Actors always talk about diet and routine, but how many of them actually do steroids?

Actors always talk about diet and routine, but how many of them actually do steroids?

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Nearly every single one

all LOL you have to be delusional to see the type of gains they do in 1 year its a given like bodybuilders competing at the highest lv if this is news to you dont breed


It's their job to look good. They have access to the doctors that would prescribe them whatever cocktail they need including HGH and the money to afford it.

Look at The Rock, you think he's natty? Come on man. You're smarter than this.

It's just sad that this shit has to be pushed to the shadows. Gear should be available to any guy who wants it and can afford it.

This but only because you idiots will sterilize yourself

>Gear should be available to any guy who wants it and can afford it.
So why isn't it?

Because governing bodies deem the general public too dimwitted to use them without proper guidance.

>implying theyre not

And to add to that, Hollywood is notorious for all sorts of drug use. Why the fuck wouldn't they take steroids for roles where there being a hunk is key to their role?

To imagine actors that need to appear as shirtless hunks wouldn't roid requires all sorts of mental gymnastics:

1. Actors show up for a role looking jacked (basically no one besides the Rock or Terry Crews). OR directors have a magic test to tell if someone is genetically gifted (lol). If they aren't jacked to begin with and directors don't have a magic test, how the fuck can directors be so certain the actors will be in excellent shape in 12 weeks when it's time to shoot? Do directors really risk casting lead actors may look mediocre once the shoot rolls around?
2. A personal trainer and nutritionist alone, telling you what to do and handing you what to eat, will result in insane megagains in 8-12 weeks. Lol yeah right. The PT is there to hand over roids and tattle if the actor doesn't do his workouts or half asses them. The nutritionist makes complying with a diet easy.
3. Somehow Hollywood actors are going to refuse taking a cycle of steroids and their entire movie career because...? "Their health"? Because they're totally not drinking and smoking and popping pills otherwise or doing other dangerous shit while partying? Mhm

It's mostly a massive normie cope because normies REALLY want to believe they can obtain these physiques with jussst a little more effort- else, why are they lifting?

>grown man wants to take anabolics to get bigger and stronger
>"No you can't have those they are dangerous!"
>12 year old girl who thinks she's a boy wants to take anabolics to get bigger and stronger
>"Here's your steroids, sir."

d-do the people in /cbt/ use steroids?

Hmm, except literally not only America. The majority of Western, developed countries list anabolic steroids as controlled substances but allow voluntary sex changes.

all of them, but i doubt on momoa

They all have connections to have personal doctors that will monitor their cycles. My question is why was Ben Affleck's doxtor ao careless and gave him gyno

Honk honk

Ladies and gentlemen, this just in: All male nipples that are not being sucked underneath the skin surrounding them are gyno growths.

Your entire post and your conclusion do not relate.

can't even get medication with codeine in it anymore because of dumb fucks. no sane politician is ever going to propose legalising steroids this century

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You're not helping on the reason why it's not legal.

Why not have them use it as a prescription when required?

some for sure, others maybe not. really depends when you browse it, but you shouldn't be browsing /cbt/ to begin with. it's just a huge circlejerk and the new natties just get laughed at

Very true, there's only one solution

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Netting you million dollar acting gigs is a legitimate reason for doing steroids

The user was saying it should be made available to anyone who can afford it. That means dumb people who don't need it.

The power of Ashkenazi genetics

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just your regula jew, cheating

May as well make meth legal, since it lets people focus more.

>nipples fully two inches below pec
that poor fuck

yeah that drives me crazy. Im ronny coleman trapped in the body of 5'10 180 pound dude, I should get to blast and cruse if they can take hormones also

yeah i was thinking that too he could afford some surgery tho if he really wanted

All of them, any slightly built celebrity is on the gear. The fact that marky mark had to roid to get his physique is laughable as well considering he’s a manlet.

ITT: coping DYELs with zero proof besdies "muh dwayne and arnold"

actually I don't know how roids really work. Actors sometimes just have like 3 months to get in shape.Is it like they come the first day to their personal trainer and he says "take this for the next 10 weeks" handing them the roids? Are they comeing off gear when finished shooting? Do they cycle just for preparation?
As I said I actually don't know how roiding in general works, but how would I have to imagine this?

