Any robots have any success with youtube? Did it quell the roaring emptiness inside you?
Any robots have any success with youtube? Did it quell the roaring emptiness inside you?
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I can't say "success"
I have 2.6k subs and over 2 million views but its over just random shit I edited together
I have a "platform" now because im a mod for my friend with 20k subs but don't do shit with it
I once got 50 upvotes on my comment so I'm pretty successful I rekon
>I have 2.6k subs
What is your channel about?
i have a channel with a few hundred subs, only post whatever I feel like posting whenever i feel like posting it
still empty inside but thats ok
what do you do? facecam vlogs? i'm curious.
Random shit. My account name is Mr. Moseby.
bottom is my friend, kinda funny he has 20k+ subs and Im not far from overtaking his view count from 3 videos lol. I was past him for like a day
I had a slightly successful channel with four million views and like 10k subs.
I think the ai bot got mad at me for making videogame videos with the word dead in it and black listed me.
Left 4 dead
Dying light
7days to die
Fucking ai programs man
Now I'm getting ready to start a kids friendly channel
Is 2000 subs successful? I have a channel where I just talk about Retro anime on VHS Tapes & Laserdiscs I've seen. Not a ton of subscribers, but I get a lot of comments so i'm happy. I'd probably be bigger if I tried harder.
can that really happen? Youtube just auto blacklists you for saying what things are?
i've gotten a video in the instant regret playlist with 700k views but that's it
I'm a neet. Is it still possible to make some money with jewtube? I remember making like 20 bucks once when I was 15.
Isn't it like 10,000 views to a dollar or something?
I found you in a youtube thread quite a while ago. Your videos are really comfy. I watched sukeban deka because of the video you made and enjoyed it a lot
the anime or the TV series? I still haven't found series three online anywhere. Should probably watch the live action movies one of these days. Glad you likes it. I worked really hard on that video & then it only got like 2000 views.
Just the anime. Ive got season 1 of the TV show downloaded which i need to get around to watching sometime. The anime was really fun and i hope the TV show is too
I am really mad because you won't say whether or not you like Unico you nigger
that's be $10,000, or $3 patrion fun bucks.
You're one cheeky cunt, and I can see you don't like Unico because you lack kindness and goodwill. More like Jewnico.
Go to discotek & buy me a DVD then. Better yet, just record it onto a VHS tape for me.
YouTube ai scans actively the title, the thumbnail, the audio, the captions, and probably the recaptcha posts
Oh also the description and the tags
>YouTube ai scans actively the title, the thumbnail, the audio, the captions, and probably the recaptcha posts
That is fucking SCARY.
You ever think you would be huge if you just kept at it?
There's this guy subscribed to me that has 3000K subs just from commenting on other people's videos & building playlists.
someone post their channel. I want to feel better about myself.
The scariest part is that google probably doesnt have control of what the ai is doing or capable of doing at any point when it decides to do it and has little clue on what its doing.
I mean if you look at how its handling youtube and how they react to it, they clearly don't seem to be in control. It seems more like a fix the things after it breaks them and lets not talk about what it breaks behind the scenes. AI overlords soon. I hope they at least like my cute cat videos
Isn't that what they were talking about on joe rogan with the tesla guy, elon musk?