunk to respond properly. I simply do not belong here or anywhere really. I have zero desire to participate in the normie society. It's all so stressful. And Crowposter never encouraged me to off myself, he's just a kindred spirit.

Better tell me about yourself. What time is it where you're from? What are you up to when you don't waste your time on people like me?

All these suicide lurkers go kys

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If you didn't belong here, you wouldn't have existed in the first place user, we all have our proper places on earth, he did indirectly encourage it if he did entertain your delusional thoughts, you should rest, I think you could use it.

About 7 PM, I've got school, friends, a girlfriend, I was in a somewhat similar mindset you were in at one point user, but I recovered and became the man I am today, which is why I also believe in you.

But people with illness get born all the time. With horrible disfigurements or as complete vegetables. They all just suffer, but it is insisted that they be kept alive. Why? I just don't get it. Why won't they admit how disposable life truly is. Millions die and no one gives a shit. I'll just be another number in my country's already huge suicide statistic.

It's 2am here, so I should be going in less than an hour. May I ask how old you are? I'm 21. How is America in general? Is it a nice place to live?

Have you ever seen a downie or literal retard who wanted to die? It is the nature of life itself that people die, are born, and live, earth recycles itself and this is just a part of it, but if we don't have people to work and give a future to our next generations, then what will happen?

I'm old enough that I'm taking college classes, please don't do anything user, please just rest, I beg you. America is one hell of a place I'll tell you that, I hate most people, but they will pay one day for their sins, one way or the other, I won't have to deal with them any more eventually either. I love this land, especially in the summer, I also love how varied the seasons and weather are.

Not the person you were addressing but i bet you are from finland.

God who fucking cares. Kill yourself or dont, nobody cares either way.

Perhaps not literal retards, but a lot of those people paraded around on TV as "strong" and "success stories" actually suffer immensely. Like Verne Troyer. He was "le funny guy", but he suffered all those years. You shouldn't do this just to satisfy society's expectations.
No, not Finland.
You're right.

Pretty sure either Estonia or Latvia.

While they may have suffering, they still push through and end up content and happy in the end.

Are you from ukraine or belarus?

Well, I'll be going now. Farewell.

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Don't do anything user! I want to see you get better! Please!

Don't do it desu, think of all the comforting things that you'll never have

I'll pray for you, Eye-chan.

holy fuck this nigga actually did it

>holy fuck this nigga actually did it
I bet he didn't, try posting his stupid anime girl or larp as him tomorrow and he'll answer

It's 3AM, boys. RIP

RIP dis nigga

If you did it user, I'll never forget you.

Hey can some one tell me who he was?? Was he the user who'd go outside and take pictures?? I try to avoid coming here but i liked those threads.

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>Hey can some one tell me who he was?
In his own words.
>I've been nothing but a hypocrite and a pseudo-intellectual.

Used to take night walks and talk about life and people, was a pretty cool guy, it's too bad he couldn't realize that for himself, and these people here really didn't do anything more than encourage his depression and his suicidal thoughts.

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What tf is eye chan?

Uh, that filename.

Huh? What about the file name?

Again what the fuck is eye chan?

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I'm 23 and want to play xbox forever but should i kermit instead?

Yep you definitely should

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Is that anime girl with the fucked eye
Eye chan?

Did it take you that long to realize who she was?

I had a sneaking suspicion. Just wanted to verify.

It was from a great anime to bad its over

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>It was from a great anime
Not sure about that one.

What anime was it?
*adding this because my comment would be "unoriginal" *

It was called "Life."

How I failed to get that ill never know

Fuck user how old are you? That was pretty obvious