Squatting Heavy all week

I’ve been on a 5 x 5 routine for awhile now and the weight has gotten really heavy. All my lifts are going up now except my squat (250 lbs). Am I at the end of my linear progression?

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Forgot to mention that I feel like I’m not recovering between workouts in legs anymore.

Stronglifts? Sounds like it's time to move on.

Damn, I was hoping to be on it a little longer and hit a 315 squat like most people. Might move onto PPL for awhile, feels like my squats have been getting weaker the past 2 weeks.

You can keep LPing the rest of your lifts but change your squat programming to something more befitting of an intermediate, this is the optimal way.

Arent you supposed to deload after 3 fails by 10 percent and work back up?

Or is that only ss

That’s SS. SL tells you to bump up the weight every time you complete the 5x5 for one exercise.
I bump up my squats on a weekly basis with SL, and it works for me. I definitely wouldn’t bump up squats every single workout like it tells you to.

little question: when exactly have you reached intermediate lifting level? I'm following Reg Park and I'm not as far as OP, but close in regards to squat
been lifting for 6 months now

As far as I understand, intermediate is considered to be the point where you can no longer make progression every workout.

If your other lifts are progressing as intended try this for squats:

Do a lighter squat workout in the middle of the week, like:

Monday 5x5

Wed 3x5 with monday's weight

Friday 5x5 (increase weight, assuming you completed all reps on mondays)

Alternatively you could do front squats 3x5 on wednesday.

You should be able to increase weight on monday and friday.

well, I'm stalling from time to time, so I use that to improve my form + eat a bit more (still cutting), and then tackle the weight, have been able to improve every lift last week, so that's not really intermediate level, right?

The way you're saying it your body is probably asking for a rest

Yah, I was thinking the same thing. I just don’t understand why I’d have all this growth and suddenly begin struggling to squat anything above 225. I follow the 5 x 5 program and lift 3 days a week with weekends off. Am I going too heavy to be squatting 3 days a week at this point ?

Your stalls are likely a result of you cutting. If you’re still making frequent progression between workouts you’re not intermediate yet.

How can I answer that question there's like a million factors

makes sense, after all you can't get big while being at a deficit, right?
so I'm only going to be intermediate if I stall while eating at maintenance or bulking?

Unless you're a woman, 250 lbs is not the end of your LP and you don't know what heavy actually is.

t. LP'd to a 415 x 5 squat on SS.

Pretty much.

What's the difference between SS and stronglifts?

StrongLifts has no power cleans and has slightly more volume. You can actually end up looking decent by the end.

One was made by a former powerlifter with 30 years of strength coaching, and the other was made by a DYEL sandnigger marketer who has a sub-500lbs pull and a squat barely over 4pl8 with 10 years of training


Then why do I see people doing more stronglifts than SS?

Because, as I said, Medhi is a marketer at heart, and his program is framed in a very friendly way, while Mark Rippetoe is strength first, marketing second (on top of that, he's kind of an asshole)
For reference, here's some numbers I found for comparison; both are proclaimed maxes, Rippetoe at 220 lbs and Medhi at, presumably, 178 lbs (he says that's the heaviest he's been, so I'd wager his maxes were also at that weight, so he doesn't say specifically)
>Rip: 611 lbs
>Medhi: 419 lbs
>Rip: 633 lbs
>Medhi: 495 lbs
>Rip: 396 lbs
>Medhi: 253 lbs
>Rip: 1640
>Medhi: 1163
Rippetoe wasn't insanely strong by any means, but Medhi's totals are a joke in comparison after 10 years, even accounting for the bodyweight difference; hell, a few years back at 56 years old, Rippe pulled 500lbs, *still* more than Medhi

Based rippleshits poster

that's because people are too lazy to do power cleans

Not knowing any better, I started in 2014 with a bodybuilding program based on Schwarzenegger's _Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding_.

When I started to plateau (read: I wasn't able to add weight, but I was able to do 3x12 sets of dumbbell curls at a weight, for example), I did some research. I read about "adaptation" and "progressive overload" and came across SL 5x5.

I did that for a while, and I can remember the guys at the gym looking at me funny when they would ask and I'd tell them that I deadlift 5x5 three days a week. I had one guy look at me, in all seriousness (he wasn't trying to be an asshole), and tell me: "That's a lot of deadlift."

Finally, I hit my plateau. I couldn't recover sufficiently between workouts to deadlift three days a week, so I did some research. I came across other programs, specifically SS, Texas Method, PPL, HLM, etc. I was already past what I think would have been my LP weights, so I started Texas Method as an intermediate program. I did that until the volume was no longer sufficient to drive adaptation.

