Daily reminder to stay away from gunjy, he is a horrible and manipulative person.
Daily reminder to stay away from gunjy, he is a horrible and manipulative person
Hes an average edgylord. Who cares. If you get manipulated by a retard you deserve it
I am 100% whoever this guy is the thread is made by him. Nobody cares about you go away
He is a shit person but... nevermind you're right OP, fuck discordniggers.
>I am 100% whoever this guy is the thread is made by him. Nobody cares about you go away
Gunjy is an australian weeaboo pedophile sociopath redditfag who post here and he proudly calls himself a hikikomori even though he is just an agoraphobic shut in and he likes being unhappy and he brags about peeing in bottles and creates drama and lies about other people and manipulates others into thinking he is a good person.
>He is a shit person but... nevermind you're right OP, fuck discordniggers.
>Hes an average edgylord. Who cares. If you get manipulated by a retard you deserve it
At least i care about the safety of others unlike you.
Had a chat with him once, fascinating person.
A little on the edgy side but was entertaining.
I wonder when he's gonna kill himself, apparently wanted to kill himself with a friend in some sort of suicide pact.
>I wonder when he's gonna kill himself, apparently wanted to kill himself with a friend in some sort of suicide pact.
I hope it is soon.
>replying to everypost
>not self posting
You thought you were being slick?
>fascinating person.
>A little on the edgy side but was entertaining.
Im calling bullshit on this, dude is a meth head. He literally has brain damage, shit not even niggers type like him. Whats interesting in saying boooohoo im so mentally ill normals will never understand ;___; all fucking day?
megu doesnt deserve to be on the front page
He is a failed chad who used to be a drug dealer and he has had sex with kids too.
Don't forget
>dude, fuck incels lmaoooo I get e-gf and scam people woooooooow praise me incels
>what? you don't believe women can be robots? ur an incel incel incel!
Fuck man, get yourself checked if you find that interesting.
>Fuck man, get yourself checked if you find that interesting.
>You thought you were being slick?
daily reminder on the day of the race war, gunjy will choose the abos
> literally had sex with a race with lower IQ than niggers
He is a white nigger faggot.
yeah but he breeds coon cunny and has outback fever
Good, ausshits literally let the chinks and poos take over their country silently, fuck them they deserve it.
>yeah but he breeds coon cunny and has outback fever
top kek that's just disgusting.
I think they're okay. Their Discord is entertaining.
Also sad sometimes.
>pretending you have no idea whats happening
You're so typical.
He likes being unhappy apparently.
$10 Gunjy made this thread himself as a self shill because he's a nobody and only known for fucking an abo!
We're blessed to have content like this.
kek he has nothing to be unhappy about dumb motherfucker should neck
Who here gives a flying shit, OP is gunjy, sage, cringe and every single one of you discordfags can go kill yourselves.
Basically, literally and quintessentially who?
>He paid Eliza 200 dollars to write his nickname on her palm
I am dying laughing.
>Basically, literally and quintessentially who?
See here user
>kek he has nothing to be unhappy about dumb motherfucker should neck
Agreed like i said he is a failed chad.
Why did you imply that I cared, dumb user?
Not him but i do agree with you user.
>Why did you imply that I cared, dumb user?
LOL if you did not care you wouldn't have asked who?
>$10 Gunjy made this thread himself as a self shill because he's a nobody and only known for fucking an abo!
Not him i just care about the safety of others because this guy is a cunt.
How the fuck are people manipulated by this guy? What does he offer you? i dont get it.
>Paying e-thots
Despite everything gunjy has done, I thought he was still better than this.
>How the fuck are people manipulated by this guy? What does he offer you? i dont get it.
He scams people and plays with people's emotions.
>Despite everything gunjy has done, I thought he was still better than this.
He isn't.
I've watched him purposefully spread rumors about himself. He wants this, it makes his dick hard.
Gunjy cant be a bad guy, I have his leg pics.
>I've watched him purposefully spread rumors about himself. He wants this, it makes his dick hard.
He is an attention whore real hikis are not attention whores they hide away because they fear being judged.
>Gunjy cant be a bad guy, I have his leg pics.
He is.
A hikki is just a person who socially isolates themself for long stretches of time. I don't actually know if that means online as well consider plenty of them play mmos.
>A hikki is just a person who socially isolates themself for long stretches of time.
No a hikikomori is a shut in who withdraws from society and doesn't leave their bedroom for months or years why would someone who is so socially inept and dropped out of real life due to society's stress willingly put themselves out there on the internet where they can be mocked and judged by society?
>I have his leg pics.
Post them.
honestly im just envious he has people to talk to. to me, he's just another person who gave me hope of okayish communication but ended up shunning me. i never really had hopes for discord anyways, i always encounter people who just end up fucking you over after spending effort and time. definitely FUCK discordniggers, waste of my remaining energy.
this, i cant believe some bloomer faggots even tried to argue with him.
You mostly won't find any real losers or misfits on discord most of the people who use discord are normalfags just using it to pass the time.
i dont use servers, but most of the people i have fallen for, for frenship, are discordniggers. most if not all were misfits of sorts.
i agree there'd be normals everywhere, i've sort of forgotten about them though. never have joined servers.
>If you get manipulated by a retard you deserve it
Unironically this. Anyone with even half a brain would tell gunjy to fuck off.
>Anyone with even half a brain would tell gunjy to fuck off.
This although he never listens anyway.
discordniggers are cancer.
>dont use servers
I quit using them a long time ago.
I talked to this guy once. He admitted to me he was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.
Really creep dude.
gunjy encourages people to kill themselves, but before they kill themselves. He make sure that they wire transfer him the blood money.
He also likes to abuse autistic women and live off of them through blackmail and extortion. Like has said, he is a diagnosed sociopath who should be put down.
