Is 'have sex' the new 'post body'?
Is 'have sex' the new 'post body'?
have sex
post body
No. It’s the new buzzword for trannies, roasties and betas when they dislike a post but can’t actually refute it
You offering?
have sex
its just a repackaged "incel" or "haha u virgin" ect.... that roasties and trannies spew when they see something that triggers them
post body is actually good because if they post body and they're Jow Forums then the replycuck is BTFO
post sex
Post your body having sex.
Sex body.
t. Self exposed incel
Have sex
n-no homo
have sex
Sex incel bodies post having onions.
incel confirmed
literally have sex
Have body
Insert your phallus into a woman’s vaginal cavity
Post body
Daily reminder that it’s literally impossible for women to not have sex.
They are incapable of keeping their legs closed, especially around Chad.
“Don’t have sex” is “have sex, incel” for roasties.
have sex
Very ironic
install gentoo
Have sex is literally the final proof of the reddit invasion. Jow Forums died after the fappening, everything has changed. "We" are normies now, it's fucking disgusting and unironically makes me sick. I don't think there's another easy way to find outcasts with shared interest anonymously. Fuck everything and everyone, this world sucks
Jow Forums died after gamergate, the refugees all migrated to _chan, only a handful of us stayed behind to hold the line against the reddit hordes
Lurk more
No, rddit.
Post body is the ultimate way to call out a faggot LARP for being a faggot LARP. Any excuse does not matter. You either are or are not what you claim
Have sex is what said
Hate mass replying faggots like you
post sex
if i could have sex i wouldnt be an incel
Wrong, >post body is flung around more carelessly than the N-word at this point.
At this point 99% of it's usage is: I don't like this
Roasties can literally not comprehend this
Not him but that's a terrible way to do discourse, who the hell wants this? How is it even worth anyone's time?
Your mom made me promise not to show anyone.
Until that day comes, know your place and stop talking out of turn to us sex-havers.
Also, have sex.
Have body
have post body sex
i'm trying
ascend this realm
>who the hell wants this?
Dyels who bank on Jow Forums's crippling body dismorphia, who think that anonymous strangers not giving into their demands means they automatically win any argument.
>How is it even worth anyone's time?
It's not, but these guys don't get enough attention from making quality posts so they have to delve into being inflammatory since that's how kids and newfags fresh from /b/ typically act.
You know they're new because the rise of >post body and >have sex posters have quickly escalated since around March of this year.
I'll have sex with your body post if you know what I mean.
Sex: have it you incels
sex is overrated
It's literally harder to NOT have sex
Bend over
But i'm a boy and i'm small
No, it's the perfect way to expose all the newfags that take things at face value. It even keeps working after you explain it.
Engage in carnal relations
Post explanation of sex.
Help! I'm being raped by another man way taller and stronger than me
>means they automatically win any argument.
In some cases this makes sense, but the amount of retards posting essays of shot only to reply with "muh dox" when asked to post body is ridiculous at this point
Your fault for saying "have sex"
Put penis in vagine.
If it's somebody arguing whether dips are better for chest than bench with somebody else than that's fine.
The dips and the bench guy both post their chests and the mob decides whose is better.
The majority of the time, the gauntlet is thrown when some user simply doesn't like what the other poster said.
The nature of this anonymous imageboard is in conflict with opinions needing to be verified by an identity (your body).
If you need to be semi-anonymous, then other fitness sites are more suitable for that.
Except that is a terrible point. If I'm on Jow Forums and say 1 language can't or can do X, someone will call me out or ask what my credentials are. Same thing here. That's what it comes down to; whether or not you're even remotely competent in what you are saying. And considering that the majority of this board does not lift or is DYEL, post body is a valid response. Granted it can be used out of context far too often, but is all around better than have sex
>appeal to authority
>dude, if you suck 1000 dicks and swallow all their loads you'll get big and jacked like me
>really? post body
>muh dox!!
Don't even pretend this shit doesn't happen on a regular basis here
Fitness isn't as clear cut as 'thing can do X'.
You can take multiple different approaches to achieve a strength goal or physique that may or may not work for other lifters.
Jujimufu swears by bodybuilding exercises growing his arms while Brian Alsruhe says you only need to do heavy compounds.
Both of them have big arms despite their different opinions, so they are both right.
>That's what it comes down to; whether or not you're even remotely competent in what you are saying.
Not arguing that, it's
>it can be used out of context far too often
This does not make anybody want to oblige if they have to post body for every controversial thing.
Like I said, for an anonymous board this is retarded because as soon as the thread is over then the whole thing starts all over, with even more >post bodys thrown around.
At that point we might as well all have trips and suck each others dicks.
Your body is not your credentials, brainlet. If you want someone here to post credentials how about some actual credentials then...such as a degree, proof user is a coach/trainer, picture of someone they've coached, etc.
And here is why. How do you explain scenarios like this:
>2 guys post conflicting advice, both have a good body
>2 guys say the same thing, but one looks good and the other doesn't
Because both these scenarios happen in the fitness world constantly.
Also, have sex.
No. "Have sex" is /asp/ specific because none of those marks have ever gotten laid. Except for Kevin Nash in the Summer of '92, of course. "Post body" is Jow Forums specific, because none of you underage b& faggots actually lift.
Here's a Kevin Dunn, in case someone questions how much of an /asp/ie I am.
>2 guys post conflicting advice, both have a good body
Except this literally never happens here. Ever. And what is your definition of conflicting advice? NoFap makes a difference? Eat your onions? What pseudoscience bullshit that gets posted here is actually backed by research to where your scenario is true? PL makes you a bloatloard and isolations make you aesthetic. Simple to understand and conflicting info depending on what a person's goals are.
>how about some actual credentials then...such as a degree, proof user is a coach/trainer,
Neither of those things mean shit though, retard.
>picture of someone they coach
How does their own body not apply, pebblehead?
>is two separate words
Have education
Based and wrestlepilled
>only those with a degree or education 'know what they're talking about'
This was true for like 5 minutes until it became co-opted into the defacto Jow Forums shitpost of the week.
Bend over bitch
acquire accreditation
Have dips
Procure coition
'have sex' is just the new 'who hurt you'.
'Incel' is just the new 'virgin'
Either are said by people without an argument, just dab on them.
Get tested
Female version of this is
>Try to not suck dick on your way to the parking lot.