>Mewing doesn't wo-
Mewing doesn't wo-
he just grew up you dumb nigger. please fucking kill yourselves already.
You're right. It doesn't work.
>prepubescent boy vs. postpubescent boy
Did you also know you can add a good 5-10 inches to your height simply by being 12 and waiting until you're 18?
Losing weight is the only thing that worked for me
>tfw already 18
Pics from the gay bar last night buddy? You shouldnt have.
he grew older you fuckin autismo
also where's the part where mewing magically caused his brow line to extend like a fucking neanderthal
imagine meeting a friend at a bar and he's wearing a neckerchief
We were actually at a club so it was slightly more acceptable but yes still a bit over the top
You're posting a child going through puberty
>His appearance changed!!!
didn’t know mewing changes the structure of your ear cartilage too
>mfw I was 18
>realizing this was more than 13 years ago
yeah bro, your maxilla and brow are totally independent from each other. Like, one growing foward doesn't make the other one also grow foward at all
lol he cute
how do I get obliques like this?
weighted Russian twists
>OP isn't a f-
>tfw just learn about mewing
Where the fuck do you guys normally put your tongue? I always put it at the top of my mouth because it was by far the most comfortable position. Now I've learned this is apparently some sort of incel meme.
If I relax and let gravity pull my tongue back into my throat I feel like I'm going to suffocate.
>tfw developed maxilla
I cant even argue with the memescience
This is all cope. There are mouthbreathers with absolute iron lantern jaws and forward growth. It's all genetics and recombination, just have better looking parents lol @ you all
lol @ all the mewing before and after pics being some kid just going through puberty. Lower your body fat and have good posture. Your jaw line is genetic.
Aren't those hell on your back?
The fuck is meowing
this mewing shit has to be some planned bait by the Clintons its so fucking dumb
This, 90% of people I see, in fact probably more have normal tongue posture, I've seen maybe 10 people in 3 years of retail who don't have good tongue posture and that look like a meme that could benefit from mewing.
>yeah bro pic related is just your genetics you just have the dysfunctional ugly jaw allel that you ancestors gave to you posture doesn't affect your body at all you are made out of granite and DNA is the mason
You can clearly see the forward growth that was achieved through better posture. What is the timeframe, 14 to 18? When I look at pictures of myself I was already recessed back at the time and puberty didn't change that at all. Testosterone doesn't change your bone, growth does which primarily gets triggered by HGH. You grew before puberty the most considering you were a little baby. Tongue posture presses against your entire facial structure and obviously influences that growth.
This isn't a meme exercise you do that changes your face in a few a weeks just as having a straight back isn't just a meme. How can you think that your phenotype is immune to external forces and just is a result of your genes?
That picture is the effect of mouthbreathing
Also "mewing" isn't anything new, most people do this naturally, only truly autistic people have to force their tongues into a natural position
mewing makes the maxilla move forward which actually makes the brow ridge more prominent
putting the back third of the tongue is new, and thats what makes mewing work, and most people dont have the back third up unless they consciously do it
I mewed like a madman, I even supermewed, from 19 to 23. I'm over 24 now and my bones are fucking incredible, I got solid cheekbones, hollow cheeks, a perfect gonial angle, an ante face and a strong chin with a nice sized philtrum. Fucking hell, I literally went from incel to male model. Girls who knew me back then just don't recognize me, I've sexed so many girls since last year it's unreal. God bless Mike Mew.
Of course it works
post face
What are you on about? I am familiar with the "mewing" concept. Guess where your tongue is when you breath with your mouth.
I don't think it is autism related and I see more and more people with this phenotype.
It is an increasing modern problem. I was selfconscious enough to not breathe through my mouth but my tongue was never trained to fill the mouth and just was positioned relaxed at the bottom.
Yes it isn't new to have normal posture. Having bad posture is a modern phenomenon just as malloclusion and ugly recessed faces.
How do I know where the "back third" ends?
The complete tongue would stop me from breathing. Also the back would touch the soft part back in the mouth and not the bone of the maxilla where I assume it has the most effect.
I literally don't give a shit, last time I posted my progress pics you assholes called me a sandnigger
just fuck off.
>being this fragile
You make wild claims and then post this excuse. You think Chad, Chang and Abdul would care what someone on the internat calls them?
>I literally don't give a shit
If it was true, you wouldn't write this post.
Post face, I don't care about sandniggers.
lmao you're fucking ugly dude
Gonna need some proofs
my argument was mostly only mouthbreathers have tongue placement problems, therefore if you're not a mouthbreather, it's most likely a waste of time
also, you just admitted to consciously keeping your mouth closed, which means you were a mouthbreather just forcing your mouth shut =p
my whole point was that 90% of people don't need "mewing"
Post body
>p-p-post body
Ugly, end of story. Deal with it.
>that DYEL's pain
Nothing personal, kid, hehe
sorry for the ride bros, I was just making shit up
never mewed or anything.
For what purpose?
Kek enough with this broscience
Where's your body, chinlet?
How is "mewing", correct tongue posture a waste of time. Do you know actively not mew because having the tongue in the right place wastes your time?
