Education of the Elite(s)

I think this is the best board to talk about this subject.

How is the education of the elite? I've been thinking a lot about this lately, mostly because of the Peace Revolution podcast and John Taylor Gatto videos. What is the curriculum of the elite education and what is necessary to think like them?

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Other urls found in this thread: &cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

There's financial elite and cognitive elite. Financial elites come from good families and their education, in truth, is of no greater level than the general pop. These people get into Ivy's through legacy programs, get humdrum degrees in history or philosophy, may or may not pursue law school (getting good LOCs from their contacts) and are hooked up with some kind of job afterward. These people are only moderately above average intelligence

Cognitive elites come from anywhere and do actually demanding STEM degrees at elite universities. These people are the one who do impressive things with their lives. They then, with some luck and conniving, become the financial elites and their kids can just go through route A.

If you think there is some special curriculum for influential people you're mistaken. At least, there isn't one in any school. They learn the "elite" knowledge on the job and by experience. You quickly acclimate yourself to the politics of your workplace, which is the real hurdle you will have to overcome

wow nice anti-semitic tropes u fuckin nazis

from what I can tell at a HYPSM, nothing exceptional. actually pretty lacking.

source for anything said

>Financial elites come from good families and their education, in truth, is of no greater level than the general pop
Are you serious?

Yeah, that bit's slightly off. Their education is better than average because the average level is so low, but nowhere near the level of, say, top-tier Asian schools.

The truth is much more frightening user, nobody is in control, nobody understands shit, we are all in a wild ride. And the direction is set by an ideology more than 4,000 years old.

Nazism is pro-NWO

You can usually find syllabi for courses at the Ivy Leagues and other elite colleges online pretty easily

I unironically believe in the Illuminati, and want to take them down. I believe one of the dominant hands by which they operate is that of the scientific institution that presently rules our world.

I am writing a book right now, attacking the lies of science and teaching people the nature of consciousness directly, attempting to guide them to "gnosis" if you desire to call it that, based on my own experiences as a mystic and my own (believed) understandings on reality's monistic/nondual nature. Do any of you here think such a book would be successful, if it could somehow get published? Something attacking all the major scientific narratives of the past few centuries, and reasserting my own ones based on my understandings of consciousness and reality's nature? Don't think I'm being a narcissist here, I don't hold my person or philosophy highly at all. But I want to erode those of mainstream science, and believe I have plenty of cogent arguments to do so. Would a book that aims to do this, be able to be read by a modern public? Or would the authorities, themselves being scientists, find a way to censor it?

Please help me guys. Pretend, for a second, that I "do" have knowledge, and that I "could", prove literally everything said by scientists, on the overall nature of reality (Big Bang, Evolution, think of whatever other major narratives exist), to be incorrect. And that I'm not just some deluded, pretentious Jow Forums-user, who thinks he knows something, but in reality knows nothing at all. If the above were true, how would I go about giving this knowledge to the public, whose hands I'm trying to place it into? This is all I desire to know. Please help me. I know nothing about books or publishing anything, and wasn't an aspiring author until my mystical investigations led me to (perceived) understandings that I now seek to share with the world. But I'm utterly clueless as to how I'd go about the process.

Thank you.

I know, I mean something more... let's say, hidden, maybe?

>Do any of you here think such a book would be successful, if it could somehow get published?
That has been published already.

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This is such a dumb fucking narrative. Your scenario isn't more frightening by any means. Blows my mind how anyone could convince themself of this, especially on a literature board when literally all you need to do is read a few books.

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I would absolutely read it, but I hesitate to assume you're credible because you don't even understand that it's impossible to give the truth to the public.

What, you want a syllabus for the secret mind control class they teach at Phillips Exeter?

What do you mean by this, and why do you say it? Why can't they be given truth?

Not quite what I was looking for but now yes

If any major scientific narratives are lies, and I'm sure some are, they're upheld by a lot more force than you'll ever have access to. Surely you understand this if you believe in the illuminati.

This exactly. The Ivy League university circuit is the fucking definition of middlebrow mediocrity. "Moderately above average" nails it, but somehow coupled with the completely unironic pretense of being super-intelligent junior world leaders, because they read one trendy Benjamin essay and coasted through a few classes of lowest common denominator bildung, at what used to be the high school level. Rich little brats seriously think their grade-deflated 4-year summer camp is an actual intelligentsia.

