>debating right-wingers
I've come to the conclusion that this is an absolute waste of time. Maybe you could have a reasonable debate with some classic rightists that still hang out on forums like nationstates, but those are going the way of the dodo. Arguing with aut-right zoomers is like arguing with chimps who just want to outscreech and smear you in shit. Whenever you feel like debating an extremely online rightists, just do 10 pushups or something instead, that'd be far more productive.
Debating right-wingers
Shut up you commie nigger.
very true, I've come to the exact same conclusion after all these years on here. And it's not even that I was left-wing myself, it's that these people are so arrogant and close-minded that you can't discuss anything constructively with them even when you both are on the same side. There's all this hate for reddit and whatever other sites here for being a massive circlejerk where you can't stray from the consensus even the tiniest bit, but nobody seems to see the irony of us being the exact same way.
Try to discuss something new, or question some held belief, or even imply that the gospel of some American alphabet news agencies wasn't the sole truth and all you get is "retard" this and "cuck" that.
case in fucking point What a fucking joke these people are.
>arguing politics on the internet
Any conception you have that this is a right or left wing manner is purely based on confirmation bias.
The left is getting polarized and stupid too. Basically this just isn't a good time to be overly interested in politics.
Fuck off you stinky Nigerian.
Politics isn't a recreation for you to take interest in, you child.
>And it's not even that I was left-wing myself, it's that these people are so arrogant and close-minded that you can't discuss anything constructively with them even when you both are on the same side.
I don't even have the energy in me to describe all the things I hate about the internet right. It's a laundry list that would probably have hundreds of items if I took the time to write them all out. But I think the basic thing is that they denigrate logic as something faggy and effeminate, and try to make every single issue about how 'alpha' the person making a claim is. They really come across like a pack of chimpanzees.
Be thankful the alt-right is basically dead at this point. Charlottesville really killed their public image
What topic would you like to debate?
Did you get called out again in your non viable economic policies and white threatening social policies in Jow Forums so now you come here to find an easier opponent in the uninterested NEETs? Truly a low IQ retard that needs to look in the glue eater club for a worthy opponent for debate.
Yeah, their whole worldview basically boils down to the virgin [person who disagrees with me] vs the chad [person who agrees with me]
>strawmanning this hard
That would be the case if I actually wanted to debate anything with you and your pre programmed npc replies, cuck. And before you are done pressing send on your automatic "ad hominem" comment also suck my cock while you're at it, before third world future doctors, lawyers and engineers suck it cheaper and leave you out of business.
I don't even look their way anymore. 80% of the time their entire argument is "lmao i made you angry so im right and ur wrong xDDD" and the other 20% is paraphrasing some horseshit that they heard from Ben Shapiro. I'm glad their shitty fringe subculture mostly died out after 2017.
If this is a ploy to draw in right-wingers, it worked. AmA.
Most people in the real world, regardless of political affiliation, don't toss around the N word like that.
It was a mixed blessing. It killed Richard Spencer's momentum, but the fallout took out a lot of moderate right-wingers with it. The death of Heather Heyer was used to justify deplatforming and street violence.
Case in point
Fuck you this is original
>other 20% is paraphrasing some horseshit that they heard from Ben Shapiro. I'm glad their shitty fringe subculture mostly died out after 2017.
..what? Ben Shapiro is the second most popular conservative pundit in the country. What subculture does he represent that you think did out?
>debating politics online
only absolute braindead retards would ever do this.
Funny its usually the left wingers that resort to ad hominems and appeals to authority. Right wingers appear to be the objectively calmer debaters. Usually right wingers will state their belief and back it up with 1 or 2 pieces of evidence and then the left winger will call them a retard, strawman their post, and declare themselves the winner. Kinda reminds me of that old saying about playing chess with a chicken. I don't really debate online because i'm apolitical but its clear as day that right wingers are usually the more collected and less emotional debaters.
Those were meant to be separate.
>other 20% is paraphrasing some horseshit that they heard from Ben Shapiro.
How zoomers seem to think watching The Daily Wire makes them a conservative intellectual and if they parrot everything Ben says then their arguments are irrefutable because muh facts and logic. When someone inevitably presents a counterargument, they don't have anything to defend their argument with because they didn't form the argument in the first place, so they resort to personal attacks and saying things along the lines of "you're a triggered libtard so therefore I'm correct". From what I've seen.
>I'm glad their shitty fringe subculture mostly died out after 2017.
Unrelated to Ben Shapiro, referring to how the whole HWNDU thing and post-election Trump hype dying after 2017.
why do you guys all hate the based black meme now?
Not a really political guy but since i like jokes and upsetting people i will tell you folk a little amusing line my uncle would tell me as a lad.
"If the polls opened at 9:01 and closed at 4:59 the left wing would never lose an election"
Hope you enjoyed the amusing quip
Took me a minute to get it frog
Its an educated man's joke of course, otherwise i would not post it. And may i say that our post numbers much like our posts themselves are based and redpilled?
>debating ideologues is a waste of time
Who would have thought.
Obvious bait im here just to watch this thread burn
>another commiecuck that can't handle the bantz
Leftists are emotional people. I see the why. Feelings are what it destroy civilization.
I've come to the conclusion that debating non right wingers is worth every second, because I often either convince them or win hands down regularly.
Not to mention, being an SJW and all, you'll probably label (and thus refuse to argue with) anyone who doesn't hate white straight males as a right winger/aut right.
>doesn't bother arguing with right wingers
>gets mad when one of them calls you a commie nigger without an argument
Uh oh
how about you suck my on my fat fucking nuts.
You mean the "based" meme?
Based is a term used to describe outsiders that are honored and respected, often due to their agreement with the in group.
Normalfag right wingers have a tendency to label blacks as based, because they haven't undone their fear of becoming an evil racist wignat. The problem is that they're so focused on this that their standards are quite low, and blacks who have previously done anti white things in the past, such as Kanye West, become figureheads that ultimately dilute our message.
The same general rule applies to based women, based dangerous faggots or based anything. It's watered down guilt for being a straight white man.
why does acknowledging them have to be synonymous with guilt?