How does Jow Forums feel about Pedophilia?

Do Alpha men get away with more in western society?

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Fuck he really did that

Jesus fucking christ,imagine being able to pull any kind of pussy any age you fucking want a fondling some 9-10 yo's fucking inexistant breasts.

can I get a quick rundown on who the fuck that is?

That's a big yikes

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She looks filippino or like a mutt, so it doesnt count. Theyre used up by everyone in their respective regions and nobody cares. Hell thats why tourism exists there.

I cannot fucking believe this happened

Dude pulled a Joe Biden itty bitty kiddy titty grab.

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Jason Momoa and his daughters

damn... that's legit a thing.. fuck

Is this fucking real?
Why am I not seeing more about this on the news?

So the other daughter has her shirt undone and she's holding his hand to her breast. Is he diddling them both?
Dude, there's a cop RIGHT THERE.

Is that the guy from game of thrones?

>death sentence is inhumane
I beg to differ

His expression is hilarious

what? Me? No, officer, I was trying to grab her hand!

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He was just nonchalantly caressing her, kind of like stroking her hair or massaging a shoulder with one hand.

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His face after getting caught is priceless

>You can see the guilty look in his eyes afterwards.
Damn, you just know his daughter is gonna fuck him up in the future, I can see it now.
"CNN/FOX-Jason Momoa rumored to have molested son and daughter."
"Survivng Jason Mamoa"

the kid on the left is a boy

>Survivng Jason Mamoa

imagine his giant ass dick inside that loli...

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yea, Khal Drogo

Mary married a 90 year old to give birth to jesus. Westerners never cared until feminists raised the age of consent, then the hippies showed that females would have sex before marriage. Before then no one cared. Now days it's a taboo due to us having short sighted minds and no real problems.

Normalfaggot harder. There are worse things. Far worse, and you ironically wish for them.

He reminds me of the guy that played in a few shows and movies, that guy from stargate atlantis, got, the merman movie or whatever it was, etc. He looks like him.

Then again, maybe the daughter saw that camera and tried to stop her dad/lover from being fucked by the media.

>"Hi, I'm Jason Momoa, and I like DFC."
>imagine this gigantic man molesting you

Attached: Jason_Momoa_Supercon_2014.jpg (779x1143, 223K)


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The one kid is literally named Lola Lolani

The one with an open shirt is a boy

This wasn't even a recent event

This was almost two fucking months ago

Why am I just seeing this now?

Then he's gay. Also,
>"Hi, I'm Jason Momoa and I like kiddy titties."
>"This is just my favorite place to place my hand."

Attached: Jason-Momoa-Zoe-Kravitz-Out-London-September-2016.jpg (1024x1024, 133K)

OP here, jews wanted to keep this secret, spread the word.

He's gonna go for the "I just like placing my hand there" defense, I guarantee it

Where'd you find this?

Had it saved for a while on my desktop and had to compress it a little bit to post it here.

Don't remember where I got it though.

ok I looked this up and now i don't think he's a pedo desu
I just watched the original vid

the footage in the gif you had is sped up a little to look like he was groping her

But it's pretty clear in the original vid he's not really doing anything wrong, and his daughter's reaction isn't actually that hostile, she is actually just turning to talk to him


I gotta say this is great bait though lmao

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It really is, hopefully it blows up.

No even in the full vid he has his hand on her chest for way to long. and it's clear hes feeling her up

post the asian pokken dude

his hand was on her chest for a long time, you are right. And the movement he does with his hand is creepy. Very weird.

but his other hand was also on his son's chest, and he clearly wasn't thinking about his daughter much throughout the vid, outside of knowing they were close to him. He was glancing away, talking to people and shit. And then, right before the groping part in the gif, him and his kids move a bit which causes him to grab them a bit more tightly. I honestly don't think he was considering wtf his hand was doing at the time. It looks like more of a protective, fatherly kinda gesture towards his young kids in the video imo.

that being said... his hand movement definitely is creepy...

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his look of panic gives it away he knew what he was doing

Is that the guy who played Aquaman?

I thought most girls want to be fucked by their Chad dads.

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redfilled and paste

>kiddy titties
please stop saying this

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haha imagine doing it to her vagina haha just a massage dariling dont get horny haha

There's nothing wrong with skinship between a father and his daughter

This is beautiful and pure and should be encouraged

He probably wasn't aware what he was doing lmao, he was probably paying attention and shit, and lmao what kind of a fucking retard would do that in a crowd like that.

Yes. Alpha and women get away with it.
That's how you know it's not that bad. If it was bad nobody would get away with it.
I would argue that Hebephilia isnt bad at all.

I'm not a great fan of his as an actor, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
If you're that rich and aesthetic, you can sleep with anyone you like, you don't have to molest kids.

>you don't have to molest kids.
yeah but what if he likes to molest kids

Pedos should probably be sentenced to death in all honesty.

To each their own, but he's got enough money to go overseas and buy kids, he doesn't need to finger fuck his daughter at a photoshoot.

You would be wrong about that. My dad and brothers are objectively attractive, but in sane normal people sexual thoughts in the same context as your family is deeply disgusting

So... are you deeply disgusting or do you not love your dad and brothers enough?

I love my father and brothers very much, and feel no sexual attraction towards them.

You are a good person, I hope you find someone to have sexual attraction towards.

i doubt it, pretty sure they would charge an underage boy for rape if a woman raped him

Rich guys, old guys, and chads are the biggest pedos and it's completely normalized and everyone turns a blind eye to it.

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We should just kill them all. There's no valid reason to keep them alive. If you disagree then you're just an incel butthurt pedo. But seriously if you're a pedo, just end your life.
K thanks ;)

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>let's just murder for thoughtcrimes hundreds of millions of people who could include my best friend, family members, etc.

Rude and uncalled for. Cunt.