Gentle Femdom Thread

I constantly see this topic being debated on Jow Forums but any of you robots or fembots alredy had an experience with gentle femdom?

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no just misery

What's the difference between gentle femdom and a normal relationship? Either way you're just taking orders from a woman who pretends to be nice to you sometimes.

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Is there such a thing as a gentle femdom girl that doesn't have an ulterior motive (money/abusive)?

I dont understand this autistic femdom crap and I hope it dies

The only "femdom" that exists in real life are abusive whores who want to take advantage of weak men with money. And yes, they will cheat on you.

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In the end wonen are all evil, manipulative, vile creatures. The sweetest girls in the world will turn sour once they get a taste of how easy their life is. Gentle femdom is just them channeling it into a form that makes it seem acceptable to be controlling. Dont get me wrong, my fetish is dom moms making me their personal fuck toy, but deep down i know its just to satisfy their disgusting, and selfish desires.

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Who are these "wonen" you speak of?

tfw just wanted a goodboy but he cheated on me

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I'm sensing a strong gay vibe emanating from this post.

why would I post gay shit in a femdom thread?

To bait desperate robots.

Wish I could be a good boy and be there for someone forever but don't deserve it. Imma a boring creep.
Had a fembot gf who said she wanted that but she cheated on me. I deserve what happened and just want to die.

I know this feel all too well, and it hurts

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>Is there such a thing as a gentle femdom girl that doesn't have an ulterior motive (money/abusive)?

>deep down i know its just to satisfy their disgusting, and selfish desires.
If she's giving you something you want in return, what's the problem? Do you want a woman who does things for you that she hates?

I'd be your goodboy but that's obviously not gonna happen.

Femdom is at most a minor diversion for the most exploratory of women. 100% of women want chad to turn their vagina into something like the aftermath of a natural disaster with his huge penis while fanning their faces with a stack of $50 bills. If femdom is your primary desire, you're gonna get weeded out of the breeding pool.

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We sort of tried the gentle femdom thing back in my first relationship.
My gf would handcuff me to the bed and ride me while whispering what a good boy I was. Sometimes choke me a little.
It was clumsy and awkward and we only did it a few times.

This was towards the end of our relationship when the sex had become routine and we were unknowlngly stumbling towards the breakup.

there's no such thing as any girl who doesn't have an ulterior motive. even chad knows that they're only with him for his hot body/face, status and money

>they're only with him for his hot body/face
I'd be ok with that.

that's the purest form of love a woman can feel for a man who isn't her child or father, so you'd better be.

gfd is the purest form of love a woman can feel for a man who isn't her child or father, imo

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gfd only happens when the woman is doing it for money or because she's already abusive.

gfd can be wholesome and pure, fuck you if you disagree.

women are incapable of love and will only cheat on you. they'll just get bored of you no matter how much you love them, and submit to chad as soon as he gives her attention.
i realize now that women don't even see me as a person, they just see me as entertainment, something to pass the time until they get a chance with chad.
i want to die.

There used to be constant /gfd/ generals on r9k a while back. People just woke up to the fact that that shit doesn't fucking work. "good boys" are merely closet gay and the women are just attention whores farming an ignored group of males.

I think that most of the robots in this do not know how to take the lead in a relationship. They think that it would be nice to just cuddle a girl and have her take charge. Maybe it is just a fetish, though. I would not know for sure.

>most of the robots in this do not know how to take the lead in a relationship. They think that it would be nice to just cuddle a girl and have her take charge.
Yes. That is exactly right.

I think it's both for me.

I hope you find what you are looking for.

>tfw tinder in my area is seemingly devoid of women who would even remotely fit this

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>"good boys" are merely closet gay
Boys are gross though. I only want my butt fucked by mommy's rubber dick.

That's the same for tinder in every area. Tinder is for women to take their pick of the Chads to pound them like a real man.

so I hear. still holding out just in case.

everyone has an ulterior motive, senpai
what do you think relationships are?
do you plan on starting a relationship selflessly or something?

*an ulterior motive such as wanting money or being abusive.

You can't have a nice gfd thread on Jow Forums (or even on 4chin) because the board is filled with underage poltards that will parrot their memes ad vitam

It's kind of the fedora effect, try to make a thread talking about christianity and see what happens, obnoxious cunts literally can not stop themselves from trying to ruin everyone's day because they don't believe in X and/or have had a bad day and feel the need to piss in everyone's coffee

And of course why would you want to discuss it here, majority are khv foreveralones and only a handful have had actual relationships, let alone gfd ones, out of everything you can read in this thread maybe 5% is from actual real life experience and not something they parroted from somewhere else

I mean, what's wrong with wanting money senpai
if you're a woman and are looking for a mate to settle down, have kids and all that, wouldn't you want him to have the money to support you and your kids?

and that goes for any relationships, it's a safety net, and on both sides, if you end up fired then maybe miss can find a side job to bring in the money while you're coming back on track etc

>Gfd gfs are into very skinny very low body fat short guys with 5/10 faces or above

>Skinny fat 5'9 4/10 face and slightly long shaggy hair

How do I fair in this world...