>I talked to this guy once. He admitted to me he was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.
Doesn't surprise me that is the modern term for the psychopath/ sociopath.
He has like 15 different servers just to collect info about all ppl that has been stupid enough to go in there and tell their life story so he can manipulate the shit out of them. Scammer,loser and psycho
hey guys can you post cringe snapshots and history about him into this thread. i'm sure people would be quite interested in knowing about this exceptional individual.
wow it doesn't surprise me that literally almost everybody on Jow Forums hates this guy that must explain why he is looking for attention on reddit and infinity chan now.
>He has like 15 different servers just to collect info about all ppl that has been stupid enough to go in there and tell their life story so he can manipulate the shit out of them. Scammer,loser and psycho
Wow that's just sad desu.
>calls himself a hikikomori even though he is just an agoraphobic shut in
That's exactly what a hikikomori is. A shut-in. It's not a subculture.
He always calls me a larper because i leave my room to get food sometimes even though he knows nothing about me and hasn't done any research on the hikikomori condition LOL.
>That's exactly what a hikikomori is. A shut-in. It's not a subculture.
No hikikomori is not agoraphobia agoraphobia and hikikomori do share a lot of similarities but they are both two different conditions caused for different reasons. Agoraphobia is a Fear of places and situations that might cause panic helplessness or embarrassment while hikikomori is more of a coping strategy activated in response to the excessive pressure of social realization typical of modern individualistic societies. Japan defines hikikomori as those who have lived in isolation in their bedrooms for at least 6 months do not attend school or leave to go to work have no physical injury or mental disorder as the cause of their isolation have no close friends or few friends (If any) and do not communicate with people besides the people they live with such as family members or maybe online friends. So similar but different and not all hikikomori have a mental disorder and while this is a Japanese problem it technically isn't only in Japan.
He is pathetic as hell. Wish someone would report to the police, but nothing will come out of it.
>He is pathetic as hell. Wish someone would report to the police, but nothing will come out of it.
He told me once that his mom is ashamed to have him as a son i wish she would kick him out of the house seriously he doesn't deserve to be a neet if he is gonna be a huge prick to other mentally unstable people online.
Whatever he shit he shits out, i dont believe. But pics of him scamming mentally unstable young people he loves bragging about.
>Whatever he shit he shits out, i dont believe. But pics of him scamming mentally unstable young people he loves bragging about.
He also loves bragging about how he used to be a drug dealer and how he has had sex with children before too but i think he is full of shit.
>Whatever he shit he shits out, i dont believe
Same here.
>He is pathetic as hell. Wish someone would report to the police, but nothing will come out of it.
I would masturbate to him getting arrested.
Kek this love it
>Kek this love it
it's even worse, he used to give 20% of his neetbucks to cvnka (aka piety) and brooke.
(which is why he was so pissed at brooke when she cucked him with higgus)
currently he is trying hard to buy himself some affection from taffy, he just can't stop wasting his money.
Hahahaha more gunjy stories, he got cucked as fuck
you can just join his discord for lulz if you want to know about how pathetic he is, gunjy is very honest and loves to talk about his fuckups, i think he actually takes pride in being a big fucking loser since that's all he has going for him, sort of like stockholm syndrome
Lel now that faggot will be suspicious gotta wait for it
can u send his server ?
it's good entertainment, like a reality program, all for free... until he starts to repeat himself - that's when i left. gotta give him some time to get new material for his show. this thread here seems to be his latest debacle point and laugh at this faggot lmao
What a sad pathetic faggot.
ask him for an invite, he usually makes those "free (you)s" threads when he wakes up, like (he is easy to identify by his primitive language, like ending most sentences with "man" and also by his attentionwhoring habits, answering literally everything to get more replies, example )
Is there any aussie robots that can report him to the authorities?
We know he's an ex drug dealer, pedophile, sociopath. That should be enough to put this piece of shit in prison.
Fucking this this needs to happen.
pretty sure they got bigger fish to fry, mentally ill people can get away with anything these days
>knowing anyone from r9k by name
>try to get closer to gunjy
>kicked from his server for shitposting
damn.... thought u were better than this bro...
Gunjy is a nobody
It's obvious that gunjy made this thread to try and make himself seem like some big bad important person because he wants attention.
Oh I see. Some idiot pretending to be me and is now in trouble. Serves him right.
You know, piss bottles are semi based. If you remove the air from the bottles and let it ferment for a few months, given that you only peed in it with the non-sediment filled stream (as you should never preserve the start or end of a stream as it includes more solid objects and impure substances) that it will actually turn into an energy tonic far better than anything on the market, given you have enough balls to sip the most rancid thing you will ever taste. Drink too much though and you will hallucinate as if it is a bad trip.
Plus you could always choose to not let it ferment and cycle instead as the body wastes a lot of minerals in piss when only one or a few were truly in excess. So drinking your fresh piss can help recycle your minerals and improve your health as well.
Meant to reply to originality originally
Quads and Gunjy kills himself
>TFW I got out of a 15 year min sentence for selling drugs to kids all by myself
I big brained the prosecutors got off
I already doxxed myself and a swat would only help me.
You think I dont stay 2 moves ahead?
im laffin collecting gibs and getting on disability for a free house whilst you shit post.
>It's obvious that gunjy made this thread to try and make himself seem like some big bad important person because he wants attention.
i have never made a thread about me.
all I am is a fuck up, get on my level normalfag
rolling bye gunjy
at least wait until it's feasible, you're at fucking 3600s
This is worth a shot oregano.
rolling rolling ballin rolling
Rolling. Die faggot gunjy
we're still about 200 away from the next quads post dumbos
me and daiko rolling to finish off gunjy