The biggest weakness of the wealthy is that they would rather pay for the comforting simulation of being an intelligentsia than actually work to become (and maintain) one. If rich people were even slightly capable of seeing the atrophy that this causes, and had enough willpower to do even the bare minimum work necessary to counter it, they could be an unstoppable oligarchy forever. Even mediocre intellectuals, as long as they are real intellectuals, could permanently outclass and outthink the rare straggler geniuses produced by the lower classes despite all the pressures and distractions endured by the latter.

All of the variables and force multipliers are in favour of the established oligarchy, they are better organised and better situated to exploit a single drop of hard work and talent as long as they have that drop. But they let all the potential drops dry up so that they can continue spending 4 years in carefree extended high school, never actually taxing themselves.

A very small percentage of them become "cognitive elites" by fluke, in this poster's phrasing, but even those ones are still corrupted by and absorbed into the do-nothing financial elite caste. Either they start out rich, in which case they can't differentiate their genuine passion/talent from their "lifestyle" (rich people are a walking "lifestyle," to which everything else is subordinate and secondary), or they fluke their way into the ivory tower and get absorbed into those same behaviours anyway because they are surrounded 24/7 by rich lifestylers. For every 100 PhD students at Harvard, 97 of them will be rich do-nothing jobbers who contributed nothing, 2 will be potentially passionate rich people whose passion never reached critical mass because their day-to-day cow-like existence was just too pleasant to ever overturn completely, and the remaining 1 will be an uplifted plebeian house negro who takes on the worldview of his leisure class masters.

If you're looking for a conventional aristocracy it doesn't exist. The only aristocrats are now exiles and inner émigrés. A fundamental premise of bourgeois victory over humanity is that technocracy replaces excellence, because excellence by definition excels the bounds of what exists and crosses over into something different. The whole essence of a bourgeois technocrat is not to allow anything different to exist, ever again. All that matters is keeping your family's membership in the hedonist mandarin class.

But does this mean that, as I asked above, a book which attacked them would not even receive publishing? Or if it were, would it afterward be heavily censored? Everyday, new books are published. People read them, like the anons on /lit/. They subsequently discuss them among eachother. And so on. This is just how this domain works.

What would be so difficult, then, about publishing a book that attacks dominant scientific narratives, and champions new ones based in spirituality, and having it be read and discussed by said reading-public?

I share your disdain for the bourgeoisie elites but this is just stupid. Misrepresenting the problem like this is just as harmful as not acknowledging there's a problem in the first place.

I disagree with you but thank you for the seemingly non-pasta effort-posting, it's stuff like this that keeps me coming back to /lit/.

>my mystical thinking has given me a more accurate view of the world than science

Your book sounds cool man and I feel like I know where you're coming from because I did way too make psychedelics in my youth, but there's no way people are not going to see you as deluded, as do I. Science isn't an ideology, it's a methodology. Look into epistemology.

If you think you can prove science "wrong" with a book you don't really get science. You can become an academic and then conduct scientific test that could prove a specific theory wrong, but that's already what is suppose to happen and what scientists try to do. Every time you prove something wrong about science you update it and make your picture of the world a bit more accurate.

What makes you so sure your view is correct? How do you know you're not deluded?

I'd read your book though.

I am in alignment with your sentiments regarding the scientific institution and their role in controlling our population by means of false narratives on reality, and I wish you could provide the public with the gnosis you describe yourself as having. As for your book, and the questions you've asked regarding its release, I sadly can't help you regarding what you desire to know. But if you get it published, I'll definitely be reading it. Good luck user.

I understand epistomology, rather, I believe the scientists are the ones who do not, and their dominant theories to reflect this fact. Epistomology is a huge part of what I'm writing on.

I don't think I can prove "science" wrong (that statement doesn't mean anything), merely certain, specific narratives that are currently found within it, and have been for a long time now. I am not claiming that medical understandings, for example, are incorrect. Merely the overarching narratives, including those I mentioned earlier (big bang, evolution, etc).

I could absolutely be deluded, without question. But the book would simply be information, from my own perspective, that anyone with eyes and a mind could read for themselves, and evaluate using their own judgements. Nothing more, nothing less. Just information, just like all books contain information.

All I'm asking here is whether it would even be possible to publish something that contradicts what scientists have told the world, and have this be read by said world? Is that even feasible in the first place, especially for someone without background in the field, or even in academia at all? A literal nobody, writing a book presenting his own perspectives?

I see what your saying and yeah I think you would definitely be able to publish. I don't think scientists are covering up any conspiracy, if there is some generally accepted theory that is wrong I think every real scientist would want to know. If something like that exists it would probably be because no one is looking at it closely and it being really complex so you need serious time to even look at it close enough to see a problem.