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check the GFD subreddit and there's the occasional thread asking if dommes would like [body type] and they say yes or that they don't care. It's not proof but it's a bit of hope

posting gfd content

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obligatory gfd waifu

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don't dump it all at once, post one when the thread is on page 9 or 10. if you're phoneposting and you can't see the page number, do it when there hasn't been a post in 45 minutes. Posting images as you reply to other anons is good too.

slappin this thread back to page 1

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that gif is making me cry so much i just want someone to love me

imo most women who say they're into gentle femdom just interpret as
>be supportive, gentle and sweet and give your bf rubs, headpats and be caring and affectionate
>and then once it comes to actually being dominant they fail completely
>most dommes are either doing it for money or have ulterior motives

what do you mean by 'actually being dominant'?
what do you have in mind?

>be supportive, gentle and sweet and give your bf rubs, headpats and be caring and affectionate
that sounds good to me
what, you want them to treat you like a pegging sissy you push over fag?

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why the FUCK this thread not being bumped?

I'm more a fan of the forceful / impossible stuff

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this does sound very nice though even if it's 1 of the most normie thing's i've ever read

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literally this. normal relationships are gentle femdom just without as much sex.

is there such a thing as a man without an ulterior motive like getting into the girls pants? yea as a woman i might as well get what i need too which is stability and a place to live before i give away my pussy.

>its just to satisfy their disgusting, and selfish desire
What about your selfish desire for sex? You want her to not enjoy having sex with you?

What about being a girl who's into femdom?

That doesn't work out well either I assure you, gentlemen.

>because she's already abusive.
How exactly is gentle femdom abusive?

Thread on /soc/ I'm trying to get started.

i am aspie or have brain damage or something and surprise surprise trauma
and i have a femboyfriend who i gentle femdom that i met on discord and i do it just because i love him and he liked it and i liked it and he's my first best friend :c
hes a neet and im going to university

i was never into gentle femdom until he introduced me to it also but i do like it and it makes me feel very maternal and lovey dovey

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wtf what

please post discord I want this

Complete delusion, not even close to real, stop with this stupidity. It's only present and real in anime and hentai. It does not exist in reality.

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I had a one head taller tomboy gf who made me sit on her lap.

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we're going to need more details on this

This is correct. Talk about some doujins or don't talk at all.

do you have a single original fact to back this up

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You're the ones making the extraordinary claim. Why would women act in a way completely at odds with evolutionary psychology and be attracted to submissive and timid men, men that would be typically understood as unattractive, precisely because they're usually understood as unattractive? Only the most desperate, bottom of the barrel women, and consider that very few women are in a state of desperation, that says a lot.

I've never met or seen a "gentle femdom" woman. You know you're deluding yourself. We all know it.

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Idk I have normie men hitting on me like often, I mean often. But I reject them because I prefer timid guys. Most of my shrinks thinks I'm afraid of men because I was molested though. But I don't really care if that's the case. I still wont give my preferences up. I pretty much refuse to get with a guy who doesn't agree that I should initiate a hundred percent of the time. That's just me. I think there's other girls like me out there.

plz dont be bait plz dont be bait plz dont be bait

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you calling it extraordinary doesn't make it extraordinary senpai, and you're the one that said it didn't exist, so here we are, asking you to back the fact that they don't exist up

That text is absolutely cute as fuck.

C-can you blow on the back of his neck and report back what happens? Also try gently raking your fingernails against his scalp just enough to be pleasurable, I bet his reactions are adorable.

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It is bait, in the sense that she'll definitely leave him in three months

you mean she would definitely leave you in three months

>s there such a thing as a man without an ulterior motive like getting into the girls pants?

if he's a faggot then he won't be like that lol

No, she wouldn't even start a relationship with me


that much was obvious, sherlock

>tfw no tall gf into forced facesitting
it's NOT fair

This desu, irl women don't want to date or marry someone she thinks is inferior than her, if that happens the guy will be treated like shit (and not in a good femdom way) and the endgame of all this is a good cucking for the guy.

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stop being femmy faggots and go to the gym and be real men you phaggotz

YEAH! Go to the gym and get pounded by the buff deadlifter in the bathroom after leg day like the rest of us, fag!

What if the woman loves and perfers submissive men though? Then she wouldn't treat him like shit or cuck him.

>perfers submissive men
Seriously though, she'll grow to stop loving him if he's submissive, even if that's what she thinks she prefers.

but where are the facts, though

In the cuck shed you'll be building


Thank you, I try to be original

The claim that evolutionary psychology is anything more than a conservative spook is already quite extraordinary.