Are incels just temporarily embarrassed Chad?

Are incels just temporarily embarrassed Chad?

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nah, what people forget is it isn't the looks or even being a virgin that makes incels celibate, it's the attitude of constant complaint and inaction that Jow Forums (and more importantly, incel subreddits full of bitchy losers) inculcates them with. Once you start complaining about everything and refuse to acknowledge fault, you lose sight of how you could improve yourself and overcome your circumstances. Things that should follow obviously from /seconds/ of clear thought (oh, if I want to meet someone I should find a social outlet) completely blindside incels.

If half of the people on this board cleaned up and left their rooms they could probably get a gf within a few months by actually trying. Everyone is lonely and isolated and the average woman isn't anything like what incels think she is, so it's easier to get a gf now than it ever was in history. Jow Forums and reddit have hooked them on the idea that they shouldn't actually try because x and y reasons. Incels are doomed.

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Some are. Being an incel is just a phase that people grow out of. The only people who die as incels are those who make an early exit.

Bullshit I complain about everything and never take responsability and I got laid a few days ago.

what about isaac newton, he was an 84yo virgin when he died

I just want my looksmatch

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women only date up their looks

Newton was not an incel. Neither was Tesla. Or any male who made any significant contribution in history.

they were incels because women didn't want to fuck them despite their "significant contributions in history"

Are you stupid or trolling? Newton and Tesla had women lusting after them and could easily have got pussy. They just weren't interested because they were asexual or gay.

If you mean that they are picky, absolutely yes, I was frequently told by blackpillers that it's better to die a virgin than sleep with undesirable women that I sleep, like below averages or matures, but they fail to understand that you have to start somewhere. Any under 40 incel, who isn't morbidly obese and has a job could score with an older or otherwise undesirable woman, but they are either too narcissistic or insecure for that, frequently both.

I don't think it's possible to be 40 and an incel. The only virgins at that age are volcels.

You can compensate by being up in status, if you are a white collar you could get some immigrant maid who would be about your looks match if she had the time to groom herself.

Incel means "involuntarily celibate," you fucking kike. They were voluntarily celibate because they had better shit to do.

men always overestimate how good they look.

were you there when it happened, you fucking bias normalnigger?

also boltz didn't get any pussy.

>The only virgins at that age are volcels.
giving up is not exactly the same thing as volcel
>I don't think it's possible to be 40 and an incel.
I've talked to one such guy, he complained that now that he is so old older women are out of reach, which is partly true, decent older women are, alcoholics and such are not.


Everything he said is true. Women are nothing how incels/robots think. This huge disconnect from reality affects your ability to find love.

got any proof any woman wanted them?

it's really hard to make that mistake when you aren't fat and she is

No, fat girls are still in demand and have sexual and reproductive value. That adds to their rating. men make the mistake of thinking if you're fat you're an automatic 3, which is 100% true for men, but for women fatness only bumps them down about 3 points depending on how hefty she is.

Read their biographies. Even wikipedia will do. Newton was known to never show any interest in women at all. Tesla made it clear he didn't want sex, and there were women who wanted his d.

that's what fatties tell to themselves

Did they whine about tfwnogf or women? Of course not. They were geniuses. Incels are all brainlets.

so you can't provide sources? "read wikipedia, goy" isn't a source

Start with wikipedia. And if you think they were incels you need to provide proof. Show records of them dwelling in the basement angry at women and whining about how they can't get girls.

Reiterating an undeniable fact: no intelligent accomplished man can be an incel.

I am telling you from the position of somebody who is not attracted to women or men that this is true. I'm not biased by wanting to fuck one of them.

The funniest thing is that when a girl looks fat, she is probably not as fat as you imagine and might have lower weight than you, because males store most of their fat in stomach, are taller and have more muscle mass, while women are quite short and their fat spreads more evenly, making it more obvious(double chin, fat ass, fat arms etc.) Women generally have to put a lot more effort into staying fit because they gain mass more easily, chubby girls frequently diet.

>were you there when it happened, you fucking bias normalnigger?
There's no reason why they would be incels, even hamplant men can get laid if they have some accomplishments. They're geniuses, women would love to be able to say "i fucked Einstein". This goes double for them because they weren't ugly.
>also boltz didn't get any pussy.
No fucking shit, who the hell would think that having a dog get laid in a children's movie would be a good idea?

this is plain wrong. I've seen plenty of 3-5/10 men with 8-10/10 women.

yep, you're right.
also I noticed that r9k has a skewed view of what fat is and they think any girl over 130lbs is a ham planet.

kind of like how women see any man under 5'10 as a subhuman, haha what a coinkydink

That is literally not true. No man in my family is over 5'6 and they all have gfs and wives.

Men under 5'10" are seen as the most physically attractive, retard.

Boltzmann? He was married and had a kid you dumbfuck.