
Darkie in the mirror edition

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Man I feel like all these women (except the one in the back left) have good facial features only to ruin it with shoveling garbage in their mouths

Of course its too late to go back now anyways just so much missed potential

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I think that at least bottom right would be actually attractive if she were slim.


Just zoom in on their faces most of them do have pretty facial features least in my opinion

Obviously all the fat outweighs it all and ruins it

Why is she so smug?

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She knows that, for all our talk of health and fitness, we'll never have arms that big.

>thinking about how you'll never be able to penetrate her fupa labryinth...

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imagine falling so far down the hole.. this is so sad.

Fuck i hate fatties, this is my first time greentexting so spare me
>work at shitty fucking grocery store
>work outside pushing carts in relative isolation
>me and bro chilling by the entrance and shooting the shit
>up walks a presumably female grease goblin whom we work with
>she is around 5,6 and over 200lbs
>the great goblin is known for having a shit attitude
>she starts to ask me and work bro some inane bullshit
>um can i get in at these doors
>we tell her she should be able to
>she starts going off about how some security guard had stopped her the last time and wanted to make sure he wasn't working
>I phase out at this point
>bro starts to answer her question and she literally just walks away while hes talking
> i ask bro why she was worried about not being able to enter thru the doors
>he tells me she probably wouldn't fit
such a simple stupid joke but i laughed for a solid 5 minutes

Reminder that women live life on tutorial mode

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They are models. They get paid to be fat.

How many of the real emails were non-shitskins though?

Don't underestimate human degeneracy

>Here is a pic of me w/ my sis
>"Hi there, I'm chad"
>Judah Ben-Israel...black male
She might be a fat ugly troll, but it's not like she's pulling in winners either.

>Judah Ben-Israel
Always cracks me up

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Fuck Boogie
And fuck niggers

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Damn these are some big bitches

I could beat you in a fight easily because I'm fat.
1) You'd have to aim for my head, because my body is padded by 6 inches of tactical karate fat while I can strike you anywhere and hit vital organs due to your total lack of absorption you'll just die.
2)Thanks to the extra 150 lbs of armor I carry around, my I'm lifting 24/7. I won't even need to punch you I can literally just sprint at you and trample you to death like a bison.
3) Your girlfriend knows this and sees my fatness as a virtue and a strength. She wants a strong man to protect her and provide for her and being fat shows I have an overabundance of material resources. So not only will I be beating you like a bull, I'll be the bull in your bedroom nailing your girlfriend.

I’m fasting first thing in the morning

New pasta?

When Booger dies, someone needs to take a piss on his grave

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Start now.

>wins all fights
>dies of hypertension or heart failure.

Imagine the smell.

New pasta. That's fucking fresh out of the pot

shes kind of cute if she wasnt so fat


Based Lithuanians
Their Language is the closest to Indo-European

>eating raw mayonnaise
Holly fuck, that shit is literally oil with a dash of egg yolk and mustard
I'd understand using lots of it on a sandwich but this is a new fucking low

It baffles me how these people can look in the mirror and not think they are doing something horribly wrong

le mayo


Because she's the one banging the nog with the camera

How does one develop flaps instead of rolls?


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at least she paid $5 on fiver to get someone to make an opening for her

What are the other three going to eat?

You don't understand, they're the food.

is2.Jow Forums.org/wsg/1558617132516.webm
is2.Jow Forums.org/wsg/1558572920957.webm
is2.Jow Forums.org/wsg/1558573061727.webm

Goddamn it I wish I could dreambulk like that. I eat 1 cookie and I get instant acne so I have to bulk on rice and pork lmao.

You're better off bulking on rice and pork than on cookies.

>eating mayo
what a disgusting lardass

Posting on craigslist for anything, whether it's for a table you want to get rid of, a job, a room for rent, or a cheap fuck, gets you shit tons of spam, scammers, people who want to get a look around inside your place to rob you, or people just seeing if you'll respond back and might consider thinking about possibly potentially maybe using you as their 107th option. It also says the ad was posted for Jacksonville, so you can bet of the 20 guys truly interested, 10 were nogs and the rest were excited to see the last thing in town not yet ravaged by meth or heroin.

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>that 2nd video
imagine building your income around being able to shovel food into your face but not realizing you should puke it back up after like all the asian mukbangs do.
I want to feel bad for him but he is clearly sold his health for a few pennies.

What the fuck is wrong with me WHY ARE THEY SO HOT

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NO! NO! BAD user, BAD!

Or he could just do 72 hour fasts and cardio.
My ex-gf was fat. BBW with a huge ass. Porn is much different to reality user. I couldn't do many positions with her and she's hard to manhandle. My current BDSM-obsessed psychopath gf has abs and it's fucking rad.
Try it out and you'll see for yourself.

thats too big user

would fuck all of them


Calm down Pierce

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big cutie jaes the best one there

>man cave
More like a mountain cave.

A love child of Nyarlathotep and Cthulhu.

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jesus this is the true kino

>intro says fancy 50 fucking times
>video features nurgling eating McDonald’s
>while sitting down
>and is out of breath from eating

skip to 7:45 if you want to be put off food for life

When did junji ito start drawing Garfield?

>truly disgusting ASMR vomit noises
>quickly followed by her rubbing spice from her mouth right into her eyes with her napkin
>video cuts right after
awww, too soon

Why is it that in every video i see featuring americans eating something fat or otherwise do they have the worst table manners of anyone ive seen aside from 3rd world savages, they talk with their mouths full, they chew with their mouths open. What the hell is with that and why do burgers consistently have worse manners compared people from other developed countries

Funny how many 6ft+ big dick chads were cruising craigslist.

You people realise it's bullshit right? These people don't exist. It's some fat troll masturbating and living out a fantasy with no intention of meeting and exposing himself as a fraud. Just the making contact for someone who has no contact is enough to excite themselves. As soon as they've cum, they disappear into the ether.

love the new pasta

damn they actually had a decent keto meal going until they added the cakes lmao


The redhead is kinda cute. Would facefuck her for sure

>BDSM obsessed psychopath gf with abs

It's fatties. Fatties are low IQ and aren't considerate of other in general. Do you think they would suddenly think of others and eat with good table manners while they look at their food like a pedo looks at a kid?

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>being so new you don't know it's pudding

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that legit looks like elephantiasis

what in satan's asshole happened here?

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is that a tumor?

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>what in satan's asshole happened here?
>is that a tumor?
I have no answer to either

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oh...its Bam Bam Bigelow

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Thought this was a bald pussy

Why would there be pudding in a mayonnaise jar?

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This is todays hate post;

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its a prank bro

I ain't clicking that shit nigga

post real boogie

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>often takeout is the safest option
nigger you can literally go to mcdonalds and buy a grilled chicken salad there is no excuse

what the fuck is a grilled cheese salad

how fat are you?

gets me every time.

>When you realize that HAES movement are just coping mechanisms so that these fatties don't literally kill themselves on the spot

I'm not the one telling people to eat grilled cheese salads.