Anti-mewers are the dumbest race. And I’m someone who is well aware of the limitations of this past the age of 18.
Every brainlet keeps saying, “muh puberty caused bigger jaw! It’s 100% genetics! I’m a dick sucking retard!”
Alright so here’s an interesting case. Here’s an otherwise very normal looking little boy. His parents got him a pet hamster around the time of puberty. Turns out he was allergic to the damn thing. This caused him to basically be a mouth breather during this period. Now he looks like a deformed incel. So for all you big brained bois out there. Explain to me how this guy had a better jaw line as a child, and looks worse as an adult. If you think that’s 100% genetics, you’re dumb. Your body responds to environmental factors during growth and best responds to him. What you’re seeing is a face that is optimized for mouth breathing because that’s what he did during development
If mewing doesn't work, explain how Stephen Hawking became a meltcel if not due to his shit oral posture.
He looks the same just fatter you dumb fuck. That's why he has folds and creases in his face. I used to be fat, which forced me to mouthbreathe alot during puberty yet I have a side profile and forward growth that would emasculate your entire existence you copecel retard
>Do this
>Only gain 3 inches
His bodyfat might be a bit higher. But if is jaw were normal you would still see definition, his practically melts into his neck. I have visible abs but my face looks super chubby because my jaw is little and I have flat cheekbones.
Sadly there is no side profile in the before pic but if you would have paid a little more attention to the picture and would less try to just be in the right you would see how his nose looks bigger and his chin is further back. But no you just want to be right blab around instead of taking a closer look in pursuit of truth.
His nose looks bigger because its still growing. I used to have a button nose as a kid, now i just have a straight nose. His chin is not further back either it's just being swallowed by his shitty low hyoid, and overshadowed by his recently developed middle and upper third.
>Inferring universal truths from alleged stories
So his hyoid just dropped down for no reason at all and his nose and "middle and upper third" grew independently from the rest?
Or maybe his jaw didn't grow forward but downward as gravity pulls it because there is no tongue muscle correctly shaping the growth direction.
Everybody has little nose as a kid and you can have a big nose and still good forward growth. But if it is bumpy and dominates the face so that you look like a rodent in profile your face didn't grew right.
I mean look at him and how little his jaw is. Do you think that is how you are supposed to look like? Can you imagine some (non neanderthal) cavemen who has, and his ancestors, developed to chew massive amounts of fiber and later hard meat looking like that? Why do we have wisdom teeth? Why are all historic skull found from all time ages exept the recent 200 years almost all have a perfect jaw angle?
Why do you see no tribes people with extremely little jaws and crowded teeth?
Even the shitskins have all good jaws. But their little shitskin descendants often have the same recessed faces as withes.
It is because it is tied to the modern western lifestyle of staying in all day developing allergies and mouthbreathing and extremely soft diets.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding
Is "mewing" not just (purposely) putting your tongue in the proper position?
Therefore if someone already does it subconsciously, it's not "mewing"
Who cares? Point is you should have always have good posture.
It doesn't.
that's why there are people with recessed mid faces and people with recessed lower faces.
Go get braces you fucking idiot. You have a severe underbite and braces can help correct that.
Braces? Rather jaw surgery.
Pic isn't me anyways
I've been meditating for almost 2 months now, I inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth. Is that good? Or is that the same as mouth breathing
No he ain't. Post your face then.
If you only exhale trough your mouth DURING meditation, and even then you don't need to exhale all the time trough mouth, you'll be alright.
wow, mewing also fix height?
Cool, don't mew then. See if I care
>If you only exhale trough your mouth DURING meditation
Like frequently or all the time during the session?
How did you get hollow cheeks
It's literally just how humans work. NEETs get shit posture and breathe like retards, and mouth breathing has been known to fuck with the development of the skull, giving you that incel look.
Whether you can revert it is questionable, but you definitely should avoid mouth breathing in puberty.
If I already have a Chad jawline will mewing make it even better? I want to go thanos mode.
>Braces: Braces use a two-stage process and are still the most common treatment for overbites. In stage one, metal brackets are fastened to the patient’s teeth and then connected with a metal wire to straighten and align teeth.Once your teeth are straight, your orthodontist will focus on fixing your overbite. In stage two, rubber bands, coils and springs are added to the braces to slowly shift your jawline into place. The entire treatment can range from six months to two years.
You can force your jaw forwards through braces.
check em
>mouth breathing
I'm not / were not mouthbreather and I have weak jaw
>Wearing a sleeveless hoody to a bar
>Wearing a sleeveless hoody at all
Weak browed gay alien skull detected
Lol you guys look like absolute homos, shave that fuckig thing in your face
Okay brainlet here goes.
Mouth breathe equals=shitty tongue posture no matter what
You, a normal breather=/=good tongue posture
U understand or no???
He developed a Gay Alien skull.
Is this the power of mewing?
I never see a mewer posting progress with timestamp
or, you know, aging from a literal prepubescent child into a slightly older post-puberty adolescent.
>anti-mewers reeeee!
>posts yet another "example" of a literal child going through puberty
post an adult male who is verified as "mewing" his way into a better jaw without surgery you complete fucking retard. you can't.