How do I deal with being a living meme? I'm a literal el goblino shitskin...

How do I deal with being a living meme? I'm a literal el goblino shitskin, which means I'll be made fun of for the rest of my life and will be the butt of every joke and meme on the internet because I'm a walking le 56% face Amerimutt stereotype. I even find the memes funny, but by laughing at them, I'm pretty much laughing at myself too. I'm not even hideously ugly, but I know I could've been so much more attractive if my retarded parents didn't decide to racemix. Even ignoring the fact that I'm a living meme, I'm still objectively a 3/10 shitskin and that lowers my dating pool a lot (except maybe for leftists with low standards) because no one wants to date a mutt. Should I kill myself?

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stop associating with loser internet racists and live your life

Yeah nah. None of that is right. Go outside and grow up. No one actually gives a shit outside of Jow Forums

Fellow goblin here I have the confidence of a 10 I’m probably close to the 7ish range. I’ve been avg looking I’m sure if I worked out I could make it to a solid 7.5 or 8 but I’m still not that y’all. That being said I’ve fucked girls of all shapes and sizes. So just work with what ya go I guess idk

I just do not care.

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show boipucci

No problem,you are only the average man on america.

Good for you? I have to live with being a fuck ugly goblino that everyone secretly makes fun of.
