Don't you incels understand that women deserve privacy everywhere, even in public, regardless of how they're dressed...

Don't you incels understand that women deserve privacy everywhere, even in public, regardless of how they're dressed? Keep your disgusting eyes to yourself

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>men are attracted to women
>men like looking at naked women
>women goes out in public with reviling clothes
>*gets looked at"
>oh my God I just want some privacy
your fucking retarded

She dresses like that for Chad, not for you.

very full of herself for a 6-7

Public is literally the opposite of privacy, I will point my eyes wherever I want to.

They DO want attention you, fucking turboautists. They want the glances or the full body check outs, not the 30-second drooling mess you insist on giving them.


She wants subhuman men (IE: Sub 8's) to not look at her. She wants Chad to throw her against the wall and ravage her immediately.

I'm not looking at you im looking at the light that reflects off you. You dont own light bitch

well I can see her if she doesn't want we to look at her maybe she should dress like a lady and not a slut she can dress like a slut for Chad in private

If that's what you gotta believe to keep yourself from jumping off a bridge, Alan, then be my guest. But they'll mostly tell everyone the same thing and that's because women don't actually know what they want - shocker, I know.

try using punctuation when you write, you inbred retard

She doesn't want you to look at her no matter how she dresses. She dresses to get attention from Chad, not from you. You never enter her mind except when you stare at her like a dog, which is why she demands you do not look at her.

>I expect privacy and respect when leaving my home
>leaving my home

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>imagine carrying about punctuation on a Mongolian water painting forum
how embarrassing
obviously if you cover yourself in BBQ sauce and jump into the lion encloser you are going to get eaten don't blame the lions blame yourself

not using periods or at the very least some commas in between your sentences in inexcusable

I'm sorry but I don't have to answer to you faggot

>Keep your disgusting eyes to yourself.

Or what? Her white knight will beat me up? Hahaha, next time one of you lurkers are in public make eye contact but don't look away from someone, it's funny

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i'll kill you, you son of a bitch

fucking classic triggered roastie here

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it was clearly a joke. you're dumb and you're not getting any more (you)s from me, bye

That first picture is not quite right. Something about her arm to waist ratio is fucking me up

Way to out yourself as a retard

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her instagram username is @pineapplebrat and her proportions are just as weird and unnatural as op's picture makes them out to be

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