How do I "go for a walk"?
Where should I be looking, just at the ground? I feel like I stare too much at oncoming cars and at windows on people's homes when I'm out in public.
Also what am I supposed to be doing with my hands? Do I just stuff them in my sweatshirt's pockets? If i do should i ball them up like fists or do people notice that? Does that look threatening?
How do I "go for a walk"?
Look at the ground whenever there's risk of making eye contact with somebody.
Put your hands in coat or pants pockets if you have a bad back from being hunched over a computer, otherwise let them hang loosely, but without swinging too much, at your sides.
People won't find you threatening unless you're black.
Try not to ball your fists, i usually play music in my headphones also you can look anywhere just dont stare any people you see it draws attention.
I definitely can't listen to music with this cause I'm way too scared of not hearing a car coming up from behind or something
just dont stare into peoples eyes and you should be good.
>what am I supposed to be doing with my hands?
Stay on the sidewalk?
You walk however you god damn want, and you look at whatever you god damn want. I literally stare people in the eye until they look away, you have to be aggressive.
Exactly. How else would you assert your walking dominance OP? You gotta show that road who's boss or you'll forver remain a beta walklet.
Personally I go to my local pier super early at around 4am; still pitch black out and it's a good half mile one way.
Walking, listening to music, to the waves, scaring the shit out of some seagulls while nonchalantly walking by, no people. It's nice.
Though I fear I'm gonna get mugged or something, it's a nice place but secluded. Pier has lights, parking lot has none at all.
Holy fuck you are more autistic than any of us here, op
op if you are this cripplingly anxious you need to be on medication
Stop overthinking this much OP- anxiety is like a snowball effect, nobody will be closely watching your behaviour or judging you while you're walking but if you're getting increasingly nervous and start to sperg out, people will notice. So 1. Realise that nobody gives a shit and just walk naturally and if this is impossible 2. get a fucking benzo prescription.
>he knows how to go for a walk
Normalnigger please go.
Alright OP, when you're going for a walk make sure to make brief eye contact with anyone passing by. Most other people will keep looking at the ground anyways, those that dont then just nod or say hey when passing. Keep your hands in your pockets or just relaxed at your side, dont ball up your fists though. posture and body language are real things, if you look aggressive and have a blank or depressive/angry look about you then people will treat you as such.
Going for walks is more about the solitude and being mindful, its healthy to be in nature or different environments as it will teach you things you wont learn sitting at home. I go for walks to decompress or get my mind off things, if I cant sleep then I'll walk a couple miles and be tired enough to sleep then.
Nighttime is always interesting, cant tell you how many different situations and encounters I've come across at nighttime but they've given me good stories to tell. You're mostly safe as long as you're not wandering around the hood looking for trouble in places you dont belong
If you are a robot the solution is /nightwalk/
Just go outside around 3-4am and I guarantee you there will be noone else.
Try to keep to residential areas and there will be no cars as well, helping with Avoid any places that have any amount of nightlife.
This, though walking through the city at 4 am Is pretty spectacular. Ever see bustling city streets dead empty next to the skyscrapers when it's dead quiet? It's kinda eerie but cool.
I have a gf and even I have no idea how to walk. One time I saw a friend whilst walking to the shops and he said "you have a really awkward stiff walk". I usually go at night so I don't have to see people, I never know if to make eye contact or not and for how long
Try walking to a cadence, like in the military. Left... left... left right left
I was in cadets and learned proper drill instruction, and when I got out my walk and posture were really good. Ive even gotten remarks on how I walk, people say its confident but now it just feels natural to me
Ohh i gotta girlfriend ohh user your an overthinker get on meds Jesus autist shit this arcanine is nothing what it used to be.
I tried going for a walk a couple of times now.
When does it start to feel good? I felt misplaced and lost all the time while walking around aimlessly with nowhere to go.
>tfw too cold to /nightwalk/
>tfw no gf to nightwalk with
>How do I "go for a walk"?
You don't.
I wish you could help me. People always said that I "walk funny" and it's one of my biggest insecurities.
Find a destination then user and walk there, I like walking a couple miles to the gym. When you know where you're going you free your mind up to think about things. It feels good when you have a coffee and a cigarette and some tunes to keep you occupied, then when you reach your destination you feel accomplished kinda. Walking around aimlessly is... well its walking around aimlessly lol
This won't work on me.
I'll stare into your soul and leave
My gym is less than five minutes away. What do I do once I reach my made up destination?
niggers are a real problem
>go walking
>have a shit-eating grin or at least a nonchalant smile
>every time you pass by a roastie make eye contact with her and scowl/frown at her
>see how many days you can ruin
Been doing it myself, heh. It helps that I'm Jow Forums and /fa/.
Well one thing to keep in mind is that everyone walks differently, so feeling comfortable with the way you walk is a big part of it. If you're not comfortable with the way you walk then take some steps to change it (pun) but dont change to make others happy. But walk with your shoulders square, dont puff out your chest, dont strut your hips, and walk tall. Feel taller than you are in your skin but dont force anything. Speed in your step can change how your posture is, I always walk like I have somewhere to go, not too fast like I'm rushing or out of control or panicking and not too slow to stand out.
And for the love of God dont look at the ground, unless you really want to I guess. But I like to just keep my eyes up at eye level, then you can appreciate your environment or at least see where you're going.
Just look like you gonna snap any minute it usually keeps people away from me.
you think to much
how cold? where do you live?
Depends on the destination, maybe pick a different gym that's farther away. Or you could walk around a park, for myself I keep pretty occupied with walking because I'm trying to think of chord progressions or scales for the guitar. That way I've got something to think about, but maybe try walking to the store or some restaurant you haven't tried yet.
I always feel more accomplished when I walk somewhere to do something as apposed to driving, even though I can do more with a vehicle in shorter time.
just look at buildings, bushes, restaurants, etc. dont think about it but you wont really see too many people out at night anyway
No, don't just make eye contact. Approach anyone you see and greet them maybe give them a hug also. Be as loud as possible doing so. It's the way of the chad.