We see a lot of posts about fetishes and turnons but what makes your dick(or ladydick) go soft for a person.
Mine is when girls where the same clothes all the time(multiple times within one week especially), or just have bad fashion in general. This probably isn't that weird for a woman but I think it is for a guy.
I'm pretty sure it goes back to freshman year of highschool when people sitting behind me in class started making fun of how I wore the same hoodie every day.
>This probably isn't that weird for a woman but I think it is for a guy. Referring to being turned off by people wearing the same thing all the time
William Walker
I hate the feet of men. I go soft if there's a guy in the room with his feet visible, on a screen/poster/in the flesh. It doesn't matter, the feet of men is a boner killer. Thank god most porn doesn't show it.
Wyatt Gomez
I hate rise from persona 4 because she's too eager to date me. I guess someone making it obvious they like me without being direct makes them seem too slutty in my eyes.
Daniel Jackson
People with very short fingernails. It doesn't matter how beautiful/cute/sexy you are, if you have short fingernails I will not touch you, ever.
*gets ready to screen shot fembot posts saying what I hope they will*
Jack Lee
3D women. If you like 3D over 2D, then you need to leave r9k immidiately.
Evan Fisher
Fat guys and short people turn me off
Christopher Richardson
I'm the same way, but only if it's a girl that isn't like an 8 or higher in my standards. There's a girl in my English 101 class that definitely had the hots for me but she was so forward about it, and also had a really extra personality so I just cringed whenever she'd make an advance.
Luis Bell
>when you watch too much anime and start fetishising the fact that they wear the same clothes all the time
Jonathan Gutierrez
Go back to fucking reddit please you nigger
Jose Lopez
I wonder how weird this is going to sound to everyone else, because it seems to be extremely popular, but I absolutely can't stand SEMEN in porn. I don't just find it off putting, I mean I find it absolutely revolting, worse than someone else's weird fetish that I can't relate to. It doesn't matter if it's leaking out of a girl's pussy or asshole, or in her mouth, or on her stomach, I find the look of semen on/in a girl absolutely fucking stomach churning.
I'm not a fan of glasses on girls in general, but most especially sunglasses. There are few less-attractive things a girl can wear than sunglasses.
Cameron Edwards
i dont like flare jeans and shitty piercings and tatoos. also unnatural eyebrows or those weird finger nail augments
men prefer debt free virgins w/o tatoos
also fat girls, i dont even really like just chubby or thicc girls for fear they will get fay
Austin Cook
Wtf did I do to you user?
Owen Ortiz
Not that weird, but a girl that curses is a big turnoff for me
Nolan Martinez
depends if its genuine or a shitty attempt to be edgy or to stand out
Aiden Kelly
want to agree and also add to this by saying that when a girl talks about her "dick", this is such a horrendous turn-off to me that i could never view the girl in a sexual light ever again like when a girl thinks she's "one of the boys" and is like "my dick" or "that makes me so hard" or whatever, just immediate disgust within me
Jack Barnes
girls do that post middle school?
Ethan Hall
Mine is when girls act slutty during sex.
> inb4 gtfo
Trust me I'm no Chad
During the moment when you're putting in your effort, you're as vulnerable as they are emotionally and we better perform well otherwise we lose, they say stuff like "ah yea fuck me! Take me I'm all yours fuck me yes fuck me!" Well that kills it for me. I carry on and finish the job but there's this punch in my gut. I finish the job because that's what it became, a job. So even though she's saying "take me fuck me" I'm being made her bitch because now I have to. I just want to feel her love, I want her to just once cuddle me tight while we make love and really mean it. You'd be surprised how basically no girl does this and I've been with so many, they all just wanna be nailed good and cum twice or more and be exhausted after. I just want to feel a real connection from her instead of feeling like I'm trying to earn the love every time.
Tattoos, when girls are aggressive in bed, when girls don't want kids, when she's had more then 1 boyfriend
James Hernandez
unfortunately yes, i've met many mid-20's that will talk like that
Christian Young
I had a whole thing typed but your post is way clearer and says the same thing. It's really disheartening bro.
Oliver Ross
My turnoffs. Some are weird, some kinda make sense: >Girls smoking or heavily drinking >Girls with bad fashion sense >Girls wearing slutty clothes often >Girls that display a huge liking for a show or anime or whatever (even when it's something I like too) >Girls' feet >Girls that are too skinny >Girls farting/bodily odor in general This one too. Also: >Girls who say/do sexual things "ironically" >Girls that say "dude" often >Girls that have several guy friends
Josiah Bennett
What about their cocks? I'm guessing that doesn't kill your boner
Angel Johnson
Women wearing sleeveless shirts is disgusting to me, even hearing the terms "tank top" or "spaghetti straps" is ugly. It doesn't help when they have really flabby arms that don't need to be proudly displayed, but that's not why I hate them because any arms look gross in those shirts. Part of it is the fabric usually is nasty (like a waffle texture, but not always), their armpits are exposed (looks like a decaying wound/vagina) and the wearer looks extremely slovenly no matter how well groomed they are otherwise. It's like those kids whose moms picked them up from school at 3 PM wearing pajamas, they look like a slob. Another part of it might be because it doesn't look like they're fully dressed, it's like half naked and half clothed.
Most times photos of women in sleeveless shirts are posted on Jow Forums and someone says "so fucking sexy", I get repulsed. Dresses and most other clothing that happens to not have sleeves doesn't evoke this, it's just the nasty shirts and most sleepwear that isn't full pajamas.
Such a long burst of autism.
Jonathan Wilson
I honestly don't understand how anyone can commit rape. I'm probably autistic but if I'm not 100% sure she's into me I got soft.
