Post scary pictures itt
Post scary pictures itt
Ok. Here's a scary one.
Black women are trash
holy fuck 10/10 lad, spooked me
true they are normalscum are cancer so fuck off and die r*Ddit
Here you go friend, scary stuff
Heres a demon that gives me nightmares every night
but i dont have a picture of OP's face
lol get rekt n00b
Oh fug, guess OP has to kill himself now
I just need to post a part of it here
i don't know what I would do in this situation.
Children. Go to bed.
fuck you user, this shit is too spooky
lmao nigger this wouldn't have scared me if i was 13
fag you made me laugh like a nigger after it made me jump
post moar spooky sheeit
Thats the whole world right there
>hey look who decided to come out of his room
why do i have such a disgusting mutt family
imagine being this hyped about the ritual slaughter and eating of an animal, almost feels like its 400 bc all over again
Is that bird gonna be enough food? That is a lot of people.
I'll admit it--I was spooked
Holy fuck. That genuinely scared me. I guess I never got past being in this exact situation, explaining to all my relatives how much of a loser I am for 5 hours straight untill they all get angry at me again.
work = 0
deserving basic human dignity = 0
I once saw a really really good scary images thread on /x/ in 2013, so I got excited seeing your thread in the catalog, but upon clicking the thread, I'm immediately disappointed. Nothing but stupid fucking memey zoomers here. I forgot how many idiots were on Jow Forums
>inb4 y-you're one of them
Too easy of an insult to make, dipshits. Come up with something original.
As of now, these are the only decent ones. Keyword: decent.
Nipples went rock hard
Spooky stuff i tell ya