Be fembot cuddling with qt robot

>be fembot cuddling with qt robot
>suddenly, his pp gets all big
what do

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your story is literally impossible to have ever happened

do you think there's no cute robots?
or do you think none of yours pps can be called big

the first line alone

make him spurt his seed across the floor with a handjob from behind while whispering lewd femdom fantasies into his ear

what if I told you cuteness is 90% about how you act and only 10% about how you look?

what kinda lewd fantasies? you gotta be more precise

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the first two words in fact

please post more like this yes

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cuddle with me fembot pls im shy so you have to love me for at least two weeks before i show you anything ;-;

That image looks mega gay.
Also, you should stick it in if it gets big of course.

Of course it looks gay, it's made for women.

>tfw you will never make a story like this true

Hehe I have a small pp so I will never find love

>man and woman in a loving relationship
you're just projecting your own faggotry senpai

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not with that attitude you won't
originally of course

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don't say that senpai, there are plenty of other ways to please a woman

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If you're dating him, then do lewd things to him. If no, just ignore it. It's not his fault, that's just how boys work. This is just a LARP, though, so it really doesn't matter.

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Self fulfilling prophecies are the best kind.

Yep. This one's going in my FETISH Collection

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was told that before.

yea, but he still ultimately limited

not at all, unless he's so small he can't even get in I guess

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>have very very big pp
>no gf to share it with

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its a really a shit feeling, that you are limited, but i guess it come down what is considered small to the individual

not him but how is it a self fulfilling prophecy if one tries with a positive mindset and fails till they give up

>sasamori tomoe
absolutely based, i hope you find your own gf soon user

thank you for this very important information

you were made for women, and yet look at you, you're the gayest thing imaginable

OP is Pochi Goya, btw