Adam Taylor
OP here, I have screenshots of a girl doing this exact shit. I'll show after my league match
For me it's actually the opposite. >wear minimalistic clothing >grays , blacks , etc >can't stand bright colors >black pants, white shirt is 10/10
Aiden Nelson
I actually kinda relate to you on this. It generally just looks sloppy unless you fill it out perfectly.
>Another part of it might be because it doesn't look like they're fully dressed, it's like half naked and half clothed.
I think this is why I'm also grossed out by women whose pants are falling down to where you can just see a bit off their asscrack, and women at the beach whose cheeks hang out haphazardly outside their bikinis.
Luke Reyes
Nose piercings Clown eyebrows Talking in a way that sounds stupid or fake Arrogance
All can go into the trash
Jeremiah Morgan
I love facials, and cumswapping, especially when it's on tits or asscheeks. But creampies, cum in asshole, and anything else like pic related disgusts me.
Ayden Smith
Seething about what, exactly? It's just as gross when men wear them, too. You didn't even post what I'm referring to, I mean pic related.
I can not be attracted to people who try hard on their appearance. Zero maintenance is a lot more appealing to me. People who put emphasis on how they look strike me as vain, and make me feel like I'm pressured to do the same.
Samuel Martin
Talking about how hot you find someone else, especially if it's not me. I used to think this was pretty normal, but apparently this is a strategy normies use to flirt and make someone jealous. All it does is make me put someone in the "shots already missed" category. Also I hate beards and excessive body hair in general
Angel Evans
I agree with you user. I alwayd think of how disgusting it is when a girl is caked in makeup. They all look the same. And then the sleeveless tops made in some sweatshop, polluting the environment because they get tossed to a landfill in a week. The fashion industry is made to put out new ugly shit every week. But girls have to feel "spheshul" in some hideous shit with flabby ass arms.
David White
I'm not a big fan of facial hair honestly, which sucks because where I'm from/in my culture all the guys grow facial hair. A little bit is fine, but beards and stuff just aren't for me.
Jose Powell
>drinking onions milk (i believe the memes) >big beard >overly styled hair >dresses like he is from california >very normie >likes rap >cuck leftist
Jason Moore
I'm also I'm pretty sure this girl thought talking like a 12 year old whose parents aren't home would make her seem cooler. Also, I didn't even give her my number. She got it from the professor who put it on the projector and said, "user is gone, you guys can text him and ask where he is..." or something like that.
Big tits. Anything bigger than a C cup is a turn off correlated directly with size from a mild 'ehh' to complete "ewww" to "absolutely fucking not" (pic related)
I agree, maybe part of the dislike for what you listed is that there's a disconnect between being exposed in a sexual way while otherwise not acting sexual, so the fact that it's unspoken/ignored is irritating.
Jayden Perry
But it was sleeveless. Does it gross you out too?
Nathan Flores
It's ok to admit you're gay user. No one here will judge you.
Nicholas Gutierrez
2/2 I was kinda just fucking with her when I realized she was retarded
Be that as it may, it's pretty annoying. Girls seem to love being coy and unless it's super obvious I just lose all desire to do anything. Again, pretty sure I'm autistic or something.
Michael Baker
Bad breathe/hygiene in general, brush yo teeth hoes. also not a fan of PDA's very much, always makes me kinda uncomfortable unless im really close with the girl
Liam Nguyen
>Bad breathe/hygiene in general, That's like, a universal turn off. Probably the least weird one you could come up with.
Hunter Reyes
when they can't spell or use weird abbreviations like "oml" or "as"
No, I said in my first post: >Dresses and most other clothing that happens to not have sleeves doesn't evoke this
I didn't explain much because I thought it was getting too long and retarded. What you posted looks more formal, I like clothing like that. Most of the time, even attractive women wearing tank tops look infinitely worse just for wearing them, to the point where someone average looking in a sweater is hotter. It looks lazy in an offensive way that actual lazy clothing doesn't, and makes me think of the person wearing it openly fanning their gross pits during a hot summer and smelling like shit. There are worse offending types than the one I posted, but I don't have any on hand because I obviously don't seek out and save pictures of them.
There's probably a lot more I can say about it, but so much of it is mental and hard to articulate. It's not like autistic people who have aversions to certain texture, or at least not just that.
>swearing like a sailor >uses nigger slang >long hair >Uggs >overtly flirty >promiscuous clothing >black and blonde hair "ombre" >loves those epic suicidal depression memes >likes trap music
Carter Wood
im just gonna make a list when men are anything but extremely loving in sexual situations when the thrusting is too fast or hard having sex in a position where we cant see each others faces not talking or anything while we do the deed condoms pulling out cumming anywhere except in me or on yourself, especially on my body. cumming on my body is revolting. having any sort of grooming, particularly shaven. gross!!! i cant think of anything else because im sure everything else except loving slow """"vanilla"""" sex is honestly repulsive
James Harris
I don't really like girls who has a foul mouth i.e. swears a lot. It's a huge turn off for me. Idk about you guys but that's what brothers me the most.
Grayson Rodriguez
Animal print on bra or underwear
Evan Miller
>tattoos Came to post this, tattoos make me sick and i cant think of anytging dumber than an infinity symbol tattoo
Landon Lopez
Anal. A girl that likes anal is disgusting.
Eli Kelly
Do you see it as a trailer trash look? I think pretty much any kind of women's underwear except thongs is disgusting, like boyshorts, anything covered in flowers or some other design, or dumb shit like Batman logos (geek culture). It all looks so ugly and like a breeding ground for feces, any time women talk about "my cute undies" and/or dancing around in them, it's like immediate vomit fuel.