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Mamy celebritity personal trainers say dumb shit like "they work out twice a day 6 days a week and eat really clean" when its just roids

>making something legal means everyone is required to use it
how retarded are you? do you think that people don't have the agency to preform cost/benefit analysis?

99,9% to 100% of them.

But what happens after they're done shooting? Are they just going back to normal? Just roiding for a few weeks and then that's it?

A lot of them shrink down to their old size. Orlando Bloom is just one example.

>how many of them actually do steroids
All of them.

Yet, alcohol is legal and weed is becoming legal too.

And yet trannies get it no problem.

Look at Chris Evans now. He shrank like my dick on MDMA.

I think they run a low dose combined with regular training and a good diet.

So its not just pure roiding.

Chris Evans shrunk down after the first Captain America movie and never went back up. Dunno why people think he got small now all of a sudden.

damnnnn that dude went fully skeletor

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Man, you talk like a fucking normie
It's never PURE ROIDING. You can't grow if you don't eat.

But who gives a shit? The point isn't that it's NoT pUrE rOiDiNg, the point is that they achieve results in a short amount of time that they couldn't have achieved if it weren't for roids.
Then they go on men's health magazine and talk about how hard and dedicated muh training was. But without their secret ingredient it wouldn't have done shit

Plenty of dudes just take a huge amount of roids and then work out regularly and eat like shit.

That is what im contrasting to.

And they're not gonna grow as well.
But what's the point of what you're saying? Why is this turning into "yeah but they're more efficient roiders" than others?

Why do you feel the need to defend that sort of behavior? The issue is lying about / never mentioning steroid use. That gives a completely false perspective.
Normies compare themselves to these dumb superhero actors. I bet there are a lot of people who put in just as much work and dedication, but since they're not achieving the same results as their idols they're asking themselves what they've been doing wrong.

>do you think that people don't have the agency to preform cost/benefit analysis?
Yes absolutely, most people are retarded. Including you for asking this.

I'm saying they roid better than others.

Im not defending or attacking them, if people want to roid its their choice. I wouldnt do it for health reasons, but i can see the appeal.

Of course normies compare to it, i do actually think thats a problem. For all we hear about unrealistic female body images, men just have no chance.

Why does he face look more masculine and chiseled on the left?

The same reason that prostitution is illegal for the masses but porn is everywhere online.

The elite want these pleasures for themselves and they want a society of weak s0 yboys addicting to carbs and porn.

Neck pill

Yea that's nasty. Surgery is well within his budget though

>faggots who think a single blast and cruise with their basic bitch lifting program will make the look like the rock in eight weeks
even on a full retard blast and cruise with weekly check ups with a doctor who has your back, you still need to lift twice a day, eat like a fucking hobbit and sleep 9 hours a night and you *might* get to where the rock is at in six months

This. Something like 3% of uk males use steroids at a given time. Consider that it's probably only half of men who regularly lift and lets say half again who are within the age range. It makes it about 12% of the guys you see lifting.

Hollywood actors easily look better than just the top 12%. So test is just baseline for actors, the bigger ones will be on dbol, tren, hgh, the works.

I mean i do cycles once in a while and never look like wahlberg.

the rock is one of the only people in the industry who probably doesnt do steroids, you nigger

the guy was fucking massive before he started lifting, everyone in his family is fucking built in the exact same way, and he never just suddenly put on 15lbs of lean mass over 3 months like wahlberg and bale do on a frequent basis

You actually think the Rock is natty.

motherfucker, the rock is on AT LEAST test replacement at his age

Gaining your muscles back is easier than starting from 0.
Most of those transformation look impressive, but most of the time, the actor was already somewhat athletic before. Not all of them do roids and Jow Forums is full of jelly dyel skinnyfats.

lmao at the fucking retards not realising that skinny steve is cgi. they use a manlet body double and cgi chris evans' face onto it.

Lmao you’re fucking retarded and probably a small as shit

his dad was just as big as him in the early 1960s, and dbol didn't see any significant usage until the 70's.
also, the rock was fucking JACKED at 15 and he didn't even start lifting until 16, dude just has crazy genetics

>cruising TRT for maintenance in old age

>you *might* get to where the rock is at in six months

You're fucking delusional if you think you can look like the rock in six months, no matter what you do.