Guys like Stephan Hawkins rail against their own theories sometimes. Science has no agenda other than find the truth. There's already lots of science that has been forced underground because it makes people uncomfortable, but its just hidden, not destroyed or censored. At least in the US...

Okay, thank you. I only disagree with you on the point regarding science being neutrally after the truth, and believe there to certainly be a materialism-cult/cabal which currently holds the most power, and have censored those who present narratives conflicting with theirs. Things like parapsychology being so discredited and without public platform, despite having already showcased many realities which their sector is devoted to investigating. As said, the book revolves around consciousness and would therefore be an attack on the major materialistic narratives which are presently peddled. That's the concept, anyway.

>materialism-cult/cabal which currently holds the most power, and have censored those who present narratives conflicting with theirs
I feel you man. Personally I just don't think it's a concerted effort, more just a product of personal biases of modern scientists all compounding over time. Not that that makes it better or your point any less relevant. Science is suffering from throwing the baby out with the bathwater regarding somethings. Consciousness is definitely a big one.

i work in congress (i'm low level, nothing big) and know that in terms of the concentration of academic knowledge, there isn't much here.

there is one "library" that acts as a front for the type of education and power you're talking about, though. the congressman i work for is a member and it all seems very secretive and what not, but the guy who runs it apparently will dredge up mad obscure but important texts for people. you ask him for a list of "campaign finance" and he'll compile the best academic writing, scan it in, and summarize it for you as a public consulting service. from what i understand--and this is all circumspect and heresay--he also has ties to yarvin, surkov, etc.

there very much IS a special curriculum of texts and resources, stuff that is NEVER put up on this board, and its pretty much concentrated in the hands of just a few people:

seriously and unironically, find a way into that membership and you've found yourself among america's illuminati.

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Holy shit you motherfucker, that is what I am talking about. Thank you so much.

Also why did I never heard about such thing?

I go to a top Ivy League school and this is completely correct. Majority of minds here are absolutely mediocre, but the select few will run circles around you and everyone on this board - they are the future monarchs of the mind.

hey man you're welcome, but straight up--and i really don't mean to fear monger or conspiracy dredge--but be careful with that one. LOTS of money, LOTS of power, the sorta confluence of high-end ivy league-level academics and hedge fund managers who mingle with philanthropists and senators. people like eliot cohen and meoldy hobson and roger altman and john elkann and nancy pelosi and larry fink and shit like that. seriously heavy hitters.

i've become obsessed with trying to figure out who it is behind it. i've been talking to all sorts of people around DC and post pictures of his library on shelf threads just to find some leads. nothing yet.

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because i only heard about it because my boss, a congressman, let it slip at one point. there's a reason you haven't heard about it, or that i hadn't heard about it, until someone who knows about it tells you directly.

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Fascinating. Thanks, user.
Got any DLC keys?

obviously there is none you spacker. The whole thing is pretty believable anecdote

DLC key? what's that?

You're the Washington DC user with the big book collection, right?

I am overwhelmed by this. Makes total sense that a google search does not give you back much. I wish there were more reading lists though!

ayy dudeeee
*hits bong*
robert anton wilson
*exhales slowly*
wuz riteee

no, i post it a lot, though. i'm admittedly jealous of it and want to find out more about it. not my collection.

i do live in DC, though. do you?

there's an archive somewhere of a whole bunch. crazy shit like "politics of illusion," "campaign aesthetics," "ancient divination and sacral power" and concentrated reading lists on nietzsche, plato, etc.

i want so fucking bad to request a whole series.

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I'm an Ivy Leaguer, do you think I can meme my way to get access to this stuff?

How high up do you have to be? Do you think a 32nd degree mason would get in?

"politics of illusion," "campaign aesthetics," "ancient divination and sacral power"
This library thing deserves a thread seriously

It will probably be movied/renamed if too many normies know about it.

