>grew up poor and had a shitty child >work hard to get into a good college and good job >make just under $200k a year after taxes/401k/insurance/etc >bought a nice house, a Corvette, a motorcycle, top of the line PC and electronics >have friends and occasionally date girls >nothing really brings me joy >get a brief rush/joy buying something new, hanging with friends, or fucking a girl but it fades within minutes or hours >everything seems pointless. just killing time before death in one shape or another
>There's nothing I really want. And that's a good thing!
Chase Clark
fuck off Chad. I hope you die alone and miserable t.b.h.
Ryan Green
Get into hobbies dumbass, that's what rich people do.
Benjamin Gutierrez
Just pick a board and stick with it, start getting into the mindset of Jow Forums and start getting guns andshut, or go to like /v/ or /tg/ or something and get some games
Ian Allen
Buy a bunch of land, pay it all off, and do permaculture. That's what I would do if I had a zillion trillion dollars.
Brody Watson
What degree and job do you have?
Kevin Green
(OP) you've achieved your goals in life, your brain doesn't get enough stimulus anymore because it became so easy and secure, you've reached the end game
I suggest pursuing something other than luxuries of life, do something that you're bad at and try improving
Ian Barnes
we now have a nearly identical thread to this seemingly every 1-4 days on this board. do slightly well off people come here now to humblebrag or is it just one guy?? I don't fucking get it
Cooper Perry
Bachelor's in mechanical engineering and masters in business administration. I'm a investment advisor
Liam Cox
you already know the answer normie it's time for you to plan out your suicide trip
Jackson Peterson
>this faggot makes in 2 weeks what takes me 4 months
French Revolution 2.0 when?
Luis Young
You living in a HCOL city? Was kind of in a similar situation as you. I found cutting down to a select few friends/family and not doing any social media helped my mental state immensely. I also live a pretty minimalist lifestyle which helps me appreciate things more, find contentedness, and allows me to save a lot of money. Should be semi-retiring in my 30s at my current rate. Plan to pursue my own dreams after that. I don't date since most women would never go along with my lifestyle so I've got no pressure to impress anyone.
Jeremiah Stewart
If pleasing yourself doesn't work then maybe you're simply not a narcissistic asshole regardless of your earnings? Try helping others, not financially, and see if it makes you feel better.
Julian Stewart
Make a fund where you give 20k a year to NEETs. If you make 200k a year you could support 9 NEETs and still live fine. Do it mate. Charity will make you feel good.
Isaiah Flores
send me money you rich faggot. hope you are alone and miserable on Valentine's day and all days forever you humble brag nigger. fuck you whiny zoomer.
Levi Reed
what do you do for a living? this comment isn't original
Xavier Barnes
It was destined for you to turn out like that.
Read the manifesto from Ted Kaczinsky. It will explain a lot. While it may be that he is not right on everything he writes but it is certainly worth a read for people like you.
Austin Richardson
PayPal me at [email protected] and I'll send you a nice drawing of your choice =)