Because they found out baseball players use it so they made it illegal because it was ruining the sport
I shit you not

Welcome to Jow Forums!
Take roids!

>the rock is one of the only people in the industry who probably doesnt do steroids

HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA I'm dying, please stop cracking these hilarious jokes

>and he never just suddenly put on 15lbs of lean mass

Yes he did, dumbass fanboy. Before shooting "pain and gain" he completely blew up. He had been looking the same for probably 10+ years. And suddenly he got huge

Alcohol and weed also wont shut down your hormone production and give you liver cancer almost immediately. Alchohol might kill you if you drink too much but steroids will literally give you cancer in no time if you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re doing

How many months of SS + GOMAD?

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LOL does it even exist in Hollywood aha

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Fucking hell, I've never thought about it like that.

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They do. It’s percribed to people who have ADHD and they’re given a very small controlled dose and they won’t give it to people without ADHD because they don’t need it.
Are you being stupid on purpose?

So making that kind of progress isn't realistic in one year?

>jacked at 15
No he wasn’t lmao
Confirmed for being small


All natural baby, the fact that no one looked like this before steroids were invented is just a coincidence

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The Rock is natty, bro
He works out like 14 times and week and have you SEEN how much he eats, bro? And he was jacked even when he was 10 years old, bro. It's just good genetics, bro

can't be unseen. what the fuck.

1. Presume actors are natty
2. Consider the absurd implications of such a claim being true
3. Such implications are false
4. Therefore actors aren't natty


Nobody who actually visits a basket weaving forum honestly believes the Rock is natty

How long would it take to feasibly go from left to right without sterons if I ate religiously at a substantial cut (i.e. 500-1000 cal less than tdee per day) and did 1 hour minimum of cardio per day while following a beginner weightlifting routine, then when slightly below a good target bodyfat percentage, clean bulked while doing a good intermediate bodybuilding split with light cardio on rest days to keep my heart and lungs in shape? No cheat days, no drugs or tobacco or alcohol, just straight up sweat, jesus and iron every goddamn day.

>Is it like they come the first day to their personal trainer and he says "take this for the next 10 weeks" handing them the roids?

Basically. They'll have something opaque in the contract that the actor must "adhere to the training protocol and daily intake schedule of Mr. Sam Bigguy" or something like that.

>Are they comeing off gear when finished shooting?
Almost certainly

>Do they cycle just for preparation?
They probably stay on during, or at least until they get key muscle shots out of the way. But besides insanely jacked actors most are just on for the film.

>at a substantial cut
It would never happen

You wouldn't cut then bulk then do another slight cut? Are you insinuating that the way to escape fatdad mode is to become an absolute bloatlord first?

You have to bulk before you cut
At Walhbergs height, like 2 years maybe if you permabulk the first year

Are you retartet or just trolling?

You would cut and then presumably do many bulks and cuts for 5-6 years of dedicated and intelligent lifting to achieve his physique

Well if that’s the case then you’d have to cut down first, but you still wouldn’t be Mark big, you’d be lean but by regular standards you would be small

Start lifting on a cut, depending on you body fat % it could take even a year. But once you reach 10% bf, start bulking up to 15% and then cut back again.
In two years it can be done as a natty*

*if you take diet and lifting seriously

of course not

Clown world

can in claim to identify as a female that wants to transition to a man?

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I'm ok with that, let the evolution theory take care of them
We're constantly trying to protect people from their own stupidity and to create safe space for everyone, but all we did was create a world full of degenerates and pussies that are offended when someone doesn't call them by their made-up gender pronoun

he looks gay

Holy shit user you are one naive motherfucker lmao


you should do that. one way to stop spreading this one-sided pc degeneracy is to exploit the shit out of it.
every time there is a benefit from being a female or some xyz gender, i claim i'm exactly that.
also, if there is third gender toilet available, i always use it. toilets should be unisex


My favorite celebrity /fraud/ story is by Edward Norton in AHX. He claims he just got huge by eating a lot of red meat and doing heavy compound lifts

Yeah, first thing I say.... does that mean he has like heavy hangers ?? like this ones....

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>give you liver cancer
It's the pills that do that right?