>be me
>watch anime enough to understand it without being a total sperg
>use Jow Forums because I saw something about it on reddit
>browse r9k with roasties I met on tinder to laugh at all the perma virgins complaining about their shitty behavior without having the self awareness to change it
>fuck said roasties
>go to college and get A's and B's
>my family is proud of me
I love this board because you're all so pathetic.
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm honored to be in your presence chad
You may lick my boots now
how can they complain about their own behavior if they're not self-aware? wouldn't they fail to notice?
They may undertstand that they have bad hygiene for instance but they never try to change that
this has nothing to do with self-awareness and is up to inability. you might find that funny, but you should realize that you're making fun of sick, depressed people, not of evil fools.
Nice larp. Here's your obligatory (You) and
>he thinks I'm larping
What was the latest animu you saw, Chad-kun?
Hellsing OVA
Yeah, you're alright Chad. A festival of violence and gore, grand speeches and shakespeare quotes.
I saw Drifters recently, made by the same studio, it was very similiar, but there's more eps to come.
>Inability to wash your own ass
If you're incapable of basic bodily maintenence you shouldn't get laid, ever.
>bro just take a shower lmao
I hate normies so much. Fuck off
Actual chads dont come here and brag. nice Reddit post tho you fucking nigger loving kike retard, Obama didnt have a birth certificate, Trump is a Russian spy, everything before 1970 was made up, and Oprah has aborted children injected into her face to stay young post this in your screen grab you fucking upvote whore
why do u have so many pics of that girl drinking tea what the fuck
>be you
>actually not a chad
The most fedora core edgy garbage ever written possibly only outdone by the Castlevania Netflix show
Its two different girls
Sorry user, but it's not the same girl, I do have a folder for tea though. I like tea.
clinical psychologist here that washes his penis on a regular basis.
OP is suffering from a mental condition known as the Imposter Heinschelberg syndrom, it is a condition where the subject implants memories where none exist to cope with an inability to construct a real identity for himself. As he is presented by this impass he emulates popular internet character memes such as "chad" for this matter
Also it is quite possible that these responses:
are in fact OP himself self responding to his own posts as he creates another character that recognizes his identity as a self validation method
You sound more like a Brad
Cope virgin, cope.
accept yourself, its the only way out user. godspeed
>be me
stopped reading, gtfo failed normie fag
The more obvious the bait, the more replies.
I live in your basement user