>*sobbing*a-anony ive cut myself up again,can you come over and help me clean up this mess?please dont tell my parents yes i promise i wont do it again i just felt really sad after you left
*sobbing*a-anony ive cut myself up again,can you come over and help me clean up this mess...
Wat do /b/?
Damn,brooke looks like THAT now?
To think I had such a huge crush on this girl... oi
no thot I have to work on proving the Cusick-Cheon conjecture about the weight distribution of reed-muller codes
Its just an edit you cucks.
How did you put an end to your brooke crush user?Im in the same boat and op's pic is only making things worse.
>tfw no big tiddy goth brooke gf to take care of
Personality goes beyond looks. And Brooke (if that's what you wanna call her) has a shitty one. On top of that, her child-like neetdom and bratty attitude towards her parents makes it so much worse.
I'd rather chase an average looking girl who's smart and goal oriented then someone like "Brooke".
>and bratty attitude towards her parents makes it so much worse
How would you know what she's like with her parents user?Did you 2 talk?Also what's child like neetdom?
She became the goth gf
Total npc attentionwhore
Is there any look that this bitch cant pull?
I don't have to talk to her to understand what kind of person she is.
Her ramblings about school, other girls, and home life are enough for me to make my assessment about her.
Seriously, how "Brooke" is now as a person will not change when she gets older. She can marry a handsome rich guy and still treat him like shit. Most likely would cheat on him as well.
On a related note:
I can't see "Brooke" being in a real relationship either because she's so self destructive.
Blue steel OR magnum... but I do bet that she is an ambiturner
she's really pretty I wish I looked this good
This girl is SOOOOO HOTTTTTT a shame she is not legal AOC
i want to knock her out cold with 3 swift blows to the cheekbone and feast on her milkers while she slumbers
The devil trips always know whats good.
>Her ramblings about school, other girls, and home life are enough for me to make my assessment about her.
Her ramblings sound like those of a brat because she sugarcoats everything about her life to hell and back.She wants to fit in so bad and be just another regular girl but she is far from it(the way i see it).There used to be threads about her living in an abusive household and she just kept telling people to stop because she's not gonna share her issues here.Her parents are very neglective towards her and abusive at times.She rarely tells anyone about it because she hates pity but she had moments when she cracked and that info slipped.
>inb4 it was a sympathy meme
Sure thing boyo.
>Seriously, how "Brooke" is now as a person will not change when she gets older. She can marry a handsome rich guy and still treat him like shit. Most likely would cheat on him as well.
She will probably not change much,because she already matured kind of early,and yes her relationships are definitely gonna be affected by her interactions with men from here or her or with the people who give her large amounts of money periodically.Her whole idea of men is really distorted.I don't know about the cheating part,i think she will just constantly be afraid of the other person cheating on her (even though she looks the way she does).
>I can't see "Brooke" being in a real relationship either because she's so self destructive.
Yes,I couldn't agree more with this.Unless she finds the most patient guy who actually knows how to handle her because he had girls like her before,she's pretty much doomed to get in and out of meaningless hookups.And knowing how emotionally fragile these last couple of months made her,she's probably gonna fall for a really wrong person for her very soon due to peer pressure.
Quit trying to shill self-harm through your psyop bullshit, you filthy kike rat.
It's the only way brooke would let me take care of her user.A man can dream.
>implying she would consent to sex with someone from here if she could
The only way any of us can even get in the proximity of that pussy is by force and you know it.
For me it ended when she took 200 dollars from me for a flight to Odessa Texas then KEKED ME WITH A NIGGER
>shes probably gonna fall vorna really wrong person
So youre saying theres still a chance she will come to Odessa Texas and be with me?
used to think it was Brooke making all these self posts, but now I'm not so sure kek.
fuck off.
>feast on her milkers while she slumbers
>blue steel or magnum
Who is this girl?
It makes my love cannon happy.
Ex r9k poster and various discord incel rehabilitation servers owner.Pic related was one of them.Pretty cool girl once you get to know her.A little naive though.
Dude you made it clear that youre only interested in her body.Shes more than that,give her a break.
If girls like that post here this place is not what I thought.
Also why the hell was she her? Looking like that is having life set to easy mode.
Would spend v-days with/10.How do I approach her?
>If girls like that post here this place is not what I thought.
It really is,and it showed when everything she got for posting here was unlimited bullying and rumors.Shows how shallow people in here really are.
>Also why the hell was she her? Looking like that is having life set to easy mode.
She basically spent her whole summer on r9k and discord and vidya,her parents were never home and she lives in some remote area without any friends close to her.Also whenever her parents were home they were just being abusive to her(you could hear them screaming at her on vc).She said she wanted friends and a robot bf,she e-dated some pedophile who larped as a sad virgin robutt boi,he manipulated her,blackmailed her,and lots of other shit.Her lore is quite difficult to read through because it's like 80% rumors.I think she's gone now.Also people were making fake profiles on phone sex and panty selling websites with her pictures and videos.
FUCK YOU asshole you dont know how often we talked before she KEKED me with a NIGGER
You keep saying that but you never even posted a conversation.Literally not even a screenshot.Fuck off with your sick blacked fantasies,leave brooke out of those.
Parents screaming at you for sitting on your ass browsing this shithole and playing vidya is not abuse.
>Parents screaming at you for sitting on your ass browsing this shithole and playing vidya is not abuse
She has a mini turkey farm and also some rabbits.She had to take care of those and her pets,daily.Plus some cleaning around the hpuse.It's not like she was just playing vidya 24/7.And she usually muted just in time before people would hear more after the screaming.
good paypigs, dance for your mongrel findom kween.
You sound like a white knight.
>user, I'm a high maintenance BPD fuckslut who's going to leech off you and ditch you the moment I feel like it
>I'm a human with feelings and deserve to live
One of those two sentences is a lie. Care to guess which one, OP?
>muh whiteknight fuck off we dont want the truth,give us more drama dats intrestin
Cool fake profile.Wish I made one first,could've made some really nice money.
Drama is all you've been giving to excuse a spoiled kid.
Can she dance for me instead?
henty you make a good White girl
This.Why does she keep larping as a mutt?
So how bout some pics of her ass? Thongs and boy shorts maybe? Let's get it done ppl
because that's what she is.
This is pretty much everything.Higgus has the whole 10 minute video of her stripping.