Redpill me on The Press in the smith machine

Redpill me on The Press in the smith machine

Attached: smithmachineshoulderpress1[1].jpg (800x600, 103K)

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You’ll look like a faggot and I WILL make fun of you

It took me seeing someone have their spine fracture in a smith machine to convince me to never touch it again.
Its kind of lame anyway, shoulders felt uncomfortable during most exercises on it
Better off using cables or dumbbells at that point

why the fuck these old fucks roid everytime

But user, I look like a faggot and people make fun of me whatever I do.

decent if you have healthy shoulders
bad if you have fucked up shoulders

a lot of BBers use them to add volume to their routines because they are relatively decent (less taxing) substitutes to standing OHPs
if you have a shoulder press machine on your gym I would advise you to use it instead of the smith (it usually has a more natural bar path)

too bad ywn go to the gym to do so

I'd roid if i was that age, trt literally changed my dads life. He lost a lot if purpose when we all graduated and he got really depressed i guess, doc put this slow release test capsupe in his ass cheek that gets replaced every 6 months, he lost a bunch of weight and started working out again and i guess is basically cured

Eddie Hall does it, as does Brian Shaw.

Bad idea.
Just do the Z press, it's the most comfortable and natural movement out of all seated presses.

>why the fuck these old fucks roid everytime
Why wouldn't you roid if you've over 40?

I do it.. what's considered a strong 1rm on this?

S nap
M y
I nsides
T o
H ell

>what's considered a strong 1rm on this?
It's considered completly retarded to even know your 3rm on this.
It's an accessory. Unless you compete is odd lifts and one of the lifts is a seated overhead press in the smith machine, you should consider anything below 5 reps a failure of a set.

Considered by who you fucking dyel

Literally deadlifting right now you tubby fuckwit

Let's see: listen to Zydrunas Savickas, literally the strongest all-around presser of all-time, or a bunch of dyel manlet basedboys posting repeating a broscience meme on /fit?


Shit advice, dyel

Your advice is shit, go work in the smith machine and wreck your shoulder joint.

I didnt give any advice lmao seething sub2pl8 press dyel

2 pl8s in the smith machine doesn't count faggot

I said press not smith press dyel confirmed

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