>Dependent personality disorder >Meet robot who says he wants a boywife >Promises to love and take care of me >Give him my virginity >Take hormones and crossdress to get him to like me >Do everything he asks including things I'm not ready for or comfortable with >Get dumped anyway >Back to being a shut-in >Family saw the hormones and knows I was with a guy >Beg him to take me back but he doesn't want me >Life is completely fucked >Too afraid to off myself
Don't fall for the sissy meme, no one will ever love you.
>just love yourself bro Thanks for the tip I'm a normal now.
Jordan Gomez
hope you kill yourself now you disgusing vermin
Brayden Foster
Thanks user, I hope I can too.
Levi Nelson
>Thanks for the tip I'm a normal now.
Ha. Funny.
>just love yourself bro
I agree that that would be really bad advice. It's also not what I said.
Lookit what I said a lil' more closely. Suicidal survivor right here. I'm not FUCKING around with you. I dropped in to help. If my help's not appreciated... Lotsa luck fella.
sounds like you seriously need friends dude im not a social guy at all but if you wanna talk about random things from time to time feel free to hit me up
literally you are pathetic if you can't even like yourself you should like yourself always
Isaac Hernandez
How can I like myself if no one else can?
Brody Long
easy if you a not an npc and if you are an npc it's easy to get people to like you
Ayden Torres
dude they all talk out of their ass you don't have to like or love you, you can hate, despise and be disgusting with the person you are it's all fine
but you need to be oky with who you are, just understand you are who you are and deal with it and if there is something about you you want to change than go and change it
Xavier Thomas
>tfw no robot bf to love and protect
Parker Brooks
>tfw you get bored after a few months and abandon me Fool me once.
Oliver Mitchell
He really wasn't into you or maybe into guys in general, probably it was just his thirstiness trying to convince him of such things
Jacob Evans
Don't be like that. There could be something good between us. If you're too scared to take another chance, then you might regret it. Let live and all that. You can hit my line when you calm down, I ain't going nowhere babe.
I'm sure there are some good robots out there, don't give up For some odd reason it seems like only the craziest robots get to have relationships with other robots, while the good ones are mostly still alone.
Landon Roberts
it's because robots don't want a relationship... only the /soc/sluts and fucks are mining for pussy on Jow Forums
Chase Gutierrez
>Dependent personality disorder >Actually believing the bullshit your therapist peddles to you
because you feel accomplished and like those people to think higher of you it makes you feel better and that's why you do it Nothing special
Henry Martinez
Romance is a lie user, don't fall for it, the only love that is real is the one between you and your true friends, maybe what you need isn't a bf bit a friend.
Caleb Watson
I don't really feel much better. Thanks, I think I could talk to you if you want. Honestly I'm still pretty heartbroken and it'd mostly be complaining though so I'd understand if you didn't. Do you have a discord or anything?
Juan Green
well done senpai that 12min youtube video really payd off i see
Luke Ramirez
don't care how you feel at this point bait some more attention
Liam Parker
lmao fag burn in hell sodomite
Hudson Gray
link me the vid, i didn't know my opinion was so well documented
James Long
Pls leave discord, let's play vidya together
Robert Sanders
t. Probably actually believes in libertarian free will and gets very upset when told how retarded such a belief actually is.
William Adams
Nobody will ever tell me that.
Jaxson Johnson
Why's that?
Are you cute, passive, or feminine?
Ian Rogers
Testing ueue
Hudson Hernandez
I'll go ahead and post my discord in case you come back.
Nick.#9430 with the period I'm probably not really up for vidya. I haven't done anything for the past few days, hardly slept and I haven't eaten.
it's not realy an opinion it's just what stupid people say to feel smart, jumping to conclusions of a persons behaviour based on a single sentence
Caleb Kelly
there we go the cumdumpster found the next donator
Easton Gonzalez
I'm not a cumdumpster, I just wanted someone to like me.
David James
>Nick.#9430 with the period but you cannot have the period
Adrian Butler
>found a qt trap that was depressed and lonely >was with them for 2 years and they were dependent on me >said we'd be together for ever >I always offered to do anything they needed and be there for them always >their mentality starts to change out of no where - no longer depressed or needy >leaves me and says the they're no longer who they used to nor love me How am I supposed to go on after experiencing what happiness is like and knowing I'll never have that again? Every night I hope I die in my sleep
Logan Foster
>kys pos, OP is a softboy and he didn't do anything wrong yeah he did whiteknight
David Russell
only if you hitchhike across the country and beg at my door to add you
One sentence that is >"but i enjoy making people feel happy the only enjoyment of life i get is making people feel a bit better"
is enough to make conclusions about his behaviour stupid people would obviously not comprehend such a sentence
Isaiah Wright
Sorry that happened to you, I feel the same way right now. I was so happy before and now I'm just miserable again. Don't bully me I'm not right in the head.
Levi Rogers
>Don't bully me I'm not right in the head. No one here is Go seek help at a better place you dumb fuck
Colton Foster
Therapy is a scam. Imagine paying some roastie hundreds of dollars just for her to give you platitudes.
Aiden Long
Still a better option than seeking help here
Chase Reyes
Actually it's not.
>It's free >Anonymous and over the internet so I don't have to be embarrassed >Get genuine responses instead of platitudes
Kayden Edwards
This, people are here for a reason. You'll get weak-minded people taking advantage of other weak-minded people. You should find someone who loves and respects you, not necessarily someone 'nice' to you. People can be 'nice' for the wrong reasons. As cliche as it sounds, you should love and respect yourself first because you were being 'nice' for the wrong reasons too and he took advantage of that.
Jace Myers
You're wrong and right. Women digs the tranny.
Liam Sanders
What women? Straight women don't want to date a tranny and lesbian women definitely don't.
Almost every transbian ends up dating another transbian.
David Miller
I Like how people dont have a fail safe. When going the Sissy meme. If you going to go do that always have a fail safe for a rainy day.
Levi Campbell
yo homie that's like the truest thing I've ever read on Jow Forums
Jason Parker
bi and "straight" women
Elijah Rodriguez
I have never heard of women having a fetish for traps.
Jeremiah Bailey
only cute reverse traps are good. like pic related.