How much whey do you consume a day?

How much whey do you consume a day?

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I do my protein shakes without whey

I didn't ask for your opinion.

two scoops
my friends tell me this is too much

why would two be too much

200g of whey protein is my entire daily protein intake

>two scoops
gtfo scooplet

1 scoop a day

How fucked am I if I go above 200g protein a day and I'm a 5'8" manlet bulking?

I've been repeatedly having the problem of eating too much protein for a good 5 years minimum.

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I doubt you can consume too much protein from whole foods.

Is gold standard a good whey protein?

it's good and you can't go wrong with it but if you know what to look for you can get basically the same quality stuff for half the price

like what? source?



6 scoops a day (2 shakes) except on weekends.
(Only train on weekdays and have a physically demanding job, so my weekends are rest time)

i use whey -100. so 1DL after breakfast and 1DL after workout

No source talk on Jow Forums brah dont wanna get banned

If I consume the exact amount of maintenance calories I need in a day, but consume 1 gram of protein per bodyweight, will i build muscle without putting on fat? Obviously I wont get as strong as if I just bulked, but I'm not really interested in the cutting bulking cycle, seeing as all my friends always end up cutting right back to where they were when they started.

Cutting so 120g minimum. Try to stay as low calorie as possible generally ~1200 and if my protein is below 120 I take 1-3 scoop shake before bed.


Does Myprotein just not ship most of their flavors to US? I want red bean, fuck

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2 when bulking, 3 when cutting

i dont take whey yet i look like this if i took whey and creatine id be massive and would look like a roidhead

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half a scoop because i can't really afford to buy much powder each month

I can't tell you where I buy MyProtein but I really want to

I thought 2 was too much, wtf? Most people take 2? Am I late?

it depends on how big and lean you are if you are 160-180 lbs LEAN 2 scoops is fine assuming you eat well

so if you're higher bodyfat you shouldn't? why?

if you are higer bodyfat and you are trying to BULK you can,assuming you are healthy and you got no stomach problems

now if you are higer bodyfat, and want to cut, keep it at 1 scoop

btw the best thing you can do anyway,is testing by yourself how your body responds to how many scoops,and test it every 3 weeks, not all bodies are made equal, starting with 1-2 scoops



1-1.5g/lb+ or BUST

come on what are you doing! 4 scoops come on!

2 scoops whey 1 scoop beef collagen peptides coconut water and milk

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Three or four scoops.

Tell your friend that he is a homo

enjoy kidney stones

2 on rest days, 4 on work days

Brotein shakes?

About threefiddy

just drink fucking water

Anybody got that gif of Rich Piano saying 5 SCOOPS?

1 scoop per 30 pounds bw

None on rest days, 3 scoops post workout

2scoop on lifting days

Why less protein on rest days? Your muscles are still anabolizing and thus consume protein up to 48 hours after a workout, right?

Just watch out for your kidney senpai, maybe get checked for stones if you get a health check.

4 scoops: 2 in the morning, 2 after workout at night.

post workout protein doesn't have any health effects compared to consuming it at any other point in the day.

You should take those scoops 30 mins before the workout, that's been shown to correlate with faster muscle recovery.

Just started using PLNT brand from vitamin shoppe. Chocolate flavor. Digests easy, mixes well with almond milk --- almost thick like a real shake -- and doesn't give me the brrraappppsssss.

Have 2 scoops for breakfast. About 50 gms brotons.

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1-2 scoops before bed, only on those days when I didn't manage to meet my brotein goal

at least 12 scoops a day, 4 per shake mixed with water

Isn't anything more than 1scoop a waste? I thought the body can only absorb 30grams a protein at a time.

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1-2 but damn 2 hurts my wallet cause ON is expensive

and yet you see the pros eating pounds of fish, chicken, and eggs at a time... hmmmm...

Damn imagine all those dumb fucks doing intermittent fasting and OMAD hahahhaa 30g hahhaha

How much better is extreme milk chocolate compared to double rich chocolate (gold standard)?

She has a dick right?

both are folly, vanilla ice cream is the ubermensch

TWO SCOOPS pilled.

What is a good tasting whey isolate and it's cheap?

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Can't you consume that amount of protein in a normal diet? Isn't this basically the snake oil of fitness?

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Soon they'll be telling you you're too muscular

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PSA: To get the most out of post-lift protein, it is proven that a combination of fast and slow absorbing protein is best. I.e, both casein and whey. So its best if you either get a protein powder that has both, or mix your whey with milk.

Hell yeah. Just finished 5 pounds of this flavour and getting 5 more.

2 Scoops.

On an unrelated note. Been drinking protein for a while, the taste is alright, but a bit off (I thought it was part of the course). But then one time I decide to dilute it with a little bit less of water, and turns out it actually taste AMAZING.