remember the internet before it was a tool to spread political ideology and make money? i miss the old days, I want to give up the internet but I don't know where else to go
Remember the internet before it was a tool to spread political ideology and make money? i miss the old days...
go outside
read books
or something like that
The internet has been completely coopted by private interests now. It's a goy farm
Just because commercials and the news exists doesn't mean you have to watch them when you have a recording device with a fast forward button. You can just watch the show against their will. It's no different with the Internet, except even easier to ignore the propaganda and you don't have to buy shit if you don't want to either.
Plus the good thing about the Internet is if they say something you don't agree with you can actually respond. Don't be so melancholy. Or at least bitch about censorship of your own messages, of which is the real issue. The banning of advertising yet you are advertised to is shitty. The deletion of opinions is too. But you don't have to listen to theirs.
>go outside meme
>exercise meme
You know it's hard to find a book you actually like when plebs read the most awful literature.
The internet was invented for US defence to use - how could it ever be above political ideology
A local dive bar. Dive bars are avoided by the general populus so it's a great place to escape. I go to dive bar near me almost every night after work. Hardly anyone ever there and the bartender is a lady who literally just grunts instead of talking. I just sit there for hours staring into my drink, thinking about nothing. It's surprisingly medicating.
>paying for that over extremely overpriced booze
You could be drinking cheaper shit in a park away from people. Hollywood must have corrupted your sense of ambiance.
I don't know how old you are, but the internet is a much different place than it was in 2007. 2007 is when shit began to get fucked. Every facet of the internet is destroyed with propaganda bullshit nowadays
Yes, I started using it around then and have seen everything get worse, but you act like just because it was perfect then that it has no value now. It's 75 percent as good as it was, probably.
Getting drunk publicly is against the law to begin with you know. If you live in the US it's against the law to get drunk in a bar due to it being in public, especially if you don't pay for the expensive Taxi home.
I can't get arrested for drinking in public at a bar, fucking retard. And I just said it was a dive bar, $2 a beer isn't a huge issue.
>"Getting drunk in public"
Holy shit you really are retarded. I'm not "getting drunk," brainlet. I get a beer or two and then dip. Sorry you're so poor that a few dollars at a bar scares you.
I like this idea, but do you really not talk to anyone? The only dive bar near me is this shithouse filled with old men and women
I blame Kony 2012.
I'm pretty sure anyone with a hand on politics saw how that went viral and they've been copying its methodology ever since.
I thought it over and it is 50 percent what it was back then. The ads, the bloatware, the morons, the politics, the attack on freedoms on every level, the prices of the web even. Back then you could get unlimited wifi on a hotspot for 30 a month, now they literally don't offer that. Back then an animu site would not make you sign in, not spam with ads, not disable things if you have adblock. Back then there were more emulator sites, they weren't under so much attack from the kikes. Back then things like the temple of the screaming electron were not yet banned due to a lack of freedoms. There are many things under the attack of blatant tyranny. The internet is a library, that's all, with unlimited copies of everything regardless of what a kike would want it to become. Torrents were invented in the 90s, now days le piratgay blocks US citizens for months at a time. Things like voat never take off, 8 chan dies, the tor is for nothing but drugs when it was for anything before. IRC is half it's traffic despite the growing population on the web. You could write a book on the degradations. You wan't to hack a game console, the webpage is 404'd, deleted due to copyright issues in this day and age. You want to save yourself from the botnet on linux, yet it has system d. Windows is literal bloated spyware. ALl cpus made past 07 approx have backdoors built in them to allow your (((lords))) more power over you. IT does indeed only get worse.
Where I live for 7-9 dollars you can get fifteen twelve ounce high gravity beers, pre-chillled. 8 abv.
And in the US it IS technically illegal to be publicly intoxicated, so yeah you could.
It was gonna happen one way or another. The internet is too powerful a tool to go unabused. Shame that all the power belongs to the State and big companies, we probably won't have a real internet in 10-15 years.
Use Tor.
The internet you reminisce on is still there to a degree. I felt the same way and used tor to see if it was as good as I remembered.
Was pretty decent but I was definitely wearing rose tinted glasses.
you have a trip on and you're replying to yourself. nice
The most people that I have ever seen in the bar were 4 including me. On average there will be one other person, so it's pretty easy to not have to talk to anyone for me. As long as you don't sit next to anyone you shouldn't be bothered. Feel around your local bars and see which one is the most dead.
>laughably entry level understanding of the current state of the internet
I obviously changed my mind on it being 75 percent as good after thinking about it sir.
Spamming some shit like that doesn't make you aware of how bad things became newfaggot. Something like that is implied. People try to control your mind, only fools would be fearful of such tactics. They don't matter.
