Um, looking for a trap boyfriend, must be cute.
Um, looking for a trap boyfriend, must be cute
What the hell is this disgusting Hispanic-looking creature?
Disgusting? Yeah sure, at least not a fat gross neckbeard.
Commit suicide retard
he's pretty close to what you described
He's a professional League of Legends player. He's white.
Oh my fucking God, look at that hip-waist ratio, holy shit.
Commit soduku? I bet you want to, I have a girl, I just want a cute boy to fuck too. Suicide is for retards, now go do it.
The power of a makeup artist, good photographer, and photoshop.
>I have a girl, I just want a cute boy to fuck too
Gross, I was about to reply.
And now the reality
>not passable enough to be a trap
>not passable enough to be a chad
must be tough for him
I think he's cute
I think he's extra cute because his gf is into it
Yeah he is very cute and most likely more successful than you, why hate? He has someone who loves and supports him, unlike most of the people being edgy because they like attention.
Shut up fag enabler
his gf is the real fag enabler, the lucky bastard
>tfw no fag enabled bf to turn me into his girl
>gets rich by playing video games
>has a loyal cute gf to share experiences with
>will probably never have to work in his life
>is now venturing into the tranny subworld
living the dream
>why hate?
Because he makes tons of money doing jack shit. I don't care about him having a gold digging gf who cucks him, I just hope he lives a short life and dies in agony because he's wealthy.
OP here, if anyone wants someone to talk to then add me on discord, I love all who want's to spread love. SovietDoggo#0001
Once again I know discordfags are hated for doing evil actions, but i'll never ask for your personal info, I want to help anyone who needs it and being OP this was a call for a trap bf :P but anyone can message me, i'd be glad to give anyone my time who needs it.
Only asians are meant to be traps, whites dont pass at all lol
Hes white
The guy next to him would pass better
Unironically would still fuck