Meryll meme is forced
>kek in the chat if you agree
Meryll meme is forced
It will die on its own like milkshake duck did, the previous forced meme, it's just a lower quality pepe, you can't even tell what kind of animal it's supposed to resemble and the lips are straight up copied and pasted
Pepe is better
Meryll quite frankly disagrees.
keked and upvoted
>meryll is getting whipped tonight
Go away poopypoopy.
Be calm and relax, pepe fren.
I hate this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
I thought apu was a forced meme? Now you say Meryll is. Which is it OP???? You say the same thing for every meme
*calms down*
>you are a very nice meryllFAAAAG
Its okay, i learnt to abandon my hatred and love meryll too.
Fuck off, stop trying to convert me, meryllfag
Its okay, dont be afraid, young frogposter.
Get off my thread faggot
lel discord invasion, fucking faggots
Meryll loves you, user, despite what you think of him.
Thats really nice of meryll. I guess we can be at peace. I might not hate you, but i will always post pepes and not merylls, sorry
Thats fine, user, we can have an alliance and be friends.
Ill drink to that, meryll
You are very strange. Please go away Meryll.