Without them sperging out?
How can I tell a girl I'm not interested
Oh poor you, so much female interest you have to reject them, fuck you you fucking asshole
>it's not you it's me
Just pretend you didn't notice she's interrested in you.
"fuck off bitch"
At the gym? If so, elaborate, fag.
I have two schoolmates following me. One is fat and i just ignore her, she's obsessed tho, doesn't care. The other one is q3.14 so i just keep her around because i like the attention, the latter is also what I'd recommend. I don't know what uni will be like tho.
Chill it's because they're either sluts and/ or have a bf already.
I wouldn't worry about hypothetical scenarios.
LOL fag
Well the last time happened at a party when she was sitting right next to her bf and constantly tried to make eye contact and gave me "that" smile.
I was perplexed, because she obviously had a bf and everyone could clearly see that. I value loyalty very much
So what dumbass. The le bf was there, it's not like she became explicit about it. There's no need to TELL them you're not interested if they're not straight up coming to you and saying they want the D O double G
Yeah not fair, you seem like a totally cool guy
Thots and lots of them. Easier to string along too because there's no heirarchy in uni like in school so thotting increases since there's no threat of ostracism
Them sperging is arguably the best part.
Yes you're right. I mainly have the situation in mind, where she comes up to you and asks you out and you reject her.
I only once had the situation where I rejected sex from a girl and she kept trying and trying and the next day she apologized, claimed she didn't want to try to rape me(?) and her mood kind of changed
You can’t. I did once and now it’s three months later and all our mutual friends think I’m her beta orbiter. No clue how the fuck that happened.
>girl looked at me, you guys!
Whatever you do, don't tell them they're not your type. They take it personally.
"You know, there's another girl I'm seeing / interested in at the moment"
>I have a boyfriend
She had a clearly inviting smile. That was just a situation on the topic of cheating, a situation where I would be not interested in them.
I know situations where they fucking sperged and I want to save us both that cringe while also teaching them in a frinedly way that cheating should never be an option
She's just trying to be nice. Unless she touches your inappropriately, or litterally starts suggesting you have sex or go out on a date, she's not asking you out.
Even if she does seem to ask or touch those things, make sure you clarify. With any other girl I would just take those as big hints, but if she already has a bf then it might be a mistake or you might have autism.