is kung fu/karate iron body training real(hitting yourself with metal or wooden rods to withstand hits and kicks? How do i control the input of hits and measure when im good enough to resist powerful hits? How many months does it take for the bones to change density?
ive been using a metal rod on my skull and a metal disk against my torso/belly area but I still can't resist powerful impacts.
People like in your pic related are street performers dude
Gavin Morgan
Look into Kyokushin Karate. The sort of thing definitely works for conditioning and getting used to taking blows. I did it for nearly 3 years before it got too fucking expensive.
Jaxon Young
I have to breack a 1 inch wooden board with a descending knife hand strike. Should I condition my hand by making it harder hitting it against rocks? i know the technique by the board wont breack when i hit it,
Luke Taylor
i really doubt this stuff is real or one of these guys would have come down from his monastery and dominated MMA.
Robert Flores
Practice on thinner boards to get used to breaking through them. You're probably holding back a bit subconsciously because you don't want to hurt your hand. Condition yourself to go all the way through by breaking thinner boards, with a rock you're gonna puss out even more.
Evan Long
No, you should learn to strike properly you mongrel.
Jose Phillips
Breaking boards is more about momentum than anything. Aim for a few inches past the board and you'll do fine. The point is that you're learning to have your hand or whatever still be accelerating when it hits something.
Jackson Ortiz
A monk doesn't magically become a greedy entertainer just because he can.
Jacob Moore
i Defend mongrelism. Im white and want to sire a mongrel child with a korean girl.
this is correct. I am Asian and I'm tired of seeing this shit in my country.
When they chopped bricks, they chose the softest, most brittle bricks possible. There is even a manufacturer for these bricks.
The wooden sticks are very easy to break. The trick is about the way they cut the sticks. Nobody would dare to try the trick with a bamboo stick. If you can do pull ups, you can break these wooden sticks with your arms.
The spear to the throat is easy too. They spear tip is not sharp, there is a thick callus in the performer throat, the spear shaft is very flexible and bends easily.
Adrian Collins
>The spear to the throat is easy too. They spear tip is not sharp, there is a thick callus in the performer throat, the spear shaft is very flexible and bends easily. Also, notice how the spear point is always in that same spot on the throat? The guy with the spear is pressing down on the top of the sternum. It's the same trick as breaking a chopstick on your throat.
Gabriel James
>tfw you will never know how to cultivate qi for the shaolin gainz
Chase White
>Should I condition my hand by making it harder hitting it against rocks? You want sandbags or rice, not fucking rocks.
Asher Carter
It is real. You have to find an actual legit teacher to learn the secrets though. There's a progression and special chinese medicine used on the body after iron body training to harden it.
You essentially deaden the nerves in the part of your body and the microfractures in your bone caused by the training are filled with something stronger. These leads to tough bones and painlessness in that area, but it is straight up nerve damage and guarantees you're gonna have severe arthritis when you're old.
My kung fu teacher also told me if you practice it, you can't have kids anymore. Not sure about that.
This. I mean some of the acrobatics and discipline the real deal guys have is nuts, but martial arts was basically invented as pseudo religious shit around the boxer rebellion and white lotus shit. CAN you learn to do cool shit and be rock hard athletic? Yes. Can you kick someone's ass? Maybe. Are you crouching tiger hidden dragon? Unless your Jackie Chan, no.
Jaxson Wilson
>Jackie Chan He wasn't in that movie tho
John Thompson
Noah Hernandez
>martial arts was basically invented as pseudo religious shit around the boxer rebellion and white lotus shit t. someone who has literally never studied the history of east asian martial arts i'm hardly an expert and i can tell you that you are a fucking retard
shaolin temple has steles and engravings commemorating the contribution of its monks to imperial military conflicts dating back centuries and centuries. the history of kung fu goes back way fucking farther than the late 1800's and the boxer rebellion.
Carson Hernandez
>My kung fu teacher also told me if you practice it, you can't have kids anymore. Not sure about that. I've heard the same, and that it's a side-effect of the herbs.
Easton Scott
Mate I know that feeling. I live in rural Japan and aikido lessons are like $70 a lesson or two here.