>there's an archive somewhere of a whole bunch

no idea what the process of invitation is like, no idea how its offered, no idea where it's actually located.

what i do know:
i have some vague idea of the membership, which i listed already above. you have to be very, very high up it seems--although i have heard rumors that people like angelo roefaro under schumer have membership. but he's still very well-connected.
i know that he will compile lists for you given whatever subject you want; he'll scan in the documents so they are all digital; he'll provide bullet-point summaries; and he'll send you the entire list of books upon request. it seems like a full run-down service, and i know that the people who use it really, really rely on it for any knowledge outside the usual mainlines.
i know the owner is a DC native, went to the high school "georgetown prep" (i know because there was mention of his "brotherhood" status with gorsuch and kavanaugh), and went to an ivy league of some kind (not sure which). i know that he's still pretty young, that he's wealthy and well-connected. i think that he works for a PR firm somewhere around dupont circle and has ties to the philips gallery, but that's very heresay.

beyond that i am desperately searching for any and all information.

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>he will compile lists for you given whatever subject you want; he'll scan in the documents so they are all digital; he'll provide bullet-point summaries
Wait this is all a personal library? I thought it was a government place or something

no dude...that's what i'm saying. one guy owns it, runs it, and pretty much controls the flow of real knowledge in and out of the higher levels of washington power.

i need to find this man.

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can you write me a letter?

trust me, if i had a way in, i'd be in and would probably not be posting here.

>i need to find this man.
Any chance of a /lit/ Washington meetup? I could go there (even though I don't even live in America) and stay a couple of weeks to find things out.

Trailer Park Boys will take down the illuminati

Don’t do it user! I have it from a special source that this poster will kill you for knowing too much.

t. a friend

k I won't then

i've never been to any of those meetups, but i live in DC. they seem lame.

So this is what happened to francis bacon...

/lit/ meets /x/: the thread

sub meets human: the user

am interested as well

Why would he keep a blog about it?

Being elite is about networking.
No matter what you achieve, if you have too many elite enemies you will fall, in one way or other.
You have to think of the "elite" as a series of club with different creeds, working mostly against each other.

Write a book

why user

He said gnosticism not gay stuff.

Gnosticism is a great descriptor of my desired project. Would such a text, attempting to elucidate reality in such a manner, to such an audience as the ordinary public (not academia elites, nor those into esotericism), explained as clearly as can be, be possible in today's world?

>nor those into esotericism
I don't want to discourage you but it ain't happening with that requirement. Normalfags are literally incapable of understanding such things.

i can say categorically that this isnt true

behind the layers of pluralism and interest politics--which are significant and many--there really is a cadre of incredibly intelligent people at least TRYING to run things. i don't think they succeed, in large part because there are a lot of really mediocre people at just as high levels of power, but they are there.

i want to know what they know. i want to know how it is that they see the world. i'll be honest with you: i have seen them, and i want to be them.

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I have higher hopes for them my friend. I don't see myself as different from them in the first place. As of a few years ago, I was as ordinary a person as could be. Then, without my will, I went through a spiritual vortex, many strange experiences happened after, and let's just say I eventually came out the other end with certain, newfound "powers", if you wanted to call them that. Hinduism/Buddhism calls them "siddhis", and more than those, I have just understood certain things regarding consciousness now, experiential realities, that I want to explain to others and allow them to thereby experience them too. Concepts like subject-object phenomena-nondualism for example. But what you say has some truth to it, for sure. I just think that there's bound to people out there in the public who'd read it, even if they may outwardly seem like the type who would have no interest in such topics.

Can you give us a bit of what you understood here? Just a tiny bit.

Certainly, friend. I hope you're asking out of curiosity and not in attempt to insult me. Anyway, a very simple yet basic understanding is that of the subject-object phenomena-nondualism I mentioned earlier. What this refers to is the fact that you are yourself quite literally the reality around you, which you have presently considered "separate" from yourself by virtue of the lower-state of consciousness you reside in. This screen you're seeing these words on, and whatever other objects are presently beside you, are literally you. But your awareness is too constricted, bound around your body by the force of your mistaken identification with it, causing you to see these as "beyond you", but your hands, for example "as you". The same applies to sounds, for example. Sounds are not separate from you, but you perceive them as such because of the state of awareness you've placed yourself into. I hope these were decent explanations.

I would not only explain the nature of reality above, but try and guide people to experience it directly.

That's just a simple example, but the text is very comprehensive and would cover much more.

*but your hands, for example, "as you".
*the same applies to sounds.

Sorry, just cleaning up my sentences.

It is out of curiosity, yes, and I wish we could discuss that further in a decent way, something almost impossible on this board.
Do you intend these things you perceived to be
unprecedented/never said before? Because (no offense intended, really) it sounds to be like some sort of idealism or ultra-rationalism.
Anyway, I wish you luck with the publishing.

primary sources that cover this in some direct way: berkeley, wittgenstein, merleau-ponty. even huxley and blake.

secondary sources that try to trace this phenomenon: charles taylor, arthur lovejoy, jarold seigel, udo thiel.

why in the world do you think what you are claiming has not been THOROUGHLY explored previously? are you just not very well read?

