God tier

>god tier

Why aren't YOU using the ultimate mixer?

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BPA lowers test

I recently ordered this one. It has compartments to store protein,pre workout and pills...
Also took advantage of that Myprotein.com sale and got all kinds of supps...

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OP here... Man that bottle trumps my basic 'liquid containment' system.. That mf has pockets too?? Good find

Blender Bottle's ARE BPA free. How do you not know this. Any company caught using BPA has already shifted, or is hurting BAD in the marketplace.

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Mine is the same design but stainless steel, because I’m afraid of the plastic turning me into a girl

I'm trying to find a good stainless steel one to use, but I have the same bottle as you and it's great.

BPA free contains BPS which isn't any better

>drops it once
>plastic top breaks
Haha good one blender bottle.
You may have fooled me the other five times, but you won't get me the sixth!

Mine leaks, that's why


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I'm not carrying that shit in the gym.. I'll just chug my pwo in the car and leave it be.

Because I own one of these

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I use a metal cocktail shaker

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>work at an outdoor store that sells bottles
>for the past 10+ years Nalgens have had a giant BPA FREE sticker plastered to them
>people still ask about it all the time while holding said bottle

Never underestimate just how uninformed and dense the general public can be. From what I understand it was a huge issue in baby bottles cus microwaving them leach BPA into milk at 50x the rat then if it just sat there. Otherwise it was an overblown health scare.

I have a blender

>$35 for just a mixer
>$9.99 for the bottle + mixing device.

You're just so rich user

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You cant shake a fucking bottle?

These things smell too, they absorb liquid and dish soap

>Implying I paid $35 for it
It's something I've always had in the house. And even if I did pay $35 for it, it lasts well over 5 years so it's a good investment. Too bad your too poor to afford a $35 blender.

because im not a twink that needs to eat protein powder

>drinking from plastic


>god tier
enjoy your estrogen

Cause I got a magic bullet

I'm in pharmacy and this pic made me REE based stroke technician

Obvious wagecuck living at home. If it's 5 years old i can guarantee that mom paid more than that for it.

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Nice projecting. Maybe if you had a job you could afford one

was that a freudian slip?

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Thank you. it's just that that technology was a little more 'hot' then than it is today. Prices fluctuate. Keep up with the times user!

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I use a cup and spoon

lol @ drinking protein shakes in 2019

Implying I don't already use one

Not him, but there are a lot of applications in Cooking that a handheld blender serves
They're not just for mixing whey protein user

> cooking
> means baking

baking is for fat fucks and house wives

Yeah I have a black sport one, almost impossible to use.

are stainless steel/glass shakers a think? i dont use plastic

Those are trash, they never fully mix. I use a Vitamix.

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Stop dropping things then Michael J Fox.

Who cares if it doesn't 'fully mix' lol. It's downed in 5 seconds

>not using stainless steel
Never gonna make it, plebeians.

Yes they are. Best choice too.

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Why even have the measuring lines?

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If you look carefully, they are imprinted deep, so they are visible inside as well. Stop being a brainlet.

the line is visible on the inside retard, its punched you know

>implying you can see if the liquid is or isn't there between the 2cm slit

Plastic cucks you again

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The fuck are you even talking about, of fucking course you can see it. Enjoy your shriveled micropenis and DNA cucked by plastic.


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>I was merely pretending to be retarded

Enjoy shining a flashlight in your metal cup to see your measuring lines

Never "blend" protein it destroys the protons

Yeah well now nalgenes are full of BPS

do your cocktails taste of protein now

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