
Post comfy images, music, ect

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Does no one like comfy threads anymore

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I'll contribute. thank you for making a nice thread in this shithole of a board

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good night my good frens

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Here is one you may like.

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Call me a faggot but I fucking adore a warm day with a nice thick novel or six.

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Nothing impressive, but I took this during a comfy nightwalk the other day

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Remids me of a neighborhood I used to live in before I had to move in high school. My best friend and I would spend hot summer nights atop a hill talking about dreams and possible gaming plans.


I wish i could walk at night, everything looks so pretty but my anxiety would kill me.

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I like this one

This one too.

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Thanks, I have a few more of them as well.

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how does your anxiety manifest, user?

Some of my favorites comfy tunes

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life is easy for me right now and yet i still cant help but constantly be stressed.

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Here is another one, don't let this thread die.

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Have you tried a detox day user? I know it sounds like some fucking roastie shit but just try it out. I take a day a month to unplug, soak in a hot bath, watch a movie or read a book, just like some kinda fucked up at-home spa day.

All of these images remind me of how purposeful and vivid everybody's life is. Maybe if everybody was as sentimental as me

one of my fav scenes lads
mirror mirror on the wall.... tell me what the future holds

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I just cuddled with my friend (female) for 20 minutes

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I lived in the mountains for a year and there was one great spot I could casually hike up to, pic related
I didn't like the town, but when I was alone, walking on trails, it was very comfy
I walk at night specifically to avoid other people
Glad you enjoy it, user

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the thing is theres always some shit in the back of my head. nothing even important, something as mundane as going to the dentist because my tooth has been hurting. I overthink and i buildup so much anticipation and it just adds a lot stress to stupid shit

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It's alright user. I'd recommend putting on some white noise or figuring out a way to forget those troubles until you can actually take care of them.

I'll see if I can find some old comfy shots I took in the past
They aren't great photographs or anything, just random shots from settings that were comfy for me

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The lack of people around is unsettling to me and sometimes ill even sprint if im anxious enough. If i were to get hurt or if someone were to hurt me, there's no one who could help.

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I understand. Do you live in a city? Sometimes being surrounded by people who you don't think would help you can make you feel more lonely. I have come to realise over the years that most people in a community today would help a stranger than not.

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i really enjoy this track. it makes me think of a sunny winter day.

immense comfiness comin outa this thread bois, good work

So if your walk could be guaranteed either 100 percent alone or 100 percent of the time you're around multiple people, then it'd be fine, but the anxiety would kick in if you're alone aside from one or two people that are about to approach you?
>snapped this one during a nightwalk when I visited Ireland
>some attractive Irish girl (I think they call them lassies there, not sure) asked me for a cigarette
>I told her I didn't have any
>I did

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I deleted my Jow Forums folder back in 2014. I really regret that now

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Not who you replied to, but I'd hate to live in the city solely because of all the people
Currently in a suburban area, which can be nice if you walk at night, but I find rural areas to be the comfiest
Used to live near a beach, which was also great at night when hardly anyone else was around
Mine got deleted when my computer died around then. Sucks, because I had a lot of good images
I like yours, though

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I think being 100% alone would feel a little weird but yeah you've got it.

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I find the sense of community in my local areas to be the most comforting thing. Despite the high rate of drug and violent crime somehow the good people are the most prevalent.
I do appreciate the comfort of the rural, though.

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Gonna drop some comfy photos and beats.


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I love being comfy. I really miss the city because it felt so nice to go on night walks or bus rides just relaxing to some beats and not caring about anything.

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Fucking forgot the song


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I really like Joji's instrumental stuff

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Here is a picture i took on a hike up some logging roads.

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I'm gonna take some time and actually organize my wallpaper folder so I can find /comfy/ stuff easier.


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rainy vibe.

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Thanks for all the comfy images guys.

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I really like this one

It makes me feel extra warm and comfy

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I hope all you anons have a great day/night. feel comfortable and be thankful for the comfort you have. good night.

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3 AM snow, hopefully not sideways this time.

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