Perhaps I've mis-stated it then, but it isn't idealism. Meaning, it isn't simply saying "mind is everything", instead that everything within your awareness is inseparably and equally you, but until you've reached a state of awareness high enough, you will not see this. My explanations are definitely poor. What I'm trying to get at is that you are merely a field of awareness, and everything in that field is equally you. The objects you presently view and see as "other", if you enter the state I'm describing, will be viewed in front of you and seen as "you", because your awareness has now expanded enough that it has come to encompass it. The way that a photograph perceives everything in front of it as itself, without distinction. Like the picture attached, but imagining it with any object, such as a stranger's face, for example. Everything you see is literally you.

I hope that clarifies it. I'm not so sure it's "original", I'm certain it's been written of before, but I don't imagine most people actually understand it, or if they do, aren't really displaying such an understanding in their speech or writing. Philosophers always speaking about surrounding "objects", for example, not realizing themselves to be those very objects, without separation.

Thank you for the kind wishes though, I really appreciate that.

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you’re a liar. You do not work for a congressman. This isn’t some secret congressional library. It’s a library that some dude a while back pretended was his own and posted pictures of himself in it. I have the link with damn near hundreds of pictures. He was claiming he was a high level political consultant or some shit. Just blatant lies. Similar to you.

if everyone is a liar then what actually is it? help me find that out, at least.

I want to tease you since you seem so desperate for this but I’ll go look for the link now. At the very least you’ve made up an interesting story

This gives true meaning to the phrase "Knowledge is power."
Perhaps the most intriguing thread ever on /lit/.

i don't understand

you seem like you know what it is

i'm just asking you to tell me what it actually is--i don't need a link or anything

it's just someone's library?

its this twitter username: Penndraggon

the mystery deepens

One level deeper:

Here he is on lit posting pictures and claiming he’s a poweful campaign manager and this is his personal collection. A bit odd. His proof pictures seem to align. However, he’s just reposting pictures from so who knows. Could be fake.

The twitter account certainly adds to the interest.

>sorry, that page doesn't exist!

yeah i'm not seeing what you're seeing

Be aware that it's almost impossible to sell books. Of the thousands of books published each year, few sell more than 10,000 copies.
That said, you should consider creating a marketing plan. The internet has made it possible to target specific demographics at little cost.

>See "The $100 Startup".

Regardless of how great your product is, nobody is going to open doors for you. Marketing is perhaps more important that Writing.

twitter deleted? you can still see it existed if you search "W. D. S. Pennington"

had two followers:

might have been a third i can't see it now

also, the glowworm blog used to be "catalineconspiracycom" wordpress site but it's been edited

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No idea why

Google “12177899”

Thanks alot. Sales were never my concern (I literally didn't think of that aspect once until you mentioned it just now), my only concern is with the information attempting to be communicated.
>The mission of the goodman2 institute is the exploration and development of a higher order reality principle – an aesthetic science that unifies art, nonlinear science, philosophy and culture
the fuck is this

How did you find the twitter name? Might help us solve this

Sorry, but to add, I will definitely try and come up with some kind of "business strategy" now that you've mentioned it to me. Think of me as merely something like one of those wandering yogis in India, of no name and few possessions, but having actually decided to put into writing his own experiences/perceived realizations, which most yogis don't tend to do. I'm not an author, or a businessperson, but a mystic first and last.

what exactly are we trying to solve?? not gonna lie, a little lost now

>Perhaps the most intriguing thread ever on /lit/.
OP here, I knew it had potential! I must admit though that I considered posting this on /x/ at first.

We're trying to figure out who this man is, and thus, potentially, the contents of his library.

its this joke twitter account @G2Institute but they could be related?
the guy behind this is deleting everything in real time, but the wordpress user behind both the glowworm blog and "catalineconspiracycom" is WDP214 and before they deleted they posted every one to their twitter (which was WDS Pennington, similar user name to WDP214). looks like they've even started deleting their old blog posts now but here is the google cache: &cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

He posted on lit a little while back from the library. Here’s the thread he posted in claiming to be a big wig in dc.

From cupofkafka twitter - I think this might be him -

the glowworm blog is a prank by the user "rapture", who posted here before:

> &cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

that's from almost 2 years ago--anything more recent? is this our guy??