Im not gay but paint my nails and like cute things

im not gay but paint my nails and like cute things

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I feel you.

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Nothing wrong with that. I like cute stuff and wear flamboyant clothes, wax my eyebrows, get manicures and pedicures. Doesn't mean I like cock in my ass

Cute str8s are gr8!

do you act flamboyant too?
i need a bf who is gay in every single way except attracted to me.

just don't show that to people in public, otherwise you will be gay in their minds

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gunjy you fucking faggot lmao

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This isn't frowned upon if you're in a rock band.

he wants to paint them in pink or read like a homo

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shitania tranny

>I'm not gay I'm just gay
Great thread OP

OP (gunjy) also unironically orbits underage boys in his discord, clearly a closet homo in denial

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can I wax your legs? and pluck your eyebrows? and buff your nails? and oil your cuticles?

more like "I'm gay but not a Homo" desu
I feel you op. though I will never paint my nails , I love cute shit and would have bought so many plushies if it wasn't so gay. I like to dress up too, though I only did it whit my ex gf, and I'm too hairy now to really be cute.
I like to think of myself as a lesbian. I have considered transition but at the end of the day I still prefer having a Dick and I would be a tomboy anyways. I would certainly love looking more androgynous tho

It's okay to be gay gunjy.

it's not okay to be gunjy tho.

You don't have to like men to be gay, OP.

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fuck that pedo asshole

It's called being a metrosexual. A term completely lost in time because men these days aren't allowed to be sensitive and trendy without society urging them to pump the hormones and chop their dicks off

>OP (gunjy) also unironically orbits underage boys in his discord,
people orbit me I dont orbit people.
no I dont want do any of that, just my nails
I would be openly gay but im not
>It's called being a metrosexual.
i remember this as I was a boomer

at least paint them in a color a rock band member would you mentally ill boomer

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This, except I don't paint my nails. I like them a bit longish, though.

>at least paint them in a color a rock band member would you mentally ill boomer
normally do black, im getting purple next.
I dont conform to fashion