Girl I talk to on discord asks for a picture of me

>girl I talk to on discord asks for a picture of me
>I send mine
>Instantly blocked
Is this it robros ?

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Yeah this is it. 3 discord girls have blocked me after asking for me height. I never lie about it because lying to impress some dumb girl is for weaklings. But yes we will die alone.

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>I never lie about it because lying to impress some dumb girl is for weaklings.
based and chadpilled

How long had you been tlaking
How short are you

Needless to say "discord girls" aren't exactly representative of normal women, and in fact, receive more attention than the average roastie, therefore more entitled

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>discord girls

Not that short 5'2

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My 11-year-old niece is as tall as you. I'm truly sorry user.

>Not that short 5'2


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Girls you meet on discord. It's not that complicated.
Yeah I have an 11 year old cousin who's taller than me. My family all make jokes about it and I laugh it off while really I'm dying inside. Getting height mogged by children regularly ain't fun, brother.

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How do you meet girls on Discord?

same height as you and ive done tolerable in life with females. dont let it get you down too much user.
I'm also alot older than you and it does get better.

Are you at least handsome and/or ripped?

>How do you meet girls on Discord?
you find them on soc or you join servers.
But it's pointless as they're awful and have tons of orbiters plus the likelihood they're from your rough geographical area is 0.1%

I don't believe there are males smaller than 5'6, I've never seen any besides old asian guys

I'm 5'7 and most high school girls are as tall as me, a lot taller. Shit is hard yo.

why didnt you send fake picture to get nudes desu

Join some server. Maybe there'll be a girl in there. Maybe you'll talk to them. Maybe they'll like you enough to respond to your dms. Maybe they might start to like you even more. Maybe they'll ask for your height. The maybe they'll block you like in 's pic related like there a goddamm amusement park ride that you were too short to be allowed on. Maybe then you'll cry yourself to sleep and be constantly haunted by the fact that everyone you walk past literally looks down on you. It's not that difficult user you should try it.

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I'm 6'1', so no worries.

Thanks user, I'll keep trying I guess.
Not really. I'm a 5/10 at best face and skinny.
I feel you, fren
I've never seen any men as short as me apart from myself either but I've seen plenty around 5'6 and probably a little under.
Best of luck with your qt discord gf then, user
Sorry for derailing your thread into a manlet thread, OP

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The opposite happens to me.

>send face pic
>girl who was bitchy and stuck up instantly becomes a lot nicer

user i'm at least twice your age.. i've been married and ive had lovers. I promise it gets better. keep your head up aight?

It hurts robros I'm not even short or ugly I guess some chicks are just whores :-

are you bi? or fully hetero. i hope for your sake you have alternates to women

Okay wise older user. I'll keep trying my best. Are you still married?
Fully hetero I'm afraid. I've tried to meme myself into being bi but I couldn't do it, the thought of gay sex grosses me out.

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Yeah sexuality isn't a choice despite what a lot of people say. I wish it was because you're in a pretty shitty spot. But don't worry, VR ai gfs or android ai gfs are just around the corner. I hope that gives you hope, and also, there are better things in this world than relationships. Learning, building, creating. Giving to society in a beneficial way that will last generations or even forever, all these things will always trump a relationship. A romantic relationship is just one good thing in this life, and it's not the best. You can attain the others, so please don't fall into the rut that most people here have. You're still a human being who is capable of greatness, and happiness.

guys I got another one and she seems to actually enjoy my looks maybe she will be the one robros ;))))) thank u frens

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My boyfriend is 5'2 and I'm 5'1 irl most girls don't care about height

No my wife was killed in a car accident 19yrs ago and I never remarried. Now I just date casually and invest my money into stocks and bitcoin/altcoins.

Holy shit you got 1 online rejection toughen the fuck up