Then I switched to HLM, and that's where I am now basically. I do a modified HLM (Rippetoe) where I do a heavy single before my working sets for each lift (Barbell Medicine), so I do a heavy single squat at 395 on the bar for example, then back off to 3x5 @ 335 on the bar.

I'm 48. My PRs after five years are better than Medhi's (if the poster is to be believed):
450 squat
485 deadlift
340 bench
200 press

I would have been here sooner and might have surpassed the weight above if I had discovered SS (and LP), and Rippetoe sooner, back when the Barbell Medicine guys were still with SS. That was a huge fucking mistake on everyone's part, but what can you do with all that ego?

Most people don't hit a 315 squat on LP, user. I think the average on SS was 275 or something. You should move on when it stops working for you. People have different genetics and some people will be able to squat 4 plates while others might not even get 2 plates, that's just how it is.

People are different, some will stall earlier than others, and 415 squat is nowhere close to the norm. The average is 257 according to this article on the SS website.

I stalled at 235 lbs and spent a long time bashing my head against the wall and getting fat because of that line of thinking, since it's so prevalent among SS acolytes.
When you stall you should move on, don't bother to reset 3 times. It's just a waste of time, you can do 1 reset at most.

Best advice for improving squats.

Accept it is not a race and stop rushing it. Figure out if you're more suited to high bar / low bar. Learn to really understand the difference.

Accept core strength around your abs / lower back and upper back might need time to catch up before piling more weight on.

Start front squats, oly grip > russian squat dancer. You might have to start at half your normal weight and work on thoracic spine mobility along with wrist flexibility.

Come to terms with the fact most people who squat and stall at 3pl8 basically use their quads to barely parallel and put a load of stress on their patella tendons.

They never work on hip mobility, they never learn to load their hamstrings, they never go atg, they never tense their upper back and hold the bar properly and you see them hanging their arms over it like a scarecrow.

If you're doing PPLPPLX. Consider doing 6x10 beltless @ 50% your current working set or 4x8 @ 60%. Make sure these reps are atg, literally sitting on your heels, paused without safeties starting with 50% of your working set. Focus on tiring out everything except your quads and you will discover some new muscles you never knew you had, get your knees and feet pointing in the right direction.

path of the least resistance, medhi's stuff is easier to chew (all info tightly packed into one website), brainless app for your phone to track progress, etc.

Literally because people are too scared to clean

OP stronglifts is shit
5x5 is too much at this stage
3x5 is enough
so take a week of rest
and move on to ss advanced novice
and once that stops working
move on to a ppl/split with tm-like structure
so that
week 1:
push volume
pull volume
legs volume
week 2
push intensity
pull intensity
legs intensity

basically volume causes your muscles to grow but also kills growing myofibrils
while intensity causes your muscles to grow a bit and lets you have better volume workouts without killing growing myofibrils
myofibrils take ~11 days to grow
so once you're out of ss stage
you make them grow with a volume workout (~2 exercises ~5 sets of ~8-12 reps is enough to spur growth as long as it's basically to failure on the last sets, if you are experiencing a sharp drop off in the number of reps, like set 3 was 8 reps, set 4 you suddenly can't do over 4 reps, either rest more or do less sets, this sudden drop off means your muscles cannot clear hydrogen ions effectively anymore and are getting damaged or there's some other negative outcome i don't quite remember) and then you let them grow for those ~11 days while doing intensity workouts (10-40 reps at no more than 4 reps per set) that do some stuff like cause a hormonal response, train your nervous system, and set you up to have better volume workouts due to some creatine-related stuff in the muscle cells

also this very much
squats, especially lowbar, require flexibility to squat correctly
i managed to hit 200kg squat with shit form basically using just quads and having butt wink

because i needed to stretch my hips and adductors and activate my medial glutes
still working on it :C

also finally literally try harder, i stalled around 160kg with shit form, then started trying harder and ended up at 200kg with shit form, just because i literally tried very very fucking hard

I wanna learn how to clean, but there are no coaches in my gym that know this exercise. No one ever did cleans when I was there. Everyone does bench press 24/7.

3x5 maybe?

you can learn how to clean from youtube just fine, it's not magic where you get 0 gains or immediately die on performing it slightly wrong
hell you can do literally any explosive lift instead of it, for example a high pull, and get the same benefit

Look for Juggernaut fitness on youtube, they have the best clean instructional videos out there.

This is the squat thread so here is my squat question: I'm a retard who has been doing SL for 5 months and I've kinda fucked my knees, I think because my stance wasn't wide enough.
Anyway I've taken a week off for the pain to go away, currently at just over lmao2pl8s (125 KG) so what can I do to avoid fucking my legs again?

pick 1