Just read Overcoming Gravity, great book.
Calisthenics General
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Wow you read? Go workout instead you fucking twigboy
Imagine reading kek, you belong in /lit/
>Reading books about fitness instead of just doing it yourself and match it to your goals
oh no no no no
So y'all knew everything about working out the day you started?
i remember seeing you post this
what monopoly money funbucks currency is "CHF"
>hurr reading is for fags
reading a book > looking at bright displays
>Not being illiterate
LMAOing at ur lives guys
Also I'm using text to speech
if only google existed my amerimutt pal
>everyone's already forsaken /fitlit/
For shame.
>statue man motivation message
How the FUCK do I grow my arms with calisthenics? I already only do chin ups instead of pull ups and am starting one hand push ups, which I noticed tires the triceps more. Anyway, my problem is mostly the biceps.
based as fuck
Add in some bicep curls after every workout, they add up
or you just combine calisthenics with weight training
I'm having some troubles with my knees. Whenever there's an exercise that has me on my knees, like a knee-push-up, it starts to hurt like fucking hell. Is it because I'm doing the exercises on the ground? Should I buy one of those gym carpets? Would that help?
Also, is there any problem with doing calisthenics barefoot?
>motivation message
>facts are motivation messages
Oh hey. You're the same faggot from the phone screensaver thread like a week ago, huh? Fuck you.
He is right you nigger faggot
>underage cinge
So there's no way to do it with body weight alone?
Yoga mat usually works well enough for things like that. As for the barefoot, probably not. I haven't worn shoes while I do calisthenics in years and nothing has happened.
Wanted opinions on doing these twice a week each ?
Also once in a while I'd like to go to the gym (not regularly but when I feel that I need to) to train legs, chest and shoulders. What kind of workout should I do to balance for the muscles that are bound to be less trained with calisthenics ?
My chest is my weakness so that's why I also want to train during that gym day.
Stop being autistic about your biceps. Only forearms matter.
I'm asking because my arms look like twigs in comparison to my torso, not because muh biceps. And working on your biceps works the forearms as well most of the time
>mfw this whore is cute af but she's a whore
This saddens me.
That's what makes her 1000x hotter. Stoya's face is pure sex.
Do pull ups with your hands close together and palms facing you to workout biceps more
Just bought body by rings, trip a ring dip on my trx and immediately hurt my right wrist.
While I'm waiting to get the feeling back on the top of my hand, has anyone had any decent success with calisthenic body building? I enjoy the idea of being able to get outside more, I travel a lot so this works for me (sick of hotel gyms missing actual dumbells), and I want to look good.
>degradation is hot
Gtfo you worthless parasite
Is there anything other than that? I don't think it would be possible to isolate the biceps a bit more with bodyweight only, would it?
Imagine being a calistupid
Imagine paying to exercise
doing pull ups will hit your biceps
Is there any pdf form for Overcoming Gravity?
How long has everyone been doing a straight bodyweight program? Why did you start doing it? Why give up lifting?
>travel a lot for work, typically to remote places
>want a routine i can stay consistent with
also, doing backflips is cool
if the wiki is true, then i live an hour away from her
I just listened to the call of the wild
Diamond pushups nigga
Did you just google "CHF"? Why not "CHF currency" like a non brainlet?
t. “dude xxxTenacion such an inspiration RIP”
>mixed IQ
>either be a cringy statue man or xxxTenacion fan. NO inbetween allowed
Jow Forumstards were a mistake
>using some shitty azquotes statue picture for anything
what are you retarded
never mind you are holyshit
How does calisthenics work? Like with weight training if you feel a certain weight is easy you just add more weight to it, but how does it work with calisthenics? You add more reps or time?
Sometimes reps and time, but largely angle or leverage. A basic example is moving from normal push-ups to uneven push-ups (one arm elevated on a step stool or something) or decline push-ups (feet on a bench). For squats you can eventually move up to pistol squats which are just one leg body weight squats.
Literally every woman
Just accept it and you will be happier
So, you have to be switching routines once in a while or am I missing something? Because for some reason i have this dumb thought that the body will eventually get used to a certain exercise and won’t make much progress. I don’t have the slightest idea how calisthenics works...
You have to progress.
bumping for opinions on both workout (twice a week)
weight is just one means of progressive overload, you can also force adaptation by decreasing leverage ie; pushups to diamond pushups to planche pushups
it's sort of the same idea as the one inch punch
This is why I love y’all muhhfukkas
>getting this upset over quoting someone who lived 2000+ years ago so the only reference we have for their face to accompany the quote are some fucking statues but you hate statues because grrrrrrr
>fucking az quotes I hate az quotes even though theyre just a website that hosts a collection of quotes for some reason this upsets me because it says az quotes
I designed this shit for myself:
X chin-ups 2X leg raises 3X push-ups
X goes from 7 to 3 (my maximum in chin-ups is 9 now)
1.5-2 min rest between series, 5 min rest and then I did it again from 7 to 3
It's 50 chin-ups, 100 leg raises and 150 push-ups in total.
Results: severe lat, chest and ab DOMS, strained something under my right clavicle.
Should I do it again? Or is it just retarded?
Also progression ideas? Thinking about switching from chin-ups to pull-ups and from bent leg raises to straight leg raises when I adapt to this.
Compared to weightlifting, how far and how quickly can calisthenics take you? I've been doing bodyweight exercises for about a month after being extremely sedentary and I definitely feel like I'm getting stronger, but would weightlifting take me much farther, much faster?
You are allowed to use dumbbells too you know. I use them for for biceps and shoulders in addition to calisthenics
It's about the same.
what are your goals?
if you just want to get big for aesthetics then weights are a much more straightforward way of getting there. if you wanna do cool shit & build mobility and also look good as a consequence doing so then do calisthenics
overcoming gravity is probably the best resource for building your own routine
>what are your goals?
Health is #1, then a very, very close second is aesthetics.
I don't care to get huge, nor do I really care to do cool shit (though if that comes as a byproduct of calisthenics, great). I want to be seen as someone who works out at the very least.
>it's that cringy dude who got BTFO'd by some user for like 30 posts and can't let it go.
Same. Girl voice or boy voice?
Do calisthenics gains translate over to strength gains? For instance, guys who can do a planche, what is your 1 rep max bench?
i fucking loved this book, it unironically made me start lifting
You can train chest with dips
If you do weighted pullups and dips you can build an impressive physique
Swiss Franken
I agree with you, brother. Statue motivation is fucking cringe.
Girl for test boost