Hey Jow Forums

Hey Jow Forums

I need a final verdict. I bought MK-677 a couple of months ago, but i’ve been too afraid to take it because I’ve read it’ll cause my heart to grow and shorten my life. I NEED to know, is this all just fear mongering? I’m 25 btw

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It'll cause you attract big black gay men like hot cakes. You WILL experience a big black dong in your butthole if you take it.

lmaoing at you, I take MK677 for 4 months now 10-25mg per day before bed, I get good deep sleep but that's about it. I'm 18 and I have experienced 0 sides so far besides a bit of water retention and increased appetite in the first 2 weeks.
Your heart will never grow from GH-secretagogues, they're way too weak.


I would be more afraid of cancer if I were you, more growth hormone means higher chances of developing cancer.
If your life becomes shorter because of it It's gonna be due to developing some kind of cancer . And If you're having any right now u dont know about stage 1 shit taking this will make it flare up and develop super fast into further stages.

.t cancer fag

>I have experienced 0 sides so far

0 gains too i bet

I wasn't able to train due to surgery so besides sleep gains, no gains

See, shit like this terrifies me...

Why does life have to suck so much?...

We really don't know. It might shorten your lifespan, or it might not. There's not enough research about it and all you have to off of is broscience and stories like this

Because its not natural and your body punishes you accordingly

GH doesnt cause cancer, it only will make a tumor grow IF YU ALREADY HAVE ONE

you pajeets are so fucking stupid

And how is one to know if they have a tumor somewhere in their body or not?

As we age our immune systems weaken, and the DNA in those cells accumulate damage and mutation.

If you dont have any as you get older , in 15-20 years you'll likely develop it .

I'm willing to try, my sleep is absolute trash. Will it improve it? Were to buy in Canada?

I bought some for recovery gains. Want those sleep gains, and have a few magging injuries I am hoping it will help with. If you want to take it to get big muscles, then don't bother and just get some test.

Hmm... Well I’ve been debating on taking test, but I’m afraid of hair loss. I’ve got a head full long blonde hair which I take pride in. I’d love to get make muscle gains with test, but at the same time I don’t want to lose my mane

Test will only make you lose hair if you are predisposed to baldness. Even if you are, there are stacks you can run to help minimize the risks of hair loss.

Well my father was a bald man. I heard he started losing his hair in his early-mid twenties. I’m 25 now and I still have a full head of hair. It’s not as thick as it was when I was in my teens, but it’s definitely not thin. Maybe I’m good and I’m not gonna lose my hair? *shrug*

How big of a supply do you have? I doubt something would happen if you run it for a cycle an enlarged heart is a side effect of years years of abuse.

Just a 30-day supply

>It’s not as thick as it was when I was in my teens

It could just be the fact that my hair had gotten lighter with age. Light hair does appear thinner

that absolutely will not happen with mk677. Why do you want to take it anyways? GH isn't even anabolic.

I wouldn't recommend it. Why take some weird shit that's hardly been studied? Stick to well-researched shit so you know what you're in for.

I’m a skinny dude that struggles with my appetite. I literally never get hungry. That’s not to say I haven’t been working out and eating (I’ve out on 25 pounds since i’ve started four months ago). I’d just like to actually be hungry for once. That and I heard it’s great for your hair and skin, which are also plus sides to me

Gained* not “out”
Damn autocorrect

SARMs are alright. Pricy for what they do but they aren't snake oil or anything. If you have the means you'd be better off doing roids, but SARMs are a lot easier to come across and there's zero chance of it being seized. I've made alright gains trying them out but I wouldn't swear by them or anything.

You don't need weird substances to get hungry, you need to force feed for a week straight until your metabolism adjusts.
Also, digestive enzymes and food selection. Prioritize foods that digest easily, without gas or bloating.
I know the feel, I have the same problem. But if you have a goal in mind and commit to starting a bulk phase then it becomes easy: you eat the preset quantity of food, no matter how you feel.

This and this. Getting on a SARM would be more useful than a GH analog.

>Putting "Research product" on a commercially availably product, on shelves, which is past the research phase
what kind of a fucking loser falls for this retarded marketing?

As a side note... Again, these substances haven't been studied. You don't know if they have serious side effects 10 years down the line.