Robots, how long did it take you to get your NEETbux?

Robots, how long did it take you to get your NEETbux?

I applied for disability 3 weeks ago and I haven't even gotten a call yet.

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You will likely not even get it on your first attempt, and at that it takes a while even.
I wanna say I remember waiting over a month or so to get mine, but it's been long enough that I can't even remember.
t. a burger on ssi

It took me about a year. The good news is that when you finally get it they will backpay you from the point of time you applied. Should be a nice chunk of change.

that's a very nice view right there

I've been building mine up for many years now.

>have to go to an appeal because they want to take my bux
what do

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Govt neetbux is always a stressful thing, user. I wish you the best on it. But if they are angling toward cutting expenses, it may not matter what you say, so take it all with a grain of salt

How many attempts did it take you?

That's good, but I need a moderate amount of money relatively soon, not a lot of money later.


How much would you say you have?

Convince them you're retarded.

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>How much would you say you have?
I'm now up to a few thousand a month, but while I'm still working, I want to boost it up even more. Then I can go NEET properly without worrying about money. The goal is to last for a few years at least.

>I'm now up to a few thousand a month

That would be a dream for me. I've been a NEET pretty much my whole life and I've never had more than 2k dollars at any given time. I only just recently tried for this disability thing.

I did some research on the disability payments in my state and it said they only give out around 700 dollars per month, but my mother works for a physical therapy office and one of her patients told her she only makes 500 a month.

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You get paid several thousand a month or you are saving it from your payments? If you have too much in your account they will slash your benefits. You have to keep it as cash.

>tfw know a guy who is legit disabled but cant get disability and has been trying for years
>tfw know another guy who is completely healthy but gets a ton of disability without waiting very long
you gotta find a corrupt doctor

actually wait i know two healthy guys who get disability. fuck... i need to get in on the gravy train too.

A couple weeks. For some reason my doctor insisted I take it and I was glad she did. Helped me through the process, now don't have any worries, get money and therapy is going swell. I thought you have to go to job interviews like twice a week or something, but don't have to do any of that.

Yep, this is my dream too, to be able to live NEET life permanently.

I'm getting paid this, but note that this is not a govt-based program. It's all investment bux.

I actually am disabled. It's nothing serious. I'm not going to die in the next few years and I can walk and sit for extended periods, but because of my disability, I'll never have a normal life. It's hard to explain.

>A couple weeks.

That's pretty quick. I'd say you're lucky. My doctor is on board with this, but I was the one who brought it up. He told me he would just put in my notes that I'm disabled, so that if they contact him, he'll tell them what's up.

>Yep, this is my dream too, to be able to live NEET life permanently.

To tell you the truth, I would actually prefer to work, but after almost a hundred applications, both paper and online, disappointment after disappointment, calling this employer and that employer, trying Indeed and different job fairs, only to get shot down, I've just had enough. I don't handle rejection well. So if I get rejected for disability, I'm really screwed.

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Just hang yourself already you tranny piece of shit

well this girl looks familiar, who is she?

most people will never get the max of $750 a month
since you live with mummy you'll be lucky to get 300 or 500

>It's hard to explain
>having a meme mental disorder

Took 2 weeks. My old special ed teacher claims that's absurdly fast.

on the social security site you can check the progress. Pretty sure it's not processed yet though.

I thought about hanging myself back in 2014, but when I went to my grandmother's funeral and saw how devastated everyone was for someone that was already far along in life to die so tragically (she died in a car accident after beating cancer for the second time) it really put my life into perspective. I could never intentionally cause pain like that, at least not to my nephew, who basically worships me. By the way, I never claimed I was the girl in these photos, so I don't know where this tranny nonsense is coming from. I'll even tell you who she is so you can have a nice ol' fap if you want to.

Speaking of....her name is Nookums/Horseface. I made a thread about her on Infinity Chan's /s/ board if you want to go check it out. It's her whole collection of pics and a few videos.

That would be fine. Anything is better than nothing. I was only making 300 at the last job I had, since it was part time.

Okay well, I can try and explain it. I have Tourette's Syndrome, but not the kind where you scream curse words. I have all these physical tics that I do, like jolt my legs and my hands. It used to be way worse when I was younger and had no treatment. I would have tics so violent and painful that I couldn't get into a rested stay long enough to sleep. I actually have a lump of scar tissue on the back of my right ear from forcibly slamming my shoulder into it so many times. I've broken lots of keyboards and headphones over the years.

Probably the worst tic I have, the one that makes my life harder, is this one where I force my eyes closed and keep them closed for about 5-6 seconds. I'm too afraid of ever trying to learn to drive because of that one, which is why I feel like I'll never have a normal life. I can't drive to work or to a friend's house or to the store to get groceries, etc. There's always Uber, which I have used, but it's very expensive and unreliable.

Not really sure how that registers as a meme disorder.

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Who the fuck is this pls gib sauce

What did you take special ed for? For me, it was Math. I would always get so damn frustrated trying to figure out. Man, I loved that class. Our teacher let us use the computers if we finished our work early. I remember spending all day playing flash games on Ebaum's World.

Yeah, I tried that. You can make an account and track the progress, but for some reason, it said "you are unable to create an account with this social security number". I called and asked about that and they said, often that will happen in a case of fraud, but I've gotten no word about any fraud, so I think they just made a mistake. I've never given anyone my SSN so yeah.

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I would post a link to the thread I made here, but Infinity Chan's actual site link is banned on this site. You'll just have to find it on your own. There might be an Imgur album or something on Imagefap though.

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can't act and can't get a job if i wanted

how old are you user?
pretty sure you can't have more than 2k in the bank or more than 2 vehicles

>you gotta find a corrupt doctor
how? every doctor i went to said
>be urself firm handshake and said don't come back if i don't want ssris

I feel you.

Huh. That's weird. I saw this thing that said the disability office is "going green" so they don't send checks anymore, it's all direct deposit and they call you to know your bank account before they first pay you.

So how do they expect someone who has no income to open a bank account, to accept their payments? I opened a savings account when I was working and they told me I needed at least a 300 initial deposit to even open an account.

So that's of those situations where it'd be like, you need an account to get money but you need money to get an account. Catch 22, you know?

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they send it to you on a debit card