Used to hate normies

>used to hate normies
>actually start having friends of similar interests
>have a blast with them when we eat out, play videogames, stream, make music together, and work on Youtube content
>no longer get nervous wearing vibrant clothing, cosplays that reveal my body, and going to to Anime conventions

holy fuck all it took to get rid of my depression was simply change my environment. I still love you guys and I suggest giving people a chance instead of silently judging normies from afar. Don't be afraid to get out more or be more open of who you are. I used to be so freaking nervous around people, now I'm dying my hair, showing off my tummy, and being part of events that require public speaking.

Attached: potato wearing skirt.jpg (1358x2047, 218K)

>showing tummy
Are you a girl or a gay? It doesn't matter which one, just curious.

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>holy fuck all it took to get rid of my depression was simply change my environment
Alright then. I guess we can agree you weren't actually depressed. Now post pics pls.

Probably a girl, for guys turning your social life around is nowhere near as quick and magical as that

I socialize and I have normal friends. I still judge them but from up close and let me tell you, normal people do not like it when you call them out on their shit.

>now I'm dying my hair, showing off my tummy, and being part of events that require public speaking
Oh so you're a girl? Okay fuck off

I spent a lot of years trying to force myself to get out and meet people. And I did meet normies and went out and did things with them, and my experience was nothing like yours. They're bored to fucking tears by everything I find interesting, and vice-versa.

So are you going to post tummy pics or nah???

That means you didn't belong here in the first place OP

how so? I'm very lucky I was into music as a kid so I would have some kind of talent when I get older. It really helps to have a hobby other than videogames.

i demand tummy pics

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>be girl
>be accepted into social situations ez
>"hey guys just go out more!"

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either post stomach pics or gtfo, this thread is shit anyway

>Avoiding all the other replies
What did you mean by this?

Not the guy you replied to but,
>You need hobbies other than video games
You have this idea in your head that everyone here is just some lonely guy who lives with his mum and plays videogames.
>You just to change your environment! Get out and be around normal people
I've tried this continuously and was incapable of fitting in with the normies, I commonly felt like I wasn't even "there" with the people around me.

>You just to change your environment! Get out and be around normal people
My only real friends are weird as fuck or edgelords, i have quite a few normies who would consider me their friend but i really feel no connection other than were mutually nice and do shit together so i know what you mean. Im lucky i knew the "freaks" for a long time. Weirdly, they are more sucessful with girls(or in the bisexuals case both), not me though.
That video game shit is true too. I have tinder, not that shit ever worked for me but theres alot of gamer girls and shit there, but the vydia i play is pretty niche shit i bet even half the posters here dont even know exists.

I've had the same experiences. And everytime I try and "be me" they either see me as a novelty, that weird funny guy, or they think I'm a weird freak and want nothing to do with me. Laugh at me. Talk shit to me or behind my back.
It just really doesnt work lmao.
And from a femanon POV, I've got a femanon friend and she's qt 6/10 but she's chubbers and autistic as me. Because she's not a Stacy normies she's only belittled by other females or used as a decoy to make them look prettier/thinner. Even if she went from thicc to sticc she'd still be a fucking spazz.
I'm sorry OP but I dont think you were ever one of us if it was so easy for you.

Well some of us are ACTUALLY talentless losers so ._.

>Is a normie
>Comes here

Just get the fuck out. What are you doing here? You don't belong.

Have you ever felt that overwhelming feeling in your body that says "YOU DONT BELONG HERE RUN AWAY YOU DONT BELONG HERE HIDE"? I get it often when I'm around normies or in most places.

You go Girl! slaaaaay yaaaaaaaas. make up for lost time with Chads ASAP