>high gravity beers
>8 abv
Again, I'm not trying to get drunk. I have one or two Miller's or something similar. You are seriously missing the point. And ya, it is illegal to be publicly intoxicated, but there's this thing called a blood alcohol content. One or two 4% - 5% beers ain't gonna get you there. It's also a lot easier to get caught drinking in public than getting pulled over for having a couple beers, unless you're just a terrible driver in general.
>high gravity beer
>steel reserve
he must be fucking memeing, that shit is so fucking rancidly disgusting my entire body broke out in red after I drank half of one
>like that
>like that
I don't think you even know or understand what you're trying to argue. Why are tripfaggots always the worst type of human garbage
If it's much stronger than 8 abv then you're trying to burn a hole in your stomach and it's pretty much too strong to be considered beer at that point also. Past eight, there's red wine at 9. At 9 it's basically wine tier. Past twenty it's liquor tier.
But anywho..
On foot blood alcohol level doesn't matter. If a cop doesn't like you, then you're drunk.
In a car in the US just looking in the direction of mouth wash gets you a dui.
People use mind games. That's all that shit is about. Why would a robot even CARE about propaganda. We are the type of people that sow dissent for shits and giggles to others and ourselves. It's a shit image. Post the one that shows websites being monopolized. The traffic going from many sites to only a few. That one is actually depressing, the shit you posted is gay.
Some people can just drive drunk. Only fucking idiots don't know when they're over the limit. 'Drunk driving' shouldn't even be illegal, being a drunk idiot is what should be illegal
It explains why he was going ape shit about the cost of me getting drinks at a bar so much. He's definitely poor as shit if he drinks that crap.
People have different tolerances, and people have denial of having a problem, so they just have zero tolerance for it and blame your accident on the substance, though I agree with you really. The real issue is pigs having the authority to test you, to pull you over, to ask for you ID, to even be obligated to have a tag on your car, I hate the system.
Natty Daddy actually.
What the fuck are you on about? Are you dying? Is your brain shutting down? Why are you going on about the abv of different drinks? I just said that 8% is too high and you're talking about going higher. And no, a cop can't just "say you're drunk," you absolute braindead human being. Have you never heard of a fucking sobriety test?
I once went to a bar and shared a pitcher of PBR with 3 friends, got pulled over, failed the sobriety test, got breathalized, and passed. Sobriety test is literally clown bullshit. How are you supposed to be calm when you're fucking mode of transportation can literally be taken away at this random cop's discretion? I was lucky as fuck but I definitely wasn't drunk, and yet I failed the sobriety field test.
Sobriety tests don't matter. You're automatically drunk if it's detectable on your breath at all.
And I was referring to being on foot where being drunk is just his gut judgement. And I thought you implied that 8 abv was not high, that you were belittling the abv level.
Why can you not use powers of deduction to understand my message?
Then you're a shit driver. Congratulations.
Nah, I am a good driver, I had a headlight out, that's why I got pulled over.
Because you're fucking retarded and nothing you're saying is making any sense.
Well I can tell you my headlights are doing fine so I think I'm good. You just got incredibly unlucky.
user if I don't make sense perhaps you're drunk. Now stop derailing the thread sweetie, give the bar tender your keyboard.
Alright, tripfag. Have fun being a poor homo on /lgbt/
>Derails the thread
>"Stop derailing the thread"
Actual retarded faggot
this makes me feel so fucking tired and powerless
blackpill was right all along
Money infected it more than that silly image indeed shows. The traffic was spread out and not being directed by rich corporations at first, now there's less and less websites visited and it's all due to advertising. People are sheep. Then when you try to mind your own business away from the cash they attack you for no logical reason by taking down 'shady' sites. They still go back up though, it's not that big of a deal.
There are dark Internets that will replace this one anyway and are.
Also that image is meant to make you ironically feel powerless. It's propaganda itself, ironically. Nothing ever changes. Very often propaganda messages tell you to be wary of propaganda whilst being actually propaganda. You used to see it in anti-commie propaganda for children many decades ago. If you want to have a real resistance it's have onions listed or something rather than negativity.
Well gosh, there seems to be some hostility coming from somewhere. How did this happen?!
ruling class alrey has complete control over surface web and probably over darkweb
unless there's massive worldwide event that completly shatters socioeconomic structures around the world theres zero hope for improvement
The internet has always been nothing but a tool, doesn't matter how it is used.
Hmmm..... I wonder what could be done to shatter socioeconomic structures around the world....
I don't think it was always a tool to brainwash people like it is now
A tool is a tool, just use it as you see fit.
A non-talkative tattood bar lady is the dream, man. Let the night speak for itself, and it says; everything sucks.
what is there to do besides mindlessly browse the internet?