Be me

>be me
>get with chick I've been dating last night
>"user your arms and shoulders are amazing mmmm"
>keeps feeling my gains
>go to sleep eventually
>next morning
>"user.. I need to tell you.. I have orla herpes, I was born with it"

She didn't have a breakout or anything but wtf do I do? Is this the end? Does herpes steal gains? How much will I need to bench press to get rid of herpes?

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Herpes aren't that contagious if there's no break out. Regardless if you do have herpes it wouldn't matter as you seem to be the type to bang degenerate skanks anyways

It's just cold sores, I've had that shit since I was a little kid.

You mean cold sore? like half the planet gets them. as long as you're don't kiss during a break out you should be fine.


Alright fair and lmaoooo nice

Ah right, cheers lads

Dump her immediately. Even if you don’t get it, even if it’s just cold sores. She could have told you the night before but chose not to. Women come and go, but honestly kick her ass to the curb. Herpes is for life, she doesn’t respect you.

Herpes is associated with Alzheimer's

enjoy your aids

>going to the gym about 2 hours at a time for more than 4 times a week
>constant grinding, sweat and tears
>just to make it
>makes it
>gets gonerrea

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People freak out about herpes and I get it its definitely better to not have it than to have it. Honestly the only symptom is some cold sore outbreaks from time to time. Most cases the outbreak severity and length lessens as you grow older.

There is no cure but other than the occasional outbreak there arent really any symptoms.

The biggest drawback is the social stigma as its treated as a STD. But honestly it should be a skin infection more than anything. Children can get it from kisses from their moms. Friends can get it after sharing a soda. Genetial herpes is obviously often sexually transmitted but it's similar to oral herpes just in a different location.

dude here in Europe 90+% of people are infected with the oral herpes virus by the end of their lives. similar numbers for america too probably. Most even get it as a baby from their mother or other relatives. If you have kissed more than 2 people in your entire life: gz you've won herpes and you'll never get rid of it. That doesn't mean you'll ever have an outbreak or anything though so don't worry. If she didn't have a visible outbreak when you smashed, odds are incredibly likely that you won't have one anytime soon unless you're very immune deficient. t. medfag

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Oral herpes are not cold sores. If she is referring to actual oral herpes they are the ones that form outside our mouth. Cold sores a similar but are inside your mouth

If she sucked your peener, you now have the peener herps. Congrats.

Cold sores(HSV-1) almost always form on or near your lips. HSV-2 is genital herpes. Generally they stay in their respective areas on the body but it is possible cross infect.

Thanks for the info bois, much appreciated

“Hey user, you work out, you doing murph today?”

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My man, literally every doctor/nurse and their entire family have them. People who don't have Oral herpes are a minority. Nothing to do with degeneracy at that point in the sense that unsafe sex practices are not the reason it's spread like Aids or something.

Is it just me, or does he look like ReviewtechUSA?

You're fine mate.

Even my mother hasnt kissed me. Checkmate.

Cheers lads

Based and isolationpilled

Nothing to worry about. Some people (like myself) are fully resistant against oral herpes so maybe nothing ever happens. Worst case is some fucking blisters on your lip. Only thing you gotta watch out with are small kids/babies when you’ve got oral herpes, apart from that it’s in the same category as a little cold