What's objectively and unironically the thinking man's fetish? Seriously

What's objectively and unironically the thinking man's fetish? Seriously.

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Sex for the purpose of procreation.

Narcissism. Exclusive sexual attraction to yourself.

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Armpit fetish

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Milfs, they're less tainted by this world's ever-increasing hatred of men.

making love instead of brainless fucking for the sake of an endorphin rush and some minuscule amount of self worth affirmation.

Hebephilia and ephebophilia.

Scat, unfortunately.
All fetishes lead to vore and vore's logical conclusion is scat.
Luckily I'm not a very smart man.

Giantess unironically, its greatly over-represented in high IQ men

The ability to delay gratification is a big predictor of success
See the cookie experiment

this robot man gets it

>What's objectively and unironically the thinking man's fetish? Seriously.

sorry to say but its unironically the BBC sissy fetish

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Femdom is a fetish for high IQ meb

Pure, without corruption. The ultimate in beauty.


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It's really hard to describe, but I'm into seeing a girl's anatomy. Like when she moves her arms and you can see how her shoulder blades move, or watching her rib cage shift as she breathes. I'm in biomedical eng so human anatomy and its mechanics are on my mind too much.

>I have a high IQ and am deeply into giantess fetish

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"ephebophilia" is latin for "I have no fetishes but am too edgy to admit it"

ntr/cuckolding by your own mother
cute feet

This pretty much. Any other fetish is degenerate and a waste of time.

Shiny clothes and down jackets, because seeing skin is degenerate.

And humiliation too, because pride is a sin and Stacy has to be brought low before God.

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I tailor my fetishes to suit what's most readily available.

Having a foot fetish makes summers absolute heaven. Cute toes everywhere. It's like seeing boobs everywhere.

Cute girl at work wears glasses.
I now have a fetish for glasses.
Cute girl at work is even cuter and hotter.
Life is good.

Cute girl at the cafe is asian.
I now have an asian fetish.
Grabbing something to drink is now accompanied by a nice erection, which makes everything more enjoyable...

This, loving sex is best.

Coitus reservatus or Karezza.

Brat taming and humiliation such men see into the true nature of women.

I wish I was a girl so I could wear things like this

I still wear things like that though, but only in private.

Same here
Ive been looking for tights like that, but they're all too expensive

Try ordering from china? I've gotten cheap knock-off Moncler down jackets and shiny leggings like that from ioffer before.
Need to get a new pair of tights to poop in

When girls burp

Prove me wrong. Pro tip, you cannot.

The supreme fetish is having no fetish.
The ascended Man is able to appreciate all aspects of sexuality, ex tempore, and tricking his own body into being aroused by the peculiarities and tastes of his current lover

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Self improvement and the need to achieve your own personal goals.

Breeding women

making the message sex.. thank you for accepting to this...

It's obviously fapping to historical figures.

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Hows the quality? I got a pvc crop top off Amazon and it's kind of meh
>to poop in

Hit and miss (and they do miss, huh?). Some jackets I've bought have been really nice, others have felt and looked really cheap.

I pretend to be a humiliated Stacy, some times.

an ephebophile is a pedophile with a thesaurus

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Burping is truly the greatest fetish
>gfs bubbly tummy bouncing on lap while she rides you
>leaning down to nip on my ears and let out warm wet belches
>every thrust or hard slap on the ass forcing out more
I cum buckets four to five times a week, lads

gender bender ending in vanilla sex for purpose of procreation

watersports, it's indicative of high society and culture

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>tfw "teen" is one of the most popular categories on pornhub

tfw no gf to pee on

comment was not original

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All fetishes are equal. Grow up, nerds.

Yeah, equally BAD!
this post is brought to you by vanilla gang.

I don't believe in the existence of vanilla people.

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I have this shit too. It's not really a fetish. I just imagine a lot about it once I finally find someone to have a relationship with.

I find that the more intelligent a man is, the more weird and complex his fetishes are. Someone with something basic like EXTREMELY BIG BOOBIES or GIGANTIC WOMAN or FARTS COME FROM BUTTS are special needs tier retarded.

Cuckolds are always really intelligent guys, I find, and so are those dudes with that way out there, crazy, unnamable shit you see coming from Japan.

porn "teen" is not the same thing as literal teenager.

>Someone with something basic like EXTREMELY BIG BOOBIES
This is my #1 fetish and I unironically have an IQ high enough that you'll call be a liar if I say it.

That's nice. You plan on learning what "unironically" means one of these days?

You sound like an easy going guy, user

that's not the point he's making and you know it

Futanari. Great discussions will occur at length between high IQ men involving the heterosexuality and homesexuality of Futa. It truly is the great unsolved sexual mystery of our times, and only the highest IQ men find themselves attracted to these enigmas.

Futa isn't gay and never will be. I wanna see a chick sucking dick without seeing a guy getting his dick sucked. Futa makes this possible.

Femdom. Search your feelings you know it to be true.

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religion fetish, in its nearly sexless form i'm obsessed with

you get to learn about a lot of different traditions! :)

then you flip them to imagine if you were a member, but they were led by girls

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Mpreg for 90% of Jow Forums then

This. And brat taming but the brat is the guy.