Yup this is accurate

Yup this is accurate

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i love the buge

Where the based Nippard?

E class

How about Scott Herman?

Put Candito in S

>watching fitness videos beyond basic instructional ones
For what purpose

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I only only follow Eric on IG. Past that, I don’t watch fitness youtubers

I don't get why Alan gets so much hate in here.


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>Alan worse than VG
Yeah I mean wtf?

He is a cookie cutter

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What about garage strength?

le "wont cut my hair" man

Put Martins in B tier.
Put Kyriakos Grizzly in SSS tier.

I like him. Jow Forumslets hate him because he lifts more than them

Where the fuck is athlean x?

you blind

Nigger open your eyes.

Martins trained with Thor he should at least be in A tier.

its right there you... double nigger

Aye, I mean

>legit strong
>successful gym owner
>regulary posts decently edited videos
>gives decent advice

yo elliot
>dun dun unjnunlununj

>Alan Thrall

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Wasn't the green dude banned?
Vitruvian physique guy is entertaining
Brian alshure is ok
Jeff nippard is informative
Mike israetel is a bit boring, but on point
Layne norton is ok on nutrition, but that's it

where the fuck is rippetoe?

jason blaha s++++++++++
every other fitness channel f tier

Put Hitler in SS tier.

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Hitler is so played out now.
He's not even SHOCKING it's just...oh yeah...hitler lololol
we sure are Jow Forums


You are so played out.

Dom Mazetti in S^2 tier

Then what's the point of putting it up there?
It's not funny, it's not dark, it's not even a troll at this point.
It's as boring and trite as can be. It's as SHOCKING as opening the lid of a toilet bowl and seeing a turd.

Why are you so offended by this? Who ever said Hitler was shocking or offensive? Stop being such a whiny faggot

It's not a joke?

source source source


nvm found her
anyways I hate thots

unironically agree

>S+ tier

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Dom Mazetti S+

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go home.

do NOT touch the barbell

you know what, if i open the lid of a toilet bowl and there's a shit that isn't mine, or isn't flushed, i would be concerned. firstly, i would have forgotten that i shit and didn't flush if it was me, so I must be having memory issues. second, if it was a family member, great, i'm living with a slob now. third, if it was anybody else, how did they get in my house and why, if they decided to invade my property, did they decide to shit in the bowl but not flush

>getting this prissy about Hitler
time to post more Hitler

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Don't shit on their parade. Every generation of 15-year olds rides this edgeman for a few years.

>not putting delray misfits

Based and the only right opinion.

For a natty with average genetics, yeah.

Based Dom

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In the pit.

Are we forgetting someone?

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