Are you tired of society, people in generaI and bad luck? is nothing ever going your way? are you withdrawn into the ways of NEETdom and robot life, because you feel it is the only way you can function?
If so, l will share my secrets, as l was once one of you, ask, the path to enightenment awaits.
You have to be a very specific type of person to prosper on this planet. Otherwise you're left out to rot. It's fucked up how everyone sweeps it under the rug. People want you to die but if you're different but they're never upfront about it.
Aaron Rivera
Last change to enter uni in 120 days, know nothing. Even fucking McDonald's requires a uni degree here. If I fail (I will) I'll become a factory worker. Then government will take me to army in ~2 years.
Grayson Rivera
My NEETdom is sheer privilege. I'm an alienated autist son of a bipolar mother, an emotionally retarded and abusive father who managed to economically go by out of being at the right place and time.
Even if I wanted out (and I did), I'm objectively worthless trash and society won't either give a shit if not straight reject me, nobody likes useless autistic animals who can't fix themselves, and even if it happened, most ships would've sailed by now.
People gonna ask shit for my past and treat me as an animal anyways, so I might as well break bad when I run out of water. I live to resent and be contempted.
Caleb Davis
I'd do the university thing first before i'd consider checking out of life user, just in case.
You can still improve in various ways, spiritually, physically, ect with out going full NEET/Ascetic.
Ian Hall
It depends on what you consider "prosper" some people don't consider material things and shallow things worthwhile, and so they take a diffrent path.
Easton Bennett
I fucking hate everyone
theyre all just so fucking annoying
they keep talking about nonsense shit and are just too hyperactive
why are people like this?
they want me to be enthusiastic but provide nothing for me to be, rather just making fun of me
what the fuck is wrong? is it me? am i overreacting?
Mason Myers
>nobody likes useless autistic animals who can't fix themselves
Have you tried?
>so I might as well break bad when I run out of water. I live to resent and be contempted.
If you're at this stage, you might want to try and take a higher path instead of rotting away in hate and misery. If you feel as bad as you say, what have you even got to lose anyay?
Aiden Perry
I'm trying user, but I have never studied in my life and I can't finish years of education in 120 days.
I've recently started hitting the gym but I'm 170cm so it don't even matter.
If you find normies banal and annoying (I sure do) then you're probably not compatable for their world, withdraw more, find out who you are or should be and walk that path instead of trying to fit in with something you're not.
Henry Kelly
all NEETs need to be executed desu
Hunter Bennett
I think your judging yourself too much by the standards of normal life, (going to the gym when you know it probably won't change much etc) try rewiring the way you think abot things more, your standards as well.
Not everyone has to be the same, this is a lie society has taught people, to look a certain way, act a certain way, aim for a certain things. That's fine if you're a complete NPC and can't think for yourself, but not everyone is, nor should you try to be, and chasing those things will only make you more misrable anyway.
Noooo, I must've just came up with that... no way I didn't have the outstanding idea to try in 15 years, daaamn... guess what. Not because you want something and put effort from different ways for something, it means you'll get it. Let alone watching how others walk their paved way effortlessly while others laugh their ass off, ghost you in dates or never call you back for jobs when yoy try to integrate in society being an outsider.
You can laugh your shit with moral authority, give retarded platitudes, and all you want but end of the day, people are more of a mix of what surrounds them and what's on their genes. Society thinks I'm worthless crap, I got no say and they won't help me (yes they could) fit either but just humiliate me.
Christopher Adams
I am a NEET. It was fun for the first two years, now I'm bored, lonely, depressed and full of self loathing at my lack of skills and wasted time.
Logan Campbell
Ok, i'll go through some of your post
>Not because you want something and put effort from different ways for something, it means you'll get it. Let alone watching how others walk their paved way effortlessly while others laugh their ass off, ghost you in dates or never call you back for jobs when yoy try to integrate in society being an outsider.
You're clinging too much to what you obviously can't have (yet, anyway) and you wonder why you're so misrable?
>people are more of a mix of what surrounds them and what's on their genes.
Only to the extent people let themselves be, sure.
>Society thinks I'm worthless crap
Me too, only difference is idgaf, I spend as much time possibly as I can away form it, and I'm very happy with that.
>...I got no say and they won't help me (yes they could) fit either but just humiliate me.
So people haven't helped you, probably because the can't or don't care (I hope you've at least figured that ou) it's time to stop looking to society to fix all your problems, have you even started at looking at the base level of yourself (spiritual) to try and sort any of this out?
Anthony James
First, tell me what you're bored lonely and depressed about user.
Ryder Edwards
When I was a teenager I could enjoy anime and vidya all day without a care in the world. Now I've gotten increasingly bored of those things and do them less, but without any other hobbies to replace them so I end up mindlessly browsing the web all day. I don't have any friends and I don't ever leave the house unless it's to buy food. I'm not especially knowledgeable about anything because I don't have the attention span to read a book. I want to learn a skill like drawing or learning Japanese but I'm too lethargic and depressed to commit to anything. So I just sort of exist in a state of boredom and unfulfillment and probably will until I die.
