This fags control the system man , they try to change fact so their agenda will be more acceptable. Why this world cant be more fit and healthy? A perfect utopia for everywone.
Fits , is this the end era for men?
Gamers rize up, we truly live in a society1!
Slonk gang-weed daily!
daily reminder that rome became faggoty fruity perverts, before the real men decided to destroy them all permanently. my based holy roman ancestors cleaned up.
No user. what we are seeing now is a temporary phase. When this prosperity ends and the chips are down we will be there to guide society back on its proper track. Until then we watch and prepare. A silent guardian against the dark.
"Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die." (Ecclesiastes 25:22)
Soon we will purge the degenerates.
>they try to change fact so their agenda will be more acceptable
Oh my Lord and Savior the ignorance of that statement is hilarious as fuck. Please, enlighten us with your 'facts' as I'm sure you're a researcher in this field and hence have the qualifications to make statements about what is and isn't true from the consensus of the broader scientific community.
>facts don't care about your feelings
Scientific claims can be change over time. It just a modal that resemble the idea that explain certain situation. If you take the something like a fact , you yourself need to known that this sentence may be change in the future or just the miscalculation in the subject that had been approved. For example , we can see the difference between idea of newton theory and einstien theory. For 200 years , human had been using newton theory to explain certain thing about the events that happen arround us. After that , einstein also created the theory of relativity , making some claim that parts of newton theory is wrong. So in this case it about the theory. The definition of gravity is difference in both of the theory. It does not mean one particularly wrong or another , it just shown that sceintific claim can be change over time and it just a construc idea that explain certain event. So , in conclusion , please read more about philosophy of science before writing a silly statement. Dont think so high about yourself, you are not that special
No shit it can change over time - that is the entire point of it. But what makes you think that an unqualified individual has any reasonable say in any scientific consensus. I wouldn't give two shits what you think about any theory within physics so why the fuck would anyone care about your theories in psychology or philosophy? Don't talk to me about theories within in physics - I am an actual physics researcher in the field.
>The definition of gravity is difference in both of the theory. It does not mean one particularly wrong or another
Yes, it does. Newton's theory is an approximation to general relativity and is definitely 'wrong.' The fuck you even talking about?
My whole thesis is that you, and I, are not special. Maybe you shouldn't think so highly of your individual 'opinions' on matters you're not an expert in. What even is the point of OP's post? Clearly to rile up alt-right incel ignorant cunts and impress upon young misguided people.
Your whole reply is nonsensical and makes almost no sense. Your dad definitely should have pulled out and nutted on your mums back because you're a fuckin' mong and don't deserve to breathe.
I’m ok with the ‘gaming disorder’ thing. Can any really say you and games for 10 hours is good for you?
>wanting to cut off your dick is mentally ill
>not a fact
pick one faggot you don't need to be a researcher in the field of cutting your dick off to know wanting to cut your dick off makes you fit for the looney bin.
playing videogames past 17 year old is WRONG
being trans is WRONG
the only right thing is lifting and smashing pussy right and left
if you arent lifting and want to play videogames do mental training and meditation instead /thread
>pussy right and left
Obviously not but it's funny when they consider that a mental illness and not someone that mutilates him/herself to pretend to be something he/she cannot be.
i believe in god, but i cant control it, im addicted to having a qt girl all over me licking ammy body all over and taking my salami with her innocent mouth, everytime i fuck her im like wtf a man raised her to ger ravaged by someone like me its like lmao, im pathetic already but dads bitch is way more pathetic imagine getting your cute girl ravaged and fucked from all her holes from a Jow Forums larper anime masturbator
Are you too dumb to understand the simple thing that op trying to state? And also cutting your dick is accetable now? Are you a faggot or what , being a fag is a sin and wrong in any moral way .
The hell you say newton was "wrong". Because of his formula and created terms , we can calculate speed and trajectory. And also this
Read it bloody carefully you fag^
Why dont just try to get marry to that cute girl user?
im not mature enough to handle the responsibility for that, also years of being a virgin made me somewhat...hungry for pussy, reaching this state was hard, talking back to the marry thing, i love cuddling kissing taking care of her but i need lots of free time for myself, im egoistic in some way, because i have always been a focused loner
Lmao gaming isn't a mental illness, people use gaming to numb themselves from their mental illnesses though
The cycle of civilization. I wonder who will be the rugged barbarians who destroy the Chinese civilization which will replace us.
>because i have always been an autism
Fixed that for you, champ.
The cycle of chinese civilization is implosion and self cannibalization.
They have a very strong unity when it comes to dealing with outside threats but they also have no in-group loyalty when it comes to day to day besides the family unit.
They will poison children (milk powder and vaccine scandals very recently) and knowingly cause death of other chinese for a little profit.
>they also have no in-group loyalty when it comes to day to day besides the family unit.
This exactly. They will fucking run people over (sometimes literally) if not family or close friend.
Thats kinda mean user
Chinese are Jews?
So liking chinese girl mean liking jews girl now? Eww
maybe, i dont take it mean anyway,how would you share your time with another person?
>taking over the world
>high IQ
>value academic success
>overrepresented in top universities
>known to be penny-pinching, notoriously cheap while at the same time having above average incomes
>commonly entrepreneurs
>strong family values
>generally smaller than average stature, sometimes very small
>usually on the non-athletic side
checks out
does this hurt your feelings, OP?
Say what you will about Jews, they look out for their own.
sounds like they deserve to win
yes papa
In many ways, Jews are more based and redpilled than the wider white population.
Despite maybe 10 years of reading Jow Forums propaganda I still don't think Jews are a problem.
Yes, Newton's theory of gravity is incomplete and is an approximation to general relativity, which in contrast, as far as experimentation observation suggests, is a complete theory for gravity over large distances. Which Newtonian physics is not. You have no idea what you're talking about and probably shouldn't pretend to know about things you aren't educated about. Ya fkn mong.
The issue you have with (not) calling gender dysphoria a mental illness is because you do not have a correct definition of mental illness as it is practised for diagnostic purposes. You have inserted your own 'facts' and 'definition' about how the world should and shouldn't be without asking more overarching questions - the kinds of questions scientists and psychologists ask in the field that they are an expert in.
But again, you're a waste of oxygen and should probably kys because you're low IQ af lmfao.
>being a fag is a sin and wrong in any moral way
Wow, nice evidenced-based reasoning that is void of 'feelings' and based on 'facts' that doesn't appeal to a book some random cunts just wrote down.
You couldn't be any more cucked by religion and nothing you have said about 'morals' is a reasonable argument for anything.
How would it be treated? Can anyone just say they have it and get neetbux?
>Thinks gay people have rights to live