Be 5'3"

>be 5'3"
>get new job where I need to take the subway to get to work
>get in
>it's crowded and only one open seat
>sit down
>next stop
>short (like 5') cutie pie comes in
>she looks around and sees no open seat
>makes eye contact with me and smiles
>heart melts
>offer her my seat
>she says thanks and we start chatting
>train starts moving
>go to grab the overhead railing
>can't reach
>she starts laughing
>being short sucks, doesn't it user?
>good thing my boyfriend is 6' so he can reach everything for me

Why the fuck can short girls get a mate while I'm stuck fucking a Fleshlight?

Attached: ZWalLkM.jpg (1280x1761, 278K)

Now imagine being gay and youd meet a guy like you:
>r9k poster
>fucks fleshlight
>probably incel
>condescending to short people

Would you fuck yourself?
No matter what you answer, your just a subhuman thats gonna hang off the ceiling in a couple of months..

fake story fuck off king of manlet you know you haven't left your basement in months

>offer her my seat
you will remain a virgin forever

Right, he should have told her how all women are whores and their only value is their vaginas


Literally just date tall girls exclusively, user. Womanlets are on the dumb.

No, he should have simply smiled back and not move at all.
Only relinquish your seat for the sick and the elders. No one else is entitled to have a seat.

I will never understand why beautiful women fuck themselves up with all this ink

Because they like they way it looks.

quit being nice
the world and especially women will always see you as shit so you might as well give it right back

haha yes fellow redditor i tip my fedora to you good sir

do you realize how difficult it is for a 5'3" guy to date a girl who's 5'6"+?

Why are you comparing yourself to a woman if you're a man?

She was pretty much telling you to get a boyfriend.

Shouldn't have offered the seat. Never offer your seat. If she gave you a friendly look and you don't care that day, pat your lap to indicate she should sit there.

>giving your seat away to a roastie
You only give your seat away to old people or the disabled

Fuck old people. They get everything handed to them already.

Theyre dead in a couple of years let them be

>offer her my seat

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That's what people kept hoping 30 years ago. But the elderly just keep on living and keep on draining resources.
Imagine a neet who lives forever, drains triple the neetbux and consumes vast amounts of medical resources to remain living forever. Don't they get free travel on subways, too? They get free travel in my country.

I pay for my seat and I can't even have that.

>a couple of years
the baby boomers are just starting to enter retirement m8
they've got decades left in them

Thoroughly redpilled
Fuck old boomers

Being female is an illness.

Why is being a woman with a feminine trait good but a man with a feminine trait bad? Let's call in NASA and hope they can figure this out