Hudson Sanchez
How the fuck is unreasonable to want SIMPLE things like a job and being independent from some shit parents who use me as their fucking vent triangle while the rest of the world tells you "spiritual growth" nonsense just to wash their hands off to spend thousands on themselves? All because I fucking wanted to be left alone, is that even a fucking crime nowadays (same days plenty of people get special treatment for the most bs reasons btw)?
No dude, it's not on people's will. That's philosophical idealism pampered people tell themselves when they project the control they have on their own difficulties, taking for granted all the details making up their lives so they get the outcome they do. I call bs on that, got enough of it and it's time to acknowledge external reality for what it is.
The fact you're morally blind and devoid of pride doesn't mean the rest aren't, I don't have to just sit and let people be immorally unfair, muh right wing talking like charitable, meritocratic gods talking 24/7 about equal opportunities without bothering to acknowledge the fact they had it much easier to become whatever society expected of them in order to have more fredoms, muh lefty sjws bullshiting inclusion and inequality while they fart on other people's burdens
Ryan Wright
If you've got a roof over your head and food in your pantry you've got it better than a solid two thirds of the planet.
Alexander Morgan
I seriously think I'm going to have to write a guide out for some of you guys...
let's start with the most common problem
(1) "I am misrable"
So, what do we do? do we change that? well, we sit down and look at "why" why am I misrable, and if the answers is something like well, "I don't have a GF/BF or I don't have a particualr thing in my life that I want" so we start with ourselves, we ask ourselves "do I really need this thing in my life? is there a point to it, and will it make me happy if I get it?" and the most important part of the question "...or am I just thinking that it will make me happy?"
See, what your dealing with is "lack" not lack of what you don't have, (because 9 times out of 10 if you got that thing, at some point you would still become misrable anyway)
You're dealing with a lack of knowledge about oneself, and if you'd actually increase that knowledge you'd see what is really important, and you wouldn't feel this "lack" and even if you did, you'd know how do deal with it.
more later
John Edwards
This is the right idea.
Funny enough, this happened to me, this is EXACTLY how I was.
I now realized that it was because it was time to move on to something else, and even though I never actually moved anywhere, physically I have already grown immensely as a person, because I stopped tooking outside for things, answers, and distractions from life. and I turned my attention inwards to myself.
"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
Connor Davis
because l stopped *looking outside for things
Luis Long
>I stopped tooking outside for things, answers, and distractions from life. and I turned my attention inwards to myself What do you mean by this? It sounds like some Buddhist "free yourself from desire" shit. I don't think I can do that.
Michael Thomas
>How the fuck is unreasonable to want SIMPLE things like a job and being independent from some shit parents
it's not, but remember, you are not a normalfag you are an autist, so it's going to be automatically harder anyway.
>All because I fucking wanted to be left alone, is that even a fucking crime nowadays
"You want to be left alone," but "you want a job and friends etc" you don't not even know your self user, so which is it?
>No dude, it's not on people's will. That's philosophical idealism pampered people tell themselves when they project the control they have on their own difficulties, taking for granted all the details making up their lives so they get the outcome they do. I call bs on that, got enough of it and it's time to acknowledge external reality for what it is.
Funny enough, everything is will even here, nothing would happed at all is somone didn;t will it to happen. There are things that are out of control of everyones life, but mostly the things we have to deal with in life is due to past karm and actions, like it or not.
>it's time to acknowledge external reality for what it is.
Which is?
>The fact you're morally blind
You're wrong, but human moralityconstruct anyway, it has little value outside your own perceptions.
>...and devoid of pride
True, but where has your pride gotten you?
>doesn't mean the rest aren't,
Hold yourself to society and it's standards then (...and just where has it gotten you btw?) you don't even know what you want, but you bitch about all of it.
Xavier Garcia
Being a NEET is perpetual isolation.
Ethan Sullivan
>What do you mean by this?
It means i sorted my shit out and learned about myself and the nature of reality I studied... (Buddhism/Gnosticism and more) learned on what the laws of this universe are, (cause and effect, karma, reincarnation etc) and as a result I had a kundalini awakaning which would not ahave happened if I remained ignorant of myself and other things.
>It sounds like some Buddhist "free yourself from desire" shit. I don't think I can do that.
Neither did I, I spent most of my life playing videogames after dropping out of high school, every thought that ever passed through my head was negative, when I did work, I used scamming to steal thousands and thousands from people at a time, and when I did leave the house,I would beat the shit out of anyone and even the people they were with, just for saying something I considered insulting, and I spend my entire 20s high on anything you could imagine, to the point when I would go to sleep, and still wake up high.
Now I don't even smoke weed, because of the constant please I feel from kundalini (better than any drug desu.)
I couldn't have given less of a shit about Buddhism and the like, and was the furthist from it's teaching that I could be, but I'm not like that anymore, I recognise it as the truth to the way of things.
And so if I can, you can.
