if you aren't a social outcast stop coming here
If you aren't a social outcast stop coming here
You newfags are the most annoying
you know im not. but you need bodies to experiment on. i have no jurisdiction over yours, my needs are non-existant here.
those newfags are federal employees, broheim.
who cares how long someones been here they should only be here if they are an actual robot with no friends irl
then stop coming here go talk to your friends
I wish
There's no barrier to entry, there's no way of finding out who's who it's just that the weak stomached can't stand it
Identifying as a social outcast is just being an unproductive normie.
>i wish
federal contractors then. lmfao
I go on bad website where scary men dwell
I no like opinions on screen so I leave
need strong stomach to fit in with big boys
I have friends but im not really friends with them
Ex : if they're given the opportunity between me and another mutual friend , they'd choose them instead
So ... ?
>fit in
the sole purpose of Jow Forums is to avoid tribalism
and it just so happens that spergs are the only people who can live without said tribalism hence why they should be the only ones allowed
your a normalfag go talk to them youll enjoy it
Jow Forums is literally Tribalism Simulator 2k**
Thnx user , you dunno how bein called a normalfag makes me feel
I'm not talking about opinions, I'm talking about the real disgusting stuff, like the cat being killed in a tumble dryer gif that keeps appearing
Whining about wanting this board to be your safe space will get you nothing
>that person who hates and is extremely biased about Jow Forums but posts here anyway
seriously though never forger you're trash
t. CIA
this place is too good for funding
>am I accepted in muh speshal group yet?
the point is to avoid even forming groups in the first place which is why you are anonymous normalfags cant handle a lack of tribalism so they head to sites like facebook twitter and irl interaction, aspies are meant for Jow Forums normies are meant for irl interaction. there is no group the group identity of robots is to not have one
If all you tards took all this rage and effort and put it into getting a job then you would be way better off rather than internet warrioring it up
I am more of a social outcast than a social outcast you nigger
I do have a job actually and am in university. people with autism arent retards I myself have a tested iq of 144
elaborate. I myself avoid people and only associate with a favorite person however i do not currently have one
>Stop coming here if you're not a social outcast
What if you have few friends purely based on the fact your personality, your actions, your style, your entire fucking life is an exhausting facade that makes you feel most alone because while people see you, they don't see YOU, which leads to the most crippling isolation of all?