You told me that I could lift my autogynephilia away, but your advice sucks. Now how do I get rid of muscle mass?

You told me that I could lift my autogynephilia away, but your advice sucks. Now how do I get rid of muscle mass?

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tfw I know what that is without googling.
you can't lift it away, sorry.

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Ye, figured as much, tell me then how to lose muslce so I can transition.

Don’t worry you don’t have enough muscle to worry about this, I know because you’re having to ask this retarded question

if you block testosterone you should lose muscle fast, buy spironolactone from deep web.

Drink your own piss.

Here's some unironic advice. First, stop watching pornography. Try to go out with and have sex with women, and in doing so don't focus on the woman's body, but focus on the pleasure derived from the heterosexual sex act itself.
Autogynephilia ultimately stems from associating the female form with sexual arousal more abstractly, rather than sexual acts you are enacting upon a female form.

This. Used to have problems with AGP but reduced it severely by lifting and cutting porn. Don't give up and be a tranny OP, it's not worth it

Lifting weights only made my AGP worse and I do not even like porn. Your advice is awful.

Find meaning in life. Something bigger than all this AGP internet sexual deviance trash. It's out there if you look for it.

t. ex tranny

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What made you detransition?

>developed anxiety over all the hormones and recreational drugs i was taking
>starting reducing the estrogen dosage
>already a Jow Forumstard but at the same time redpilling myself on being a man, virtues, natural living etc (the kind of things a father should teach his son)
>started feeling happier and less anxious
>eventually stopped taking hormones and drugs
>started working on my life and never looked back

I'm happier than ever, I have goals, I have a reason to live. Being a tranny is just another way to cope with nihilism, except it can lead you down a path you might never come back from.

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grill here also with dysphoria, would lifting help?

>How do I lose muscle?
Anti-Jow Forums thread = off topic bullshit

Go ask LGBT or r9k you piece of shit

That's... Not even what they're suggesting, retard.

Go to lgbt and ask

Do you have tits?

Post anus

estrogen, low protein diet, avoid weight exercise, be patient, talk to your endo if you dont notice changes after a while.