Christian Lewis
I would do anything to just be able to sleep at a normal time and for a normal duration. Every time I try to sleep at 10:00 PM and wake up at 6:00 AM, I wake up at 1:00 AM and then can't sleep until 6:00 AM at which point I sleep until 2:00 PM. That's 16 hours spent in bed. My advice to you: don't get older and never take antipsychotics. You will both struggle to sleep soundly and also require 12 hours of sleep per night to feel well-rested.
I just want to be helpful and productive as a NEET, but I just can't sleep properly.
Wyatt Morris
How alienated must you be not to realize they fucking help plenty of people who get a harder start in life, yet when it's oneself, "ah well sweetie man up but don't forget helping others when they're in need, everyone's problems matter except yours because you're a shit manchild we can't use to help ourselves
Left alone when fucking reaching home, idiot. You obviously have no idea wtf I'm about here so no point going further on this one
I don't need some condescending preacher wanting to tell me he knows better about free will versus determinism here because it fits better his own beliefs. If you want to speak or give a pat to yourself, you've plenty of other ways, but gtfo if you think you have the last word on it.
Dylan Price
You are literally actually me and it's scaring me a little.
John Diaz
>I just want to be helpful and productive as a NEET, but I just can't sleep properly.
You can learn about your energy centers, and open them with meditation and meditate in general which will help (and is a more perminant solution)
..or you can take the lazy way (as most do) and find theta wave/delta wave music on youtube and listen to it before you sleep (maybe put it on a music player), both worked for me.
Samuel Miller
Doesn't surprise me there's another person with the same story. I think people like you and I are becoming increasingly common in this age. Hopefully there is a way out.
Jayden Myers
I'm not alienated or a manchild user, and I think you're right, you obviously don't need or want a preacher or anyone offering advice because you obviously seem to think you have everything covered, which is perfectly fine. You do you.
Dominic Sanchez
also, forgot to say get of the meds most of that shit is poison and dosen't even work.
Luis Watson
I didn't ask for bs nor I claim to know better either, but the way you convey your own solipsistic philosophy sounds like you're full of yourself. It's exhausting and pointless to bother with intellectual honesty when you expect others to defy your ideas rather than doing it yourself, let alone projecting others didn't. It's not like at some point I didn't give a try to a plethora of philosophies including Buddhism, Hegel, Nietzche or Kierkegaard, but at some point it clicked it couldn't be all there is as sone kind of universal, esoteric and final truth from which to look down others as you do
Leo Price
It's not personally my philosophy, and if I sound full of myself it's not intentional and I think you might be thinking that because I really have all thatmuch of an ego left honestly, and trust me, I've studies most of the stuff you have and more, and most of the phillosophers are stumbling around in the dark looking for some reflection of a light on the wall
Oh, and there us a grand "universal, esoteric and final truth" as you call it, and it is hilariously quite simple, but I'd doubt you'd believe me even if I told it to.
And if you actually think I'm looking down on anyone, well let's just say I'm more than amused right now. Honestly, I think you may have issues dealing with any other perspective than your own right now desu.
Jason Rodriguez
because I really *don't have all that much of an ego left honestly
Adam Powell
>it's not personally my philosophy That self awareness level. No wonder you can't take charge for identifying which questions defy epistemological boundaries. >muh studies Cherrypicking much? Or just saving face to justify yourself? Both ways you're clearly detached from modern public debates from your echo chamber >I'm amused by the evitable consequences my dogmatic beliefs have on others And this is how bullshit self perpetrates itself until it's too late. All in all, as long as you feel right and safe in your own delusion, no critical thinking involved you'll keep in that bubble of yours. I seriously pity you for reaching such a sheltered, delusional outcome.
Camden Anderson
>it's not personally my philosophy
I'ts not though, I just recognised it as the truth from studies of these things, I personally don't even have a philosophy, and I don't really need one.
Do you become this attached to anything and everything, oh, of course you do you're autistic?
>Cherrypicking much? Or just saving face to justify yourself? Both ways you're clearly detached from modern public debates from your echo chamber
Honestly I just think you're sounding more and more unhinged, user, I get it, you're an "autistic faliure" with "bad parents" but you also trying to be an all knowing, literary genious... it's just not really meshing very well, though, is it?
>And this is how bullshit self perpetrates itself until it's too late. All in all, as long as you feel right and safe in your own delusion, no critical thinking involved you'll keep in that bubble of yours. I seriously pity you for reaching such a sheltered, delusional outcome.
...and now you're talking about "delusion" in additon to all your overuse of big words to make yourself sound smarter than you really are, the irony... You're quite a sad mixed up person user, and I honestly hope you get yourself help, because you obviously won't be getting anywhere in life without it.
Anyway, I'm done for today guys, peace.
Robert Turner
>believes his philosophy is the objective truth The cringe of bothering with an unaccountable user >appeals to ad hominems >what a random user thinks doesn't fit my way of seeing the world, he must be wrong and I know I'm right until someone proves me wrong This is one hell of an aspect that makes people become real assholes incapable of overcoming their own alienated, self pleasing narratives. From parents who'd deny you help because they're too afraid to confront their wrong views to people themselves too afraid to accept the unnecessary burdens they put on others, specially idealists who preach mind-over-matter mantras to reproduce and justify artificial social hierarchies and power imbalances.