Is it true that dark chocolate is good for your diet?
Is it true that dark chocolate is good for your diet?
my one regret with the black chick i was seeing for a minute, i never ate her ass, but i was just never sure if she was freshly showered or not when she came over. it's harder to tell with black girls vs white girls, since blacks have a natural "smell" to them and nappy hair is also different.
fuck no
>i never ate her ass
Who is she
Mrs. Big toilet
Supposedly it boosts your test.
even that chick looks unshowered.
Fucked spanish, haitian, italian, french, american white, american black, nigerian, korean, dominican and none of them had a distinct smell to them. The things you hear on fit sometimes.
Cocoa is what you want from chocolate. Theobromine mostly is a nice stimulants and good for the heart in moderate dose.
Not him, but every race has a distinct smell to me as well. I'm white, though, are you?
If you eat ass, you'll get what's coming to you.
This is autism
Don't have the statistics but just by not fucking dudes or using used syringes you can eliminate most of your HIV risk.
Don't fuck blacks or sex workers and you'll cut it down really low.
Don't fuck Hispanic chicks either and you've eliminated virtually all of your risk.
Remember, HIV is biggest in gay and black communities.
hahaha yeah, i know you didn't have sex with any of them
dumb Jow Forumstard, stop shilling stats you didn't read correctly
hell yeah. i can smell non whites from a mile away, but not all of it is off putting or gross (indian is though, for sure)
whites smell like sour milk and cheese
it's not offensive when you know it just isn't true, lmfao. i remember a night at the bars once where one room had all blacks and one had all whites. guess which one smelled :^)
definitely do, i cant really tell for whites but asians, mexicans and blacks definitely have their own smell
the one with the whites I bet
Its harder to wash a fat ass
Shut up wet chicken
This is just common knowledge, man. Have you ever donated blood? They don't let gays donate because it's so well known they're way more at risk for STDs/diseases.
Minorities are slightly less so, but still higher risk than Causasians. The federal stats on diseases are pretty clear. They'll straight up list ethnicities paired with percentages. Unless you've got some mental gymnastic social apology about why the numbers are warped, there's no getting around the fact that some groups are more likely to have diseases.
Truly retarded. Fucking a black girl from the Mississippi delta isn't the same as fucking a black girl from OC.
Just use common sense.
they should at least smell like coco butter unless you a fucking ashy hoes lmao
>t.never been intimate with a woman
No, I didn't mean it was offputting, I just meant that they are all distinct
>blacks have a natural "smell" to them
Oh you mean like a fucking gorilla exhibit at the zoo? that's the smell they have you fucking faggot. Don't try to sugar coat it.
Aids and HIV is not good for your general health.
But atleast you will be shredded.
t. incel
>didn't eat her ass because of nappy hair
i wouldn't eat a girl with a hairy asshole either way. that sounds fucking disgusting.
Eating ass is disgusting and degenerate in any shape or form.
>75% of new AIDS cases are between homosexual males
>most of the new AIDS cases in women are because of transmission from "bisexual" closeted homosexual males
what's to misread? don't be a fag, and stay away from women who interact with fags, and you'll cut your chance of getting AIDS by nearly 90%
based "butts are icky gross" virgin
her blackhole wasn't nappy, baka. just her head and pussy.
lol. shut up, virgin
Go back to Africa then :^)
You can call me virgin all you want, but its still fucking disgusting. The heebs must've done wonders on your brain.
Reminder that most posters shit talking white people are other white people.
t. black user
nigga, you never tongue fucked a girls asshole before fucking it right after she got out the shower?
>t. food poisoning moron from eating directly from a poop chute
Yes very good for your diet and proven to increase testosterone. Made some sweet love to my ebony queen last night
I've fucked a lot of different kinds of people. The smell thing is a meme. Race doesn't make someone smell different, lifestyle does. A chick that works fast food will smell like cooking grease. Koreans eat a lot of fermented cabbage and weird shit so their breath smells bad if they eat a lot of traditional foods. Outside of lifestyle stuff, some people do sweat more than others, but that can be anyone.
Nah. blacks have a smell. it's not that unusual to think about, they have special skin and hair.
just because it's a difference doesn't mean "OMG RACISM? NOPE NOT ME!!" chill dude, we're grown ups having a conversation about eating black ass, not planning the next fake holocaust
They don't have special anything, what is special about them? I've literally fucked over 45 females and 200 males.
based and redpilled
nappy hair for starters, as well as melatonin rich skin that tends to ash.
nice try incel virgin
Literally genetically stinky you fucking mongoloid.
inb4 lol dats racist
Eating ass kills gainz.
But that's retarded i've had white chicks that have had a perma musk that's not a bad or good smell.
I understand hating blacks but let's not pretend to be retarded.
Nappy hair isn't special, just different. Everyone can get ashy, you see it more on blacks because they are dark. Whites can be ashy af with skin flakes falling off, but you have to get close to notice, if the person is pale.
I'm banging a Brazilian chick. And yeah even showered she has some distinctive smell to her. I really don't know why, she literally eats the same meal I do.
What is it about black people that makes them all so repulsive?
Mainly their disgusting wirey hair and orcish/apeish facial features.
That chick is exceptionally ugly though.
>What is per capita
75% of black people look exactly like that lol no wonder they hate us whities
I would clean her with my tongue
I just wanted to learn about dark chocolate bros.
Sure bud
I got 99 black chicks and a bike not one
You've only been with farm animals, if that even
Maybe your sense of smell is not functioning. I smell everyones unique odors. As someone said before, this is not offensive. It doesnt mean people smell bad, theres just a unique smell to them and their homes and their clothes. Might be a blend of their environment. Might be a blend of their diets. But its interesting and noticeable to some people. Theres groups of people that can smell pretty identical and coincidentally theyre easy to categorize racially.
Getting real tired of discord trannies
Kek'd hard, this site has ruined me
It's the food, really. Or even the water/air quality, sometimes. And ofc smokers smell different.
Race might matter too, idk, but the shit people eat, you can def smell it.