Do you guys really hate me or is it just banter?

Do you guys really hate me or is it just banter?

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I don't know who the fuck you are and i don't care

I hate you so much, Id hate you even if I didnt hate you

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Aren't you some tranny faggot? God, I hate your kind so much. Just die.

Give me one good reason why i should like you?

I have no idea who you are, but I hate you.

You're mistaking me with someone else. I'm not a tranny.

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I hate all namefags. Imagine thinking anyone gives a fuck about you

I don't care. I still hate you.


If you have to namefag, then that just proves that you're not important enough to be worthy of a name. Tripfagging makes you even more pathetic.

Yes, we really hate you. You're an irritating, pretentious piece of shit who tries entirely too hard to sound smart.
This. They should be permanently banned from this Croatian finger puppet making forum.

The archives tell a different story. Although you can still pretend that those posts were made by someone else.
Furthermore, you spam shit threads, you namefag, you are a degenerate drug abuser, a brainlet, a phoneposter, most likely mentall ill, a brazilian Untermensch and just generally insufferable

>Yes, we really hate you. You're an irritating, pretentious piece of shit who tries entirely too hard to sound smart.
What the fuck are you talking about? I try to be as humble and helpful as possible to anons whatever the thing I discuss with them. You don't know what you're talking about lmao.

Nothing, you guys are the ones sperging over it, not me. Can't you chill?

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The biggest fucking problem is you eexpect people to fucking remember you, bitch we all forget you even ever existed 20 seconds after closing your post. Go and fuck yourself, how can you be this full of yourself? You are worthless and will forever be, you don't DESERVE to be hated only to be forgotten

>Furthermore, you spam shit threads
My threads are very good quality, fuck you

>you namefag
So what?

>a brainlet
No u.

>a phoneposter
I like to post on PC, it's only when I'm out the house that I post on the phone

You're a faggot.

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You asked, we answered. Fucking kill yourself, you pussy.

>I try to be as humble
There you go.

>My threads are very good quality
>thinks he's worth remembering
Truly humbleness in it's purest form

Some great fucking threads you made here too

Then fuck right off faggot. Kys

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Yes indeed i sperged out. I got an answer and im happy now. have fun

>Do you guys really hate me
Yes. Kys

Nice tumblr filename you faggot

>makes thread asking if people really hate him
>utterly assblasted when he gets answers
Really makes you think.

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>the cities were raised to the ground

Fucking degenerate from tumblr stumbles upon Jow Forums and get's angry when people don't tolerate and love him.
Peak comedy right there, you can't make this shit up

Hey, I'm not assblasted. The ones who are sperging are all of these anons.

It was a typo, dumbass.


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Also keep in mind that this faggot is probably the same person as Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard

i think you're fantastic. keep up the good work, son.

I didn't download it from Tumblr. I've actually never used it. I downloaded this file from here but with the original filename.

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>literal who
shut the fuck up you self important fucking faggot I have no clue who the fuck you are, kill yourself. God I just can't get over how pathetic namefags are sometimes.

>i think you're fantastic. keep up the good work, son.
Thanks, user!

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it's a fat roasty that thinks she's smart

>it's a fat roasty that thinks she's smart
How many times will I have to tell you I'm not a woman and not a tranny????!!!

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OMG you are right, just look trough how they respond to shit, always quotes, shitty anime and as many stolen posts and ideas as possible.
Just imagine being so deranged you have to whore yourself out on Jow Forums of all places. I'm laughing my ass off

Fuck you guys you were supposed to be supportive of me through these confusing times.

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who are you?

are you just another tripfag who thinks people remember him?

I second this loll

Fuck you guys. You're all just brainlets that can't comprehend my intlelet.

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*intellect, fuck. This proves nothing.

I agree now please leave and never return. Your supreme intellect is wasted here.

>only person in the thread who is supportive is another pathetic trip/namefag

I have no idea who you are but if you're a namefag then I hate you because you're a namefag and want you to go away or remove your name

Reminder this